Wednesday May 22, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 5 am. I had slept through night. I prayed my thanksgivings and gratitudes.
- I am grateful for my bed. Thank you for the luxury of a bed.
- I am grateful for good sleep. Thank you for the rest.
- I am grateful for clarity. Thank you for the gift of a different perspective.
I woke Angel up and we got ready for our day. It was fun letting out the geese, chickens and ducks now that I am home again. They are so funny, squawking and quacking and honking at full volume on their way out. I greeted Christopher in the house and went about my morning routine of making tea and a smoothie. I made Angel waffles for breakfast, she is liking waffles lately. I make them using fresh ground wheat berry flour that I grind up in the vitamix, I add duck eggs from our ducks and use water instead of milk. The yorkies were running all over being cute and Christopher said he would watch them until we got back.
We arrived at my cleaning opportunity right on time. It was Little Bits dog mom’s house. They were excited to see each other. While I cleaned, Angel did her schoolwork and the dogs played. I chatted with my clients off and on. They are really neat people and it’s a blessing to make their lives easier by creating a clean house for them. Angel didn’t get all her schoolwork finished but she was cooperative and had fun doing it. I told her we could finish the rest of her schoolwork together when we got home.

When I finished cleaning, we picked up Ms. M. I had talked to her husband Monday and he said that he was getting a gps tracker for her and wanted to know if I would still be willing to take care of her a couple days a week. I was surprised he still wanted me to care for Ms. M, after all, I had lost her last week and I know he’s had offers from other people that are willing to care for her. He said he wanted me though 🤷🏻♀️. I told him I would and see how it goes. He said the gps tracker wouldn’t be arriving until next week but still wanted me to have her on Wednesday this week. Thursday they wouldn’t need me because she has an appointment. I said ok.
Ms. M was happy to see me and we went to the library for story-time. We got settled into our seats when I had to use the bathroom. I asked Angel and the librarian if they would be keep an eye on Ms. M while I was gone. They said they would and she was still sitting in her seat when I got back. Story-time was a lot of fun. For the craft, the kids decorated little foam dinosaurs with clothing stickers to dress them up. They loved it.

When story-time was over we went to the Rockdale Reporter. The papers hadn’t arrived yet and we went inside to wait. I got Ms. M settled into a chair in the front of the building and handed her a paper to read. I went around the corner to tell my friend that works there that I was going to a family reunion and wouldn’t be available to go my route one day at the end of June. While I was talking to my friend, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ms. M walking to the back of the building. I quickly caught up to her and asked her where she was going. She said she was using the bathroom. I waited outside the bathroom door until she was finished and cheerfully escorted her to her seat at the front of the building.
The paper route went great. I love delivering the papers. I had Angel keep an eye on Ms. M while I ran the newspapers into the businesses but Ms. M stayed the whole time. After the route was finished and I took her home and she said that she’d had fun. Her husband reminded me that she would have her gps tracker by next week and I would be able to put an app on my phone connected to it. I am grateful he is getting that.
On the way home, I stopped at a friends house and picked up 2 kittens. Angel was excited to get kittens. All of our barn cats are gone so we needed to get more. Barn cats do a really good job of keeping us free from mice and rats. The kittens are seven weeks old and adorable. I am getting 2 more kittens from another person tomorrow. 4 barn cats is the perfect amount for us.
When we arrived home Christopher was getting ready to leave to hang out with his friends in the woods. We showed him the kittens and he was happy about having cats again. The dogs were all excited to see me and Christopher said that everything went good with the yorkies. He left and Angel and I finished her schoolwork together. Then, I took an hour nap on the couch, surrounded by yorkies and Bits while Angel played outside with the new kittens. She named them Coco and Flo. When I got up, I felt energized and I did a bunch of chores…collected eggs, put away the laundry on the line, cleaned the kitchen, pulled some grass burrs, made almond milk and pineapple juice and fed Angel waffles for dinner, I had tea. After dinner, Angel and I took a bath and got dressed for Bible study.

At 6:30 we left to go to Bible study at the Cowboy church. We were almost to Rockdale when traffic came to a dead stop on highway 79. I thought about turning around and going the back way but traffic started inching along and it wasn’t far to our turn off onto 77. We got up to where there had been an accident that was being cleared out. It looked to be a bad one involving several vehicles and I said a prayer for all those involved. My mind flashed back to when I witnessed the accident where the man was burned alive right in front of me. I got a twinge of regret and sadness that I hadn’t been able to save him. I breathed with the feeling and the Holy Spirit reminded me that it was that man’s time to go. I released the regret and sadness and stepped into the comfort of knowing that I don’t have the ability to save anyone. Things happen in divine order and I’m not the One in charge.
Bible study was great as always. I didn’t take notes and I’m not recalling what I got out of it but it will come to me when I need it. We got home at 8:30 pm and went straight to bed. I read Angel 3 chapters from The National Park Mystery Series book 4. She listened to a unicorn bedtime meditation while I wrote my blog. I finished writing at 11pm and went to sleep.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.
P.S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.