Monday, July 1, 2024
Dear diary
I woke up at 1:30 AM. And fell asleep right away at 2 AM. I woke again at 6 AM and I felt very rested and was grateful that I did not have to get up right away. I laid in bed writing my blog until 8 AM. Angel woke up and wanted to play battleship. So we played a game of “battleship”. Then we played a game call “shut the box”. I won “battleship” and Angel won “shut the box”.
At 9 AM we went into the house and played “sight word bingo”. We played two rounds and Angel won both rounds. She knows all the sight words at that level of game which is level one. So I ordered the next level and it will arrive on Wednesday. While we played the game, I made tea and my smoothies. I made a watermelon smoothie and a banana/fig/fresh pineapple juice and homemade almond milk. I packed up my smoothies and headed out to my first cleaning opportunity. I had a short four hour cleaning day. Christopher didn’t have any jobs to do today and Angel stayed home with him. Bits and Sophia stayed home also.
When I arrived at my first cleaning opportunity I was contemplating why Christopher recently stopped responding with I love you when I would say it to him. While I cleaned, my mind came up with all kinds of scenarios of why he could possibly be doing this. All kinds of feelings arose inside of me, feelings of sorrow, feelings of anger, feelings of rejection, feelings of indifference, etc., etc.. I knew that all of these scenarios were simply created by my mind and none of them were the truth. I prayed for clarity and I allowed my thoughts to play themselves out. I also allowed the feelings to arise. I would feel each feeling fully and ask what message it was there to give me.
During my second cleaning opportunity, the scenario in my mind continued playing out its drama and I allowed it to be, knowing that it wasn’t real and that I would not be acting on any of my mental creations. When I finish cleaning, I went and picked up some free produce that a friend had received earlier that day and had offered to share it with me. I got a bunch of containers of underripe Mango that was already cut up. It would be good to juice with pineapple. I also got two Canary melons and one cantaloupe. I thanked her for the gift and she said she was happy to share.
On my way home, I had decided that as soon as I got to the house, I would ask Christopher why he no longer told me he loved me. Only he knew the real reason. When I pulled up, I greeted the dogs and Christopher and he helped me unload the produce from the truck. He was being very kind and friendly and it didn’t feel like the right time to ask him, so I didn’t. I knew I would know when it was the right time.
Angel was excited to have me home and wanted to play a board game. I got out “Yahtzee” and taught her how to play it. She didn’t really enjoy it that much and I told her she could pick out the next game. Before she could do that, a guy texted me that he was on his way to pick up eggs. We rode the side-x-side to the gate and waited for the guy to arrive. We only had to wait around five minutes before he pulled up. Then we went back to the house and Angel picked out the game “Sorry” for us to play. We played we played it twice and each won one time.

We were just finishing up the second game when Christopher rang the dinner bell. I had a big salad for dinner that Christopher had made me. We all said our gratitudes around the table, except Angel, who said she didn’t have anything to be grateful for. Then later, she said she was grateful for her dog LacyJane. My gratitudes were:
- I am grateful for yummy salad.
- I am grateful for free produce.
- I am grateful for family.
- I am grateful for board games that I get to play with Angel.
- I am grateful for Pet Sitting opportunities.
After dinner, we took a quick bath in the swimming pool. At 6 PM I loaded up the dogs and drove to the airport to pick up my friend Kim/Sophia‘s mom. Angel came along with us and we had a fun drive listening to children’s stories on audio. We waited in the cell phone waiting area until Kim was ready for us. Cell phone waiting areas have really improved. There was a gas station with a convenience store and bathrooms and a bunch of fast food places to eat at. I left the truck running for the dogs to have AC, locked the doors and went into the convenience store. I bought a kombucha and 2 bananas for me and a frozen treat for Angel. Then we sat in the truck and listened to children’s stories and I wrote my blog until Kim texted that she was ready for us to pick her up.
Sophia and Kim were really happy to see each other. Little Bit got caught up in the excitement and was happy to see Kim also and I was happy to see her too. I greeted her with a hug and put her suitcase in the back of the truck. We had great conversations on the drive home. The drive went well other than a delay for some road construction. I dropped Kim and Sophia off at their house in Rockdale and made it home at around 10 PM.
Angel and I went straight to bed in the banana hut. I put on a kids unicorn sleep meditation and we fell asleep at around 11 PM.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.