Thursday June 20, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 3:45 am and wrote my blog until 5:45 am. I edited and posted my blog from yesterday. I thought about going back to sleep for a half hour but the birds were squawking and the kittens were meowing. I didn’t feel tired so I let Angel sleep and got up. I let out the chickens, ducks, geese and kittens. I went in the house and greeted Christopher. He was still lying in bed since his work got canceled due to the rain. I fed Bits, made tea and a smoothie with bananas, grapes, ginger root, homemade almond milk and fresh pineapple juice. I asked Christopher to make juice and almond milk today if he had time and he said he would.
Just as I was about the walk out the door, I was giving Christopher a hug goodbye when Angel came in from the banana hut and said she wanted to go with me. I told her to hurry and get ready. She ran into her room and got dressed. She put on her shoes and grabbed her hair brush to brush her hair on the way. We got in the truck and I drove to town. I got Angel a cheese quesadilla for breakfast from La Carreta and Bits got a dog treat. Then I went to the store and bought a bunch of fruit, watermelon, bananas, raspberries, blueberries, apples and pineapples.
Angel did her schoolwork while I cleaned my friend Mona’s house. She will be coming home from vacation today and will be glad to come home to a clean house. I had planned on cleaning Mona’s Tuesday but since Angel wasn’t feeling well that day and I stayed home with her; I moved Mona to today which works out even better. She has several indoor cats that seem to mess things up fairly quickly. It shouldn’t be messed up too much since she is coming home today.
When I finished cleaning, I went through the car wash and my friend Kim’s house. I unloaded some of my cleaning supplies and brought in the fruit I bought. I was taking Kim to the airport. I will be pet sitting for her until June 30th. I greeted Kim with a hug and she loaded up her luggage. On our way out of town, I picked up Ms. M to go with us.
The drive to the airport went great. Traffic was light. Kim and I had a good conversation about following the Holy Spirits guidance instead of making decisions on our own. I dropped Kim off, moved Ms. M to the front seat and drove towards Rockdale. Ms. M had a 12:30pm hair appointment and we were ahead of schedule, so I took the scenic route which was absolutely beautiful. In Taylor we stopped at H‑E‑B. We all used the bathroom and I bought more fruit.
We arrived at Ms. M’s hair appointment right on time. Angel and I sat on the couch and chatted with the ladies that work at the salon while Ms. M got her hair washed and styled. Angel decided that she wanted her hair trimmed at the ends and one lady said she had time to do it. Angel was excited to be up on the chair and her hair looked nice when it was finished.
I took Ms. M to her house and went to my pet sitting house. There’s 2 dogs I’m pet sitting, Sophia, a little dachshund and Chance who is a big energetic dog. I petted Chance outside (he has a perimeter collar he wears) and got Sophia out of the house and put her in the truck. Then we went home.
When we arrived home, I greeted Christopher. He was just finishing up making juice and almond milk. Yay! I happily told him thank you. I had sent him a text earlier asking what he wanted to do for summer solstice but he hasn’t responded. I asked if he had gotten my text and he said he didn’t have any plans other than sitting in the yard. I suggested going on a walk in the woods and he said maybe. Angel wanted to go to swim tank and I suggested we walk to swim tank rather than take the side-x-side like we usually do. Angel liked that idea and Christopher said he didn’t know if he would go yet. I went outside and collected some eggs. Then I grabbed a bucket and checked to see if there were eggs in other places. I saw Christopher walking across the yard with some eggs and told him he could put them in my bucket with the other eggs. He reluctantly handed them to me and said that if I was doing the eggs he would do something else. I told him we could do the eggs together and I wanted to show him what I did yesterday to keep the dogs from getting to the eggs that the chickens lay in the A-frame greenhouse. I showed him how I had replaced the torn plastic in front but I left a corner open that was big enough for the chickens but not big enough for the dogs. I went inside the greenhouse and there were three eggs. It worked! Christopher didn’t seem impressed but I was delighted that my set up had worked. The chickens could get in but the dogs couldn’t. Yes!
I was feeling discouraged about my relationship with Christopher. I laid down in the banana hut and prayed. I called my friend Tracey. While talking to him, I was reminded to not take life so seriously. After a few laughs, I felt refreshed. I went outside and told Angel I was ready to go. Then I went in the house where Christopher was and asked if he had decided to go. He seemed to be in a better mood after having a beer and said he would go but not all the way to swim tank.
The dogs joined us on our walk in the woods. They ran all over, excited to be going on a walk. It was a beautiful day and everything was really lush from the rain. I love walking in the woods. The forest gives off great energy. Christopher said he would walk all the way to swim tank with us and then go back home. Ok great! On one of the paths going to swim tank there were puddles all over from the recent rain. Angel and I splashed through them with the dogs and it was fun being a kid again.
At swim tank Christopher found some flint chips along the bank that he showed to me. Very cool! I went swimming with Angel. We swam around and I floated on my back. Christopher sat on the shore drinking a beer and watched us swim. I swam across the pond and did some stretching. I love playing in water. We swam for a half hour or so and then walked home. I observed the sky and the plants and the trees as we walked. I soaked it all in and felt great appreciation for our beautiful world.

When we arrived home, Angel and I packed to go my pet sitting house. I only packed for a couple of days since I would be coming home daily. I had received a message earlier from my friends Rita and Val asking if I could feed their indoor animals again. I had an immediate yes!
After loading everything into the truck I drove straight to Val and Rita’s. Tracey opened the gate for us and I fed the indoor animals first thing. I also cleaned up in the kitchen and did the dishes. I know they are going through a lot right now and I thought it would be nice for them to come home to having their dishes done. I cleaned up any accidents the dogs had and put down a fresh pee pad.
I went outside and found Tracey and Angel. Angel was playing with the goats and riding on one of the bigger goats. I didn’t think the goat was strong enough to hold her weight and had her get off of it but she kept sneaking back on. We all went to the feed barn (the happy barn) to see the baby ducks and chicks. Angel drew pictures and we watched the chickens and ducks. Angel climbed into the loft and Tracey pulled down the ladder for her. I joined her up there for a little while to see what it was like. The dogs: Bits, Sophia and Cassie were all having fun. Sophia wasn’t sure what to think of the farm life and stayed close to me but she had a smile on her face and was enjoying herself. Tracey and I had a talk about self confidence and lots of other good stuff.
We didn’t realize that Val and Rita had came home until Val came to the door of the feed shed. We talked to him a while and he shared some of what he was going through. I asked about Rita and he said she was with the goats. I went and found her raking out the goat pens. I gave her a hug and we talked for a while. I reminder her how strong and resilient she was and there were a lot of people praying for them.
Tracey, Angel and I sat on the bench swing and swung while we all chatted and enjoyed each other’s company. I asked him how he was dealing with everything going on in his life right now and he calmly said, “whatever happens is in God’s hands”. I am so grateful for his friendship.
The view from the bench swing is amazing, you can see for miles. I soaked in the scenery and felt at peace. When it started getting late. Angel and I said goodbye and I drove to my pet sitting house. I fed the dogs and got Chance settled into his room. Angel piled up pillows on the couch and said she was sleeping there. I unloaded the truck and by the time I finished, Angel was fast asleep.
I made tea and turned off the a/c. I opened up my bedroom window and went to bed. There was a baseball game going on in the distance that I could hear. I appreciated different sounds than I hear in the country. I wrote my blog and fell asleep at around 10:15 pm.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.