Wednesday August 21, 2024
Dear Diary,
Tracey and I woke up at 3:30 AM. He went home and I wrote my blog. At 4:30 AM Tracey sent me his morning gratitudes: Good morning beautiful🥰🌻🌞.
I am grateful for this day. I am grateful for breath awareness. I am grateful for present moments. I am grateful for emotions. I am grateful for raccoons. I am grateful for new adventures. I am grateful for moon brew. I am grateful for singing bowls. I am grateful for Debbie. I am grateful for stars. I am grateful for smoothies. I am grateful for Angel. I am grateful for you Victoria and this unexpected unusually intense beautiful connection that we share. I cherish that in adoration, admiration, and love. Thank you my thoughtful love♾️💚💛🙏.
I sent my morning gratitudes to him: Good morning Hot Stuff with a hot Texas bod,
I am grateful for pet sitting opportunities. I am grateful my motorhome is ready to travel. I am grateful for a great mechanic. I am grateful for adventures. I am grateful for love and especially for our love. I am grateful for laughter. I am grateful for plants. I am grateful for singing bowl sessions. I am grateful for you Tracey and your gentle spirit. We are blessed 🦋🦨💚💛.
I finished writing my blog and posted it. I fed the dogs and took a morning nap from 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM. I called Tracey and we said our good mornings. Angel was awake and wanting waffles. I got up and made her waffles. I fed the dogs and went outside to let out the chickens. I fed them, as well as the longhorns. The plants got a good watering before I came back in. I made myself tea and a smoothie. My smoothie was 8 bananas, a handful of strawberries, fresh almond milk and pineapple juice. I stripped the bedding and started it washing. Then we left to go pick up Ms. M.
It was my last time of taking care of Ms M. She was happy to see me when I arrived. We stopped at the store to get a few groceries before we went to the Rockdale Reporter. The newspapers had not arrived yet so I had Ms. M sit at the table in the break room area while I talked with Kyle Cooke. I asked him if anyone had contacted him about taking over the paper delivery after I leave. He said, yes, several people had contacted him. That was great news! The papers arrived and Angel stayed at the Reporter while I did the deliveries. Ms. M and I listened to happy music during the route. The route went good and when I finished, I picked up Angel and took Ms. M to her house. Her husband thanked me very much for taking care of Ms. M and I also told him thank you for all he has done for us. Their family was the first to welcome me to Rockdale when I moved here 10 years ago.

Angel and I went to my Pet Sitting opportunity to check on the animals. Then we went to Christopher‘s house. Christopher helped me get the tandem kayak up on the roof rack on top of the truck and he strapped it on for me. Next, we put my little secretary desk in the back of the pick up. I told Christopher that I wanted to sing to him before he left to go out drinking in the woods with his friends. We went in the house and I sang him this song:
I cried while I was singing and Christopher cried as well. Then he told me, how much he appreciated being a part of his life and sharing Angel with him. I told him that we will remain friends and he is always welcome to see Angel anytime when we come to Texas. He said thank you and that he was very grateful for that. We both cried while we were talking and I gave him a big hug. Then he packed up his stuff and left on his motorcycle the meet his friends in the woods.
Angel and I wrote the side-x-side to swim tank and took a quick swim. Then I packed up my hammock that I had left there and we drove to Tracey‘s. Tracey was waiting for us. We hugged on greeting and we all got in the motorhome and drove back to Christopher. Tracy helped me finish packing the last of my stuff into the motorhome. I was grateful it was all done. I swept out the banana hunt and got it organized so it looked nice. I still have it for sale and I want it to look nice if anyone comes to look at it.
Tracey drove the motorhome to his house and I drove to my truck to my pet sitting opportunity. Angel came with me and as soon as we arrived, I had a coaching client phone call. The coaching session went really well. As soon as I got off the phone, I fed the dogs and the longhorns. Angel wanted waffles. I made some for her and packed up all of our kitchen stuff. I called Tracey and we made plans to leave that evening rather than in the morning. I made up the bed and cleaned. Then I went outside and picked up all the dog poop and watered the plants.
My friends that I am pet sitting for were not going to be home until 11 PM. They said that I did not have to wait there for them that late. I told them I would stay until the chickens went in their coop and I closed them in. While we waited for the chickens to all go in, Angel and I went on a walk in the woods to look for the skull. I took a video of our walk:
I believe we found the skull and we had fun hanging out. When we got back to the house I posted my video and waited few minutes for the last of the chickens to go in. I closed up their coop and double checked the house to make sure I didn’t leave anything. Then I packed our stuff into the truck and drove to Tracey’s.
Tracey and I hugged in greeting, then we hooked the trailer to the pick up and packed a few remaining things. Then we hearted (headed) out. We were on our way to Idaho. Yay! We stopped in Milano to fill up on gas and get ice for the coolers. Then we drove for three hours till 11:30 PM before stopping for the night. We found a truckstop in Comanche Texas that we parked at. Angel had already fallen asleep in the motorhome cab over. Tracey and I let dogs go to the bathroom and went to bed. It took me about a half an hour to wind down and fall asleep. It was a hot and steamy night and even with the motorhome windows open it was 90° or hotter in there. I don’t mind the heat but there was very little cuddling going on between Tracy and I 😂. We fell asleep sometime between 12 AM and 12:30 AM.
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Dear diary,
I woke up at 2:30 AM in a puddle of sweat. Before we stopped, I had been listening to an audiobook that was talking about what we think and speak creates our reality. I remember telling Tracey earlier in the day yesterday that I enjoy sweating. This was my manifestation of that 😂. I took the curtain off one of the windows so there would be more of a breeze and went back to sleep until a little after 6 AM. Tracey was awake and took the dogs on a walk to go to the bathroom. When he got back, I went into the truck-stop and got some hot water for my tea. Angel was just waking up when I got back to the motorhome. I asked if she was hungry. She said that she wasn’t. Tracey went into the truck stop and when he came back we hearted (headed) out. It was a beautiful morning and I was grateful to be on an adventure. I saw that Tracey had sent me his morning gratitudes: Good morning ocean eyes🌞🌻🥰.
I am grateful for our adventure. I am grateful for waking up in new places with you. I am grateful for road trips. I am grateful for God’s protection. I am grateful for health. I am grateful for us. I am grateful for you Victoria I love you so much💛💚🙏.
I sent my gratitudes to him: Good morning, sparkly eyes, I am grateful for hot sweaty nights on our adventure. I am grateful for motorhomes to sleep in. I am grateful for mornings. I am grateful to wake up next to you. I am grateful for beautiful views. I am grateful to be alive. I’m grateful for you and I love you. ❤️ ❤️
We drove all day until 9 PM. In the morning, we stopped in Abilene at a smoothie place and ordered smoothies. Every couple of hours we stopped to fill up on gas, use the restroom and let the dogs go to the bathroom. Angel rode with Tracey in the motorhome all day and he said she did good. I took pictures of some plants at a truck stop outside of Albuquerque.
Most of the drive, I listened to music and talked to Bits. At one point we had a howling contest:
Later in the day I started listening to a memoir by Debbie Reynolds’s:
We drove all the way through New Mexico and ended up stopping at a truck stop right before Cortez, Colorado. I didn’t get a picture of the Colorado sign because it was dark out when we drove past it. Angel had already fallen asleep again in the cab over by the time we stopped. I went into the truck stop to take a shower but they didn’t have showers. I washed off somewhat and figured I would just have to be ok with being smelly and dirty.

Tracey was in bed when I got back to the motorhome. He did energy work on me while I wrote my blog and watched videos from my YouTube channel. It was much cooler sleeping in the motorhome tonight since the temperature outside was in the 70’s. We fell asleep at around 11 PM.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P.S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.