Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; Pet Sitting, Story-Time, Homeschool Co-op, Friends and Hummingbirds

Tuesday October 1, 2024

Dear Diary,

I woke up at 4 am and wrote my blog. At 6:30 am, I let the dogs out and fed them. I fed the outdoor cat who doesn’t like me. She hisses and swipes at me while I give her food. I tell her to be nice which only seems to make her hiss even louder. I made tea and got in the hot tub. I soaked in the water and wrote more of my blog while I watched the sun rise. 

When I got out, I finished writing my blog and had a phone call for an interview to be a part time receptionist at an insurance company. The interview went well but I’m not really invested in being a receptionist. It would be a temporary thing until I get my businesses going. I still hadn’t heard back about the property management position at the hot springs resort but I still think I got the position. 

I felt tired from getting up early, so I laid down and read a few chapters of Wish You Well. Then I fell asleep for an hour. I had a fun dream that I was a kid again but I still had all the knowledge I have now. When I woke up, I let the dogs out and watered all the plants outside. Then I sat with the dogs in the living room and edited and posted my blog. I starting writing todays blog and prayed my gratitudes: Good morning God, I am grateful for relaxing days. I am grateful for hot tubs. I am grateful for my health. I am grateful for good books. I am grateful for tea. I am grateful for cell phones. I am grateful for breath. I am grateful for knowledge. I am grateful for food. Thank you. I love you! 

I left and drove to Christopher’s to meet the people that were buying my side-x-side. When I was almost there I received a call from they saying they couldn’t make it at our agreed upon time so we rescheduled for an hour and a half later. 

When I pulled up to Christopher’s, Angel was swimming in her pool and asked me to join her. I greeted Christopher and got in the pool with Angel. We went around in circles to make a whirlpool in the middle. Suddenly, I felt really dizzy and thought I was going to throw up. I got out and sat in a chair by the fountain talking to Christopher until I felt better. It didn’t take long for the dizzy feeling to pass and I was grateful for that. 

At 1:30 pm, I loaded up a roof rack I was selling and drove to Caldwell to meet someone who wanted to buy it. He arrived shortly after me and the sell went smoothly. I drove back to Christopher’s right before the couple buying the side-x-side arrived. They paid me and left. I felt a little sad seeing the side-x-side go but I know I can finance another one if I decide I wanted one in Idaho.

 I gave Angel and Christopher and hug goodbye and drove straight to Edward Jones to deposit the money I had gotten from the side-x-side. Then I paid off my loan on line and that felt awesome. That should raise my credit score even more, not that it needs to be higher. It’s already at 821 which is really good. I got my credit score so high by putting all my monthly expenses on my credit cards and then immediately paying them off. I’ve been doing that for years, plus I get 5% cash back on most of my credit cards. So I even earn a small amount of money by using them and paying them off immediately so I don’t get charged interest. 

I drove to my pet sitting house and let the dogs out. Then I sat in the hot tub and got a nice back massage from the jets. I went inside and cuddled with the dogs while watching a couple of movies and eating my leftover spaghetti. 

Then I went to bed and read my book. I fell asleep at around 10 pm. 

Wednesday October 2, 2024

Dear Diary,

I woke up at 3 am, I wrote my blog and read my book Wish You Well. I finished the book and fell back asleep at 6 am. I woke up again at 7:30 am. I let the dogs out and fed them. Then I fed the cat and made tea. I got in the hot tub. As soon as I sat down, I saw a scorpion next to me. Well hello scorpion. I was glad I hadn’t leaned against it. I shooed it to the edge of the hot tub and flicked it off. I wonder if it was the same scorpion I flicked off the hot tub the other day. 

I soaked in the hot tub and listened to a talk by a guy who has a YouTube channel called Goobieanddoobie. It came up in my YouTube feed and I thought it might be interesting to listen to and it was. It was great! I got out of the hot tub and packed up a fresh mango juice I had bought at HEB the other day. I got ready to go to pick up Angel from Christopher so I could take her to story-time at the library. On the drive I finished listening to the YouTube video. 

When I arrived at Christopher’s, Angel wasn’t ready yet. I hurried her along to get ready to go. I wanted to have enough time to go to Moon Brew before story-time started. When she was finally ready to go we had just enough time to do a quick stop at Moon Brew. We left and about 5 miles down the road I remembered that I had forgotten to put out a metal tub by the gate for a lady that was buying it from me on YouTube. I guess we weren’t meant to go to Moon Brew before story-time after all. I turned around and went back to Christopher’s. I got the metal tub and set it by the gate and hearted (headed) out again. 

We arrived at the library a few minutes before story-time started. I donated the book I had finished reading. Angel had brought on of her books to read to the littler kids called Fox in Socks. She’s usually the oldest one there unless some other homeschooled older kids come and this week there were homeschool kids her age there. Story-time started and there were 2 twin teenage homeschooled girls leading it. They read a couple of books and then let Angel read hers. Angel was nervous but she stuck with it and did a great job. I took a video of her. 

When story-time was over, we stayed a half hour longer so Angel could color and interact with the other kids while I waited for a message letting me know when the newspapers would arrive so I could deliver them. When we left the library we walked over to Moon Brew. Right as we started walking, I got a text letting me know the newspapers would be there in an hour.

At Moon Brew, I said hello to everyone and ordered a matcha tea. Then I sat with Angel and asked her if she wanted me to write out her “Wild Girl” story that she has been telling me. It’s a great story that she made up and I thought my readers might enjoy hearing it. Angel was happy to have me write it out. She started telling me the story and I typed it out on my phone as fast as I could. 

When it was getting close to time for the newspapers to arrive. We walked to my truck and drove to the Rockdale Reporter. The newspapers weren’t there yet and neither were the people I was training to take over my route. I sat up front with Angel and Suzy while I waited. Angel told me more of her story and I typed it out. The people I was training arrived and so did the newspapers. Angels sister was coming to pick Angel up to have her for a few days so I hugged Angel goodbye and hearted (headed) out to do my route. 

The people I was training helped me load up the papers and we started down the road. I saw Angel with her sister coming out of the front door of the reporter. I honked and waved at them. The route went good. The people I am training were starting to get the hang of things and I think they will do well. 

After finishing the paper route, I drove straight to my pet sitting house. I let out the dogs and cuddled with them in the front room while I wrote my blog. I received a text from my friend Kim saying that she had gotten a call to give me a reference. It was from the property manager position I had applied for and I was thrilled that they were calling my references. I hadn’t heard from them even though I felt sure I would get the position. In my mind, I could hear them telling me that I was hired. I was feeling impatient though and wanted them to hurry up. I reminded myself that I wouldn’t be back in Idaho until October 16th and there was no reason to not be patient. 

I had a coaching client phone called scheduled and I called right on time. The session went great. My client had made a lot of amazing changes in the 2 weeks since we last talked. It was great hearing excitement for life in her voice. When the coaching session was over, I prayed my gratitudes: Good evening God, I am grateful for flowers. I am grateful for water. I am grateful for people. I am grateful for a slow paced life. I am grateful for sunshine. I am gratitude for love. I am grateful for coaching clients. I am grateful for connection. Thank you. I love you! 

I got in the hot tub and soaked a while and got a good massage from the jets. When I got out, I thought about watching a movie but I was completely burnt out on TV. Instead, I watched some fun talks on YouTube and texted with friends. 

I debated whether I would go to Wednesday night Bible study at the Cowboy church. I fed the dogs and ate some oatmeal. I decided to go to Bible study and quickly got ready. On the drive there I talked to my older sister. She told me her friends husband delivers the newspaper in the little mountain town I am moving to and he is not going to do it anymore after October. She put me in touch with him and he told me who to contact about taking over his route. I planned to call them first thing in the morning. Bible study was about not doing things in our own strength but resting in God’s strength instead. 

When I arrived back from Bible study. I let the dogs out and went straight to bed. I listened to a talk by an CIA agent about how to read people and fell asleep at around 10 pm. 

Thursday October 3, 2024

Dear Diary,

I wrote up at 6 am and prayed my gratitude: Good morning God, I am grateful for God sleep. I am grateful for cool nights. I am grateful for clean air. I am grateful for fun dreams. I am grateful for patience. I am grateful for laughter. I am grateful for joy. I am grateful for books. I am grateful for life. Thank you. I love you! I got up and made my bed. I let the dogs out and fed them as well as the cat. I made tea and left to go to my friend Kim’s. Her and her husband were leaving for a few days and I was taking care of their dachshund Sophia. When I arrived, I chatted with Kim for a few minutes. Then I carried Sophia out to the truck. We left and Sophia pouted in the passenger seat. I petted her as I drove and assured her that she would be ok. She always pouts for a couple of hours when I first get her, then she gets over it. 

We went to Moon Brew and I ordered a hot cocoa made with cacao. I sat and talked with some of my friends that were there. We had a great conversation about learning to be comfortable with a peaceful life after being addicted to chaos and anxiety. I love conversations like that! I love having friends that I can have conversations like that with. 

I left Moon Brew and went to a huge garage sale held at the Milano fire department. They have the sale twice a year and all the money goes to support the volunteer fire department. This year was the biggest that I’ve ever seen it. They had stuff for sale outside and inside. Usually it’s all just inside. There were a crazy amount of people there with cars parked blocks away. I managed to find a parking spot fairly close and went inside. I looked for a coffee grinder for my friend Kim but I didn’t see any. Next I looked at costumes for Angel for Halloween. I found 3 princess costumes that I think she will like. She can wear one for Halloween and wear the others for dress up. I saw quite a few people I know there, including my mother-in-law and brother-in-law. I briefly chatted with everyone I knew, then I bought the costumes and drove to meet my adult daughter to get Angel from her. I would take Angel to homeschool co-op and then let her sister have her again overnight. 

I got Angel and showed her and my adult daughter the costumes I bought. Angel scowled and said that she wanted an Elsa costume. I told her that she could choose one of the 3 costumes to wear for Halloween or wear nothing. She huffed and got in the truck. We went down the road to homeschool co-op and went inside. I called the newspaper in Idaho but no one answered so I left a message. I sat with Sophia and Bits while the kids did their lessons. Angel put on one of her costumes for show and tell, so I guess she likes them after all. I fell asleep for a half hour while sitting in the recliner with Bits and Sophia on my lap. I woke up feeling refreshed and talked with the other co-op moms while the kids played. 

When co-op was over, I met up with my adult daughter and Angel went with her. I went through the car wash and got gas. I was really hungry and thought about going to my pet sitting house to make a smoothie. I knew that would be my best choice but instead I stopped and got some vegetarian lo mein. When I got to my pet sitting house, I introduced Sophia to the dogs and they all instantly got along which I knew they would. I ate the lo mein and it immediately came back up. There’s something about Chinese food that my buddy really doesn’t like, maybe it’s msg. For some reason I keep forgetting and attempt to eat Chinese every once in a while. Thankfully I always get an immediate reminder 😂. 

I sat in the front room with all the dogs cuddled up around me and I wrote my blog. I started to feel tired, so I laid down in bed with the all the dogs and read a book I had bought at the library the other day called Olive Kitterage. I fell asleep and slept for about an hour. When I woke up, I let the dogs out and fed them. Then I cuddled up with the dogs again and read some more until my friend Rachele came over. We got in the hot tub and soaked for an hour. We had a wonderful conversation about unconditionally loving ourselves like God does. Hummingbirds flew all around us and I took a video of them. 

Rachelle left at around 9 pm. I went to bed and I read my book. I turned on a YouTube video about learning Spanish while you sleep and feel asleep at around 10:30 pm. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria

P.S. this blog post is inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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