Thursday June 27, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 6 am. I prayed my gratitudes:
- I am grateful for summer.
- I am grateful for good sleep.
- I am grateful for pet sitting.
- I am grateful for watermelon.
I was feeling really tired. I wanted to sleep more but it was time to get up. I let the dogs out and fed them. I made myself smoothies and tea. One smoothie was watermelon and the other was bananas, turmeric, spirulina, homemade almond milk and fresh pineapple juice. I woke Angel up and she had waffles for breakfast. I made her 2 quesadillas to take with her for lunch. I loaded up Sophia and Bits. I gave Chance a treat and told him to do a good job guarding the house.
I drove Angel to her horse riding lessons. She is practicing trotting and loping and did really good. I chatted with one of the trainers while I watched Angel ride and we had some good laughs. When her lessons were over, I drove to Rockdale and picked up Ms. M and drove to my friend Rachele’s for a homeschool co-op play date. When we arrived, I got Ms. M settled into a chair doing her word search puzzles. Rachele’s youngest son was in his room having a meltdown. Rachele was over it. So I went in there and got him all straightened out. Kids seem to listen to other people that are not their moms. Our homeschool co-op is great because we aren’t afraid to boss each other’s kids around when needed 😁. Another mom showed up and the kids played while we all talked. The tiredness I had been feeling all day was hanging over me. Which showed me that I really really need to slow my schedule down. I’ve got to clean less houses but I’m torn because I love all my clients. Plus, play practices in the evenings wears me out too, since I get up so early in the morning.

When it was time to take Ms. M home, Angel stayed at Rachele’s. I dropped off Ms. M and went to Edward Jones for my appointment about investing my savings.
The meeting at Edward Jones was fantastic. I’m definitely going to be investing my savings and I am excited about it. I am going to invest half of it lower risk with 5% interest and the other half higher risk at 8% interest. I’ll get all my savings accounts information and bring it in sometime next week.
After my meeting, I picked up Pizzas and a salad from Gattis to take to Rita and Val later on. I picked up Sophia from my pet sitting house and gave Chance a treat. Then I got Angel from Rachele’s and stopped at my friend Georgia’s to harvest some tomatoes she offered to give me. Georgia and I chatted while we picked tomatoes. She also gave me some bell peppers, hot peppers and cucumbers. Such wonderful gifts! I felt grateful and thanked her very much.
I arrived at our gate right at the same time as a lady who wanted to buy 6 dozen eggs from us. Perfect timing! I told her I would get the eggs and bring them to her. I drove up to the house and ran inside to get the eggs. Christopher had them all ready to go in bags. I grabbed the bags, got in the side-x-side and drove to the gate. I gave her the eggs and chatted with her for a few minutes. I drove to the house and brought in all the fresh vegetables from the truck and set them on the counter. A bunch of peaches that Christopher had harvested from one of our peach trees were also sitting on the counter. We had an abundance of fresh produce. Yay!

Christopher and Angel were sitting on the couch talking. I sat down with them and we had fun time sitting together. We joked around and enjoyed each others company. After a while, Christopher started making dinner. I went outside and put fresh water in the ducks pools and watered plants.
Angel rode her bicycle to the neighbors to play. I got in her pool and floated on my back and stretched. I fully relaxed my body and almost fell asleep floating in the water. Christopher came out and said dinner was going to be ready in a few minutes. I texted the neighbors, asking them to send Angel home and went in the house. Christopher had made me a salad and I got out a big bowl to put it in. I was hungry for a big salad. Angel came home and we all sat around the table eating. We shared our gratitudes. Mine were:
- I am grateful for yummy salad
- I am grateful for swimming
- I am grateful for evenings at home
When we finished eating we sat outside by the big fountain and had story-time. I read from Julie of the Wolves for a half hour or so. Then I drove to Rita and Val’s to drop off the pizza and salad. I put the food inside their house while Angel went to find Tracey. When I came out, Tracey and Angel were by the goat pens. Angel was holding a baby duckling that was hatched yesterday. I said hello to Tracey, then I held one of the baby ducks. It was bright yellow and so cute. The momma duck was very proud of her babies and was parading them around. We put the ducks back and played fetch with the dogs a few minutes. That was a lot of fun and I took a video of it. Here it is:
Please subscribe to my channel if you like my videos.

I drove to my pet sitting house. I greeted Chance and fed him and Sophia. Then Angel and I went to be early. Angel slept on the couch with Sophia and I slept in the guest room. I was too tired to write my blog and I fell asleep right away at 8 pm.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.