Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Dear diary
I woke up at 4 AM. I edited and posted my blog. Then I did a full body relaxation session and prayed my gratitudes:
- I am grateful for a new day.
- I am grateful for friendship.
- I am grateful for my marriage.
- I am grateful for the banana hut.
At 6:30 AM, I woke up Angel and I let out the ducks, kittens, chickens and geese. I went in the house and greeted Christopher. I made my tea and smoothies. One smoothie was blended up Canary melon and the other smoothie was left over from yesterday and it was bananas, peaches, turmeric, fresh, pineapple juice, and homemade almond milk. Angel got ready to go with me and as we were leaving, I told Christopher I love you as I head out the door. He said goodbye and have a good day. I turned to him and casually asked why he didn’t say. I love you to me anymore. He was standing at the sink washing dishes. He stopped what he was doing and looked at me and said “do you love me?”. I said “yes of course otherwise I wouldn’t say it”. He walked over to me and looked me in the eyes. He put his arms around me and said “I love you” and gave me a kiss. Even though I didn’t find out why he stopped saying “I love you” to me in the first place, I was grateful that it was resolved.

At my first cleaning opportunity, Angel played sight word bingo while I cleaned. My next cleaning opportunity was Peace Lutheran Church. Angel played in the nursery and I did an extra thorough job of cleaning. There were dead crickets everywhere. Cricket season has come early this year. So I thoroughly vacuumed out all the classrooms that don’t get used and got all the crickets in the corners and along the edges of the walls. The church looked and smelled fantastic when I was finished.
Next, I went through the car wash and filled up on gas. I went to the store to get more cleaning supplies for the Lutheran Church. They had given me their charge card to use. As we were leaving the store we met up with the lady in charge of the children’s Program at the Cowboy church. She gave me some Homeschool supplies and we talked about the upcoming church camp that Angel will be attending next week.
I dropped off the cleaning supplies at the Lutheran Church and drove to my last cleaning opportunity. It was at my friend Mona‘s house. We are in the musical together and we talked about the play for a half hour before I started cleaning. One of the main characters in the play hasn’t been showing up to play practice. I’ve been filling in for her by reading her part. I sent her a text asking if she was still wanting to be in the play. She said that she had a lot going on in her family right now and was thinking she better step down. I told her that I would talk to the director about it and then I could probably take over her part for her. The director is my friend Val and I sent him a text, letting him know what was going on.
After that was all settled, I got busy cleaning and Angel played on her phone. When I finished, I told Mona I would see her at play practice that night and I hearted (headed) home. When I arrived home, I greeted Christopher and the dogs. Bits was super happy to see me. He gets so excited that he’s about to burst. I fed the dogs and cats and chickens and ducks and geese. I gathered eggs and put freshwater in the duck pools. I called my friend Margie, we are in the Kay theater board art committee together and I talked to her about the float I am getting together for the Kay theater to have in the Fourth of July parade on Saturday. After talking business, we had a great conversation about relationships. When I got off the phone, I played sorry with Angel until it was time for dinner.

I ate a salad for dinner that Christopher had made me and we shared our gratitudes around the table. Mine where:
- I am grateful for the yummy salads that Christopher makes me.
- I am grateful for a good day of cleaning.
- I am grateful for my healthy family.
As soon as dinner was over, I drove to Cameron for play practice. I had a lot of fun at practice. We were practicing the music and we are all getting it down pretty good. When I arrived home from practice Angel and Christopher were still awake. Angel came in the banana hat with me to sleep on the trundle bed. I put on a sleep meditation and we fell asleep at around 10:45 PM.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.