Friday May 17, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 4:45 am. I finished writing my blog and posted it. I got up and got ready for my day. I let the dogs out and made my bed. I was feeling really good. My mind was clear from writing out and processing all the events that had happened yesterday. I fed the dogs,made tea and a smoothie. Then I prayed my thanksgivings:
- Thank you that Ms. M is home safe and sound.
- Thank you for good sleep.
- Thank you for this day.
- Thank you for wonderful friends and family.
I put Bits and Sofia in the car and left Chance outside to guard the house. Before I left, I gave Chance a treat and petted him. I told him to do a good job of protecting the house today.
When I arrived home, Christopher was outside feeding the dogs. I gave him a hug and we went into the house with Sofia and Bits following us in. Finn had stayed the night and was sitting at the table eating breakfast. I told him good morning. Angel was still in bed and just waking up. I told her good morning and she scowled at me. I told her it was time to get up and she scowled even more. I asked if she was going to the thrift store with me and Finn or if she was going to work with Christopher. She flopped around in the bed. I carried her to the table and she complained the whole way there. She grumbled and huffed and puffed and finally ate her breakfast.
Finn had a flat piece of wood that Christopher had made into a “cell phone” for him, since Angel now had her cell phone that had apps on it. Finn was proud to have him own “phone” and showed it to me. Angel argued saying that Christopher didn’t make it for Finn, he drew it. I asked Finn if the square’s Christopher drew on his “phone” were his apps. Finn said “yes” and Angel said, “no, those were just pictures”. Oh my, I wasn’t sure what was going on with Angel but she was in a bad mood. On the other hand, Finn was in a great mood.
Christopher left to go clean churches and the kids got ready to go thrifting with me. Finn had left his shoes out in the rain yesterday but thankfully I found a pair of tennis shoes that Angel had outgrown and they fit him. Angel got herself dressed and seemed to be in a better mood. The kids, myself and Bits and Sofia got in the truck and I drove across the highway to pick up my friend.
We arrived at Cameron thrift store right after they opened. My friend found a recliner that she wanted and 2 men loaded it in the back of the truck for us. I found a nice kitchen chair. Finn got a book about frogs and Angel got a unicorn headband. Yay! We all found treasures except for Bits and Sofia but they got to be pushed around in the shopping cart and received lots of pettings by people in the store. I love thrift stores. They are so much fun.
My friend and the kids were hungry, so we stopped at the bakery. I wasn’t going to eat anything because I don’t like to eat breads or things with flour but I ended up getting a small sticky bun and picking at it, mostly eating the nuts off of the top. The kids ate one cookie each and played in the kids area. There is a really neat kids area in the Cameron bakery. It has a play kitchen, kid sized furniture and unique toys.
We left the bakery and went to Walker Honey Store out past Rogers. I got 3 gallons of honey filled. We go through that much in a month and a half. My friend let Finn and Angel taste samples of the different types of honey and they each picked out a small jar for themselves. Finn chose wildflower honey and also got a bath bomb. Angel picked out clover honey and got a chap stick.
On our way home, I dropped my friend off at her house and her husband unloaded the recliner she has bought. At home, Christopher unloaded the honey and I brought my kitchen chair inside. It looked nice sitting at the table and fit me perfectly. The chairs that go with the table are too tall for me. So, I got another chair a while ago and that one is too short. Now I have a chair that is just right. Finn asked me to read him his new/used frog book. I sat him on my lap in my new/used chair and read him the story. Angel and Christopher listened to the story as well.
I realized what time it was and left right away to get a massage. If I didn’t leave right away, I would be late. I dropped off Sofia and Bits at my pet sitting house before my massage because it was too hot outside for them to stay in the truck. I made it to my massage appointment right on time. This is my first time getting a massage with this masseuse and she informed me that it wouldn’t be a relaxing massage and she would go deep. I was ok with that and she wasn’t kidding. It was a deep tissue massage and she released some really tight areas. It was not relaxing and pretty intense at times. When it was over, she said she had released some pinches nerves in my neck and my hands going numb while I sleep should be improved. That was great news because my hands go numb most of the night every night. I wake up several times to shake them to get circulation back in them. I liked the work she and scheduled another massage with her in 2 weeks.
I walked outside to get in my truck and it was so beautiful out I decided I would walk a couple of blocks to Moon Brew. I hadn’t been there since I got back from Idaho. It was a great walk there. I love walking. My friend Rita was working today and was sitting at a table talking with another friend of ours. I bought a chia seed pudding and joined them. I asked them what was going on in their lives and we chatted a while.
A man came in and bought something to eat. He sat across the room eating and he looked really familiar to me. I went over and introduced myself to him. He jumped up and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I wasn’t expecting that but ok. He wasn’t who I thought he was but he was super chatty and we talked about different people we knew who lived in and around Milano. It was a fun time at Moon Brew.
I left and enjoyed my walk to my truck and drove to my pet sitting house. I put my cleaning supplies in the back of the truck to be ready for a big cleaning day tomorrow. Then, I sat outside with the dogs a while and responded to some texts. I went in the house and watched a documentary called Gather that was about Native Americans who were relearning how to grow and forage their own food. It was really good.
When the movie was over, I fed the dogs. Then I attempted to watch another movie but I only got 10 minutes into it before it was a “no”. I attempted 2 more movies but they were a “no” too. Instead I watched a couple of episodes of Brooklyn Nine Nine. Then, I took a shower and went to bed. I fell asleep right away at 8:45 pm.
Saturday May 18, 2024
I woke up at 5 am. My hands did not go numb in the night. That massage yesterday had really made a difference. I wrote my blog until 5:45 am. I got up, made my bed and let the dogs out. I made tea, a smoothie and fed the dogs. When I left, Chance stayed outside and Bits and Sofia stayed inside. I had 2 office buildings to clean, 2 houses to clean and an organizing job to do today. My first office building was a small one and didn’t take long. Christopher pulled up to the second office building right before me. We usually clean this one together. Angel came with Christopher and she played on her phone while we cleaned. I like to get the glass on the front doors done first, then I do the 6 bathrooms next. I was going along enjoying my work when all of a sudden Christopher seemed to be bothered by something. I asked him what was going on and somehow things quickly got heated and we exchanged words. We both said things we shouldn’t have said to each other and neither of us was willing to see things from the other one’s point of view. Finally I told him to leave. I wanted to finish cleaning in peace and we were getting nowhere in our “discussion”. He eventually left and on his way out he asked Angel if she wanted to go with him or stay with me. She said she wanted to stay with me. I cleaned the office for another 45 minutes, then I needed to leave to do my residential houses. I would have to come back later to finish it.
It was great to see my clients/friends when I cleaned my two residential houses. They all welcomed me back and I got to see pictures and videos of one of their grand babies and great grand babies. I had fun conversations with everyone and enjoyed cleaning. One of my client/friends let me know that she reads my blog daily and never misses a post. I appreciated her letting me know that. It feels good to know that people enjoy reading what I write. I have the best clients/friends and I feel really blessed. While I cleaned, Angel watched TV My Little Pony at my first house and listened to a Bobbsey Twins audiobook at my second house. She was really happy and cooperative today.
After cleaning the houses, I arrived at my organizing opportunity right on time. I was looking forward to organizing, it’s one of my favorite things to do. My client and I got started right away in her kitchen while Angel watched a movie. We organized three of her kitchen cupboards and it took a little over an hour. My client had originally wanted me to be there 2 hours but she was feeling tired and called it a day. I didn’t take before and after pictures but those cupboards looked great when I was done. My client was very happy and gave me a huge tip when she paid me. We scheduled a time for me to come again and I will be back in a month to do more. Yay!!
When we left, I drove to the office building to finish cleaning it. On the way, I picked up food for Angel. I still had the floors to clean and they took me an hour. When I finished, I did a final walk through and the place looked great. It was a successful day and I felt like I had accomplished a lot.
When we arrived at my pet sitting house, Chance greeted us and I let Bits and Sophia out. They were super excited to see us and I gave them lots of pettings. I started my cleaning rags and mop heads in the wash and boiled water for tea. My organizing client had given me a bunch of tea and I wanted to have some of it right away.
Angel asked me to a read to her a pamphlet about Texas snakes. We snuggled up on the couch and I read it to her. Then, I turned on a nature show for her to watch. I sat next to her and drank a loose leaf tea that was really yummy while I wrote my blog. In between writing, I let the dogs in and out several times and texted with my friend Rachele. Another friend sent me a wonderful evening message of appreciation. I am so grateful for my friends. I called Christopher a few times so I could apologize for the mean things I said during our argument but he didn’t answer. I was ok with that and felt really peaceful about things getting worked out.
When the nature show was over, Angel and I took a shower and got in bed. We talked and laughed for a while, then I turned on a children’s bedtime meditation. Angel listened to it while I wrote my blog some more. I finished yesterday’s and today’s blog post and was really happy about that. I turned off my phone and went to sleep at around 10 pm.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.
P.S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.