Friday and Saturday: Community, Pet Sitting, Peace and Loving People

Friday June 21, 2024

Dear Diary,

I woke up at 6 am. I slept really good. I’d had a dream about climbing. I was climbing a rope ladder and once I got to a certain height, I was too scared to go any higher and I climbed back down. My interpretation to that dream is that it represents my fear of taking the next steps I need to take in my life in order to move into a higher level of consciousness. 

I wrote my blog until Angel came in the bedroom and said she was hungry. I got up and made my bed. I let the dogs out and fed them. Angel wanted pancakes for breakfast but I didn’t have the ingredients to make them so she settled for oatmeal. I made my smoothie and we got ready to go to my first cleaning opportunity. I left Bits and Sophia in the house since it was too hot outside to take them with me and they couldn’t come inside during my last 2 cleaning opportunities. 

My first cleaning opportunity was the Lutheran church. It was great to be there. I am glad I took over cleaning the churches again. They definitely were in need of some thorough cleaning. The secretary was there and she shared with me the struggles she’s having with her husband and his drinking. I listened to her and was amazed at how many women have been coming to me and sharing with me exactly the same things I have been dealing with in my marriage. I shared with her some of my experiences and encouraged her to pray and ask for God’s guidance. Just this morning while praying, I had received a message from the Holy Spirit, to rest in faith and to not make any decisions about my relationship with Christopher. Everything will be taken care of in the perfect way. I felt immediate relief when I received that message. It’s so much easier to rest in faith than to “try” to figure things out on my own. 

Angel played in the nursery while I cleaned and I enjoyed cleaning. The church took me longer than I had planned but it looked really good when I finished. I arrived at my 2nd cleaning opportunity a half hour late but my client was fine with it.  Angel started crying when I told her she would be doing school while I cleaned but she calmed down after she ate her lunch. She did math and began learning to do times tables. She understood it right away and had fun doing it. She finished her 9 required pages within an hour. Then she watched PBS kids on her phone the rest of the time. I took my time cleaning and visited with my client some. The house looked really good when it was done. 

I drove to my next cleaning opportunity and it went good. When I left, I drove to my pet sitting opportunity with the mean goat. He’s not so mean anymore and I gave him some treats. I found out that his name is Hammerhead…fitting name😂. The dogs still had plenty of food in their feeder but I filled it up all the way just in case. Angel went out to see the puppies and I joined her after feeding the dogs their canned food. She said that the puppies were covered in fleas and ticks and handed me one. They sure were. I pulled at least 20 ticks off of each puppy. I was only able to do 5 of the nine puppies because 4 of them were hiding under the car and Angel couldn’t reach them. The puppies looked fat and healthy despite being covered in ticks and fleas. Their fur looked good and they were bright and alert. By the time I finished grooming them, my hands were covered in blood from pulling the ticks off and killing them. Even the adult dogs that I had put flea and tick treatment on had ticks all over them. The boy dog, Blue let me pull them off of him but the girls dog, Sissy saw what was going on and wouldn’t let me near her. I will have to get some stronger flea and tick medicine and research what is safe to use for puppies. The owner should be coming home in the next week or so and he will take over the dog’s care. 

As I was pulling the ticks off of the puppies, I was thinking to myself, this is bullshit. When I got up to leave I walked into some bull nettle and got it on my left foot, then a minute later I walked into some more and got it on my right foot. Later that evening, I realized I had called the bull nettle to me when I was thinking bullshit and I laughed about it while I told it to my friend Tracey. 

Before leaving, I thoroughly washed my hand and checked Angel over for ticks and had her check me. Then I drove us home. When we arrived, I greeted Christopher and told him about the ticks on the puppies. He was cheerful and slurring. There were beer bottles thrown on the ground all around the picnic table. I picked them up and threw them away. The Holy Spirit came over me and I felt at peace. I realized that I didn’t have to let Christopher’s drinking or mood swings bother me. Right now, he was being kind and friendly and I appreciated the kindness. 

Angel and I got in the outdoor shower and scrubbed down thoroughly. Then I made Angel healthy waffles for dinner. I packed up a few supplies to take to my pet sitting house, hugged Christopher goodbye and drove to town with Angel. 

As soon as we arrived at my pet sitting house, I petted Chance and let Bits and Sophia out. The dogs were super excited to see us. I fed them and made some tea. Then we took Bits and Sophia with us to take care of Val and Rita’s indoor animals. Tracey let us in the gate. I fed the indoor animals and cleaned up their accidents. When I went outside, Tracey was sitting in the bench swing and Angel was running around. I sat on the swing with Tracey and Angel joined us. We talked and laughed and swung, while the dog’s ran around us playing. Then we walked down to the pond and went swimming. It was a great pond. Not as big as swim tank but plenty big and it had beautiful water lilies floating in it. I floated on my back and stretched. Tracey and Angel swam around playing together. Sophia got in the water and swam out to me, which I was surprised about. She seemed to really be enjoying the farm life. She ran and ran through the tall grass on our walk to the pond and had a smile on her face the whole time. She’s going to lose all her excess weight and be fit by the time her owners get home if she keeps this up. 

After swimming we started to put the animals away for the night but the birds were taking their sweet time going in and Tracey said he could finish up on his own. Val and Rita came home and I went inside to tell them goodbye. We ended up taking for quite a while and it was dark when I came back outside. Angel was in the truck playing on the phone and Tracey had gone in his house. I let myself out of the gate with the opener Val had given me to use. When I arrived at my pet sitting house, I spent some time with Chance. Angel made herself a bed on the couch, we brushed our teeth and she went to bed. I got into bed after putting Chance in his room and wrote my blog. I fell asleep at around 10:30 pm. 

Saturday June 22, 2024

Dear Diary, 

I woke up at 3 am and wrote my blog until 7 am. I woke Angel up and made her waffles for breakfast. I fed the dogs, made tea and a watermelon smoothie. Then we headed out the door. I took Sophia with us to spend the afternoon at our house and told Chance to do a good job being the guard dog. On the way home, I stopped at a cleaning opportunity I had passed on to my friend to clean. It was her first time cleaning it and she asked if I would stop by and show her how I do things. I left Angel and the dogs in the truck with the air conditioner on and spent about 20 minutes with my friend. She was glad I stopped by because I showed her easy ways to clean things that she said she wouldn’t have thought of. 

When I arrived home, I greeted Christopher and collected eggs. He was in a cheerful mood and I was grateful for that. I fed the animals, which is one of my favorite things to do. Maybe it’s the mom in me that enjoys feeding things. Angel walked over to my mother-in-loves to visit. I got started creating a meal train for Rita and Val, so that they could be provided with a freshly made meal every evening for the next week. 

At 10:30 am, I rode the side-x-side over to Tracey’s to attend a zoom meeting he invited me to join. The “meeting” was a shaman sharing insights about the summer solstice. I enjoyed the conversation even though we had a few issues with zoom and our phones losing connection. The “meeting” lasted 2 hours or so. Then Tracey and I had a great conversation about energies and staying centered. 

When I arrived home, Angel wanted to go to the city pool. I attempted to convince her that swim tank was far superior. She could take her dog to swim tank and the water didn’t hurt her eyes. She wanted to swim with other kids and insisted on the city pool. So we got in the truck and drove to Rockdale. I dropped off Bits and Sophia at my pet sitting house and we went to the pool. Angel immediately made a friend and they were off to the deep end together. I floated on my back for a while but the chlorine in the water started to get to me. I got out and people watched for a while. I noticed how beautiful people are and fell in love with everyone there. Right before we left, I ordered food from Joe’s Italian restaurant to take to Val and Rita. Our friends Debbie and Carla were providing their meal tonight and had sent me money to purchase a meal at Joe’s. 

We left the pool and got the dogs. I brought Chance along this time so he wouldn’t have to stay home alone again. I stopped at Joe’s and picked up the food and drove to Rita and Val’s and Tracey’s. They all live on the same property but Tracey has a separate house. I took Chance out of the truck on his leash and held him tight to see how he would react to Rita and Val’s dogs. He almost immediately tried to start a fight with them. I put him back in the truck. 

I brought the food in and wrote a note from Debbie and Carla to put with it. I had messaged Debbie earlier asking if she wanted me to leave a note with a message from them. She had liked the idea and messaged me what she wanted me to write down. 

I fed the dogs and cats and went outside to find Tracey and Angel. Angel wanted to swim in the pond. I got Chance out of the back of the truck and walked him to the pond on a leash. Bits and Sophia and Cassie ran all over on the walk there and I knew Chance wanted off leash to run with them but if Rita and Val’s dogs decided to join us, I knew Chance would get in a fight with them. 

At the pond, I let Chance get in the water and then I tied him to a nearby tree. I floated on my back for a few minutes and did my stretches. Then I got Chance and we swam around the pond with him pulling me on his leash. The water seemed to calm him down, so I let him run free. He did great. I kept a close eye on him and called him back anytime he headed away from the pond area. He kept trying to play with Tracey’s dog Cassie but Cassie wanted nothing to do with him. 

When we finished swimming, I noticed that  Val and Rita were back. I went inside to say goodbye. Val said that Rita was sleeping. I talked to Val for a few minutes. He was in tears, he was so grateful for people making them meals and offering their support. He’s never experienced community like this before. I gave him a hug and told him that they are loved and it feels good to people to be able help out. 

Before I left, I found Tracey and gave him a hug goodbye. He has been such a good friend to me and has given me a lot of good insights and words of wisdom on my marriage. I love having such wonderful supportive friends. It’s such a blessing. 

When we arrived at my pet sitting house. I fed the dogs and started laundry. Then I made tea and went to bed. Angel slept next to me and we fell asleep at 10 pm. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.



P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

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