Sunday May 19, 2024
Dear Diary, I woke up at 4 am. My hands had gone numb again several times through the night. I suppose I had re-pinched the nerves causing that to happen. I let the dogs out and back in. I laid in bed and edited my blog and posted it. Then I went back to sleep for a hour. Angel woke up and wanted me to read my blog to her, so I did. I found more typos that I had missed in my first edit but oh well, it was already posted.
I shared with Angel my gratitudes:
- I’m grateful it’s Sunday.
- I’m grateful for an easy restful morning.
- I’m grateful for dogs.
We got up and made our beds. I let the dogs out and made Angel waffles for breakfast. I made myself a smoothie of strawberries, fresh OJ and a small amount of cacao. This was different than my usual banana based smoothie but I needed to use the strawberries and I don’t like OJ with bananas. So a strawberry/OJ smoothie was a win-win. It tasted heavenly and was a great choice. I made tea and fed the dogs while Angel ate her breakfast. We got dressed for church and sat on the couch reading the pamphlet about Texas snakes again until it was time to leave.
We went to the Cowboy Church this morning. Angel really wanted to go there. Her true love, a boy named Jackson goes there. Usually on Sunday mornings, we go to Friendship Baptist Church right down the road from us. Since we are staying in town pet sitting I gave Angel the choice to go to a church in town and she immediately chose the Cowboy Church.
My past experience with the Cowboy Church on Sunday mornings has not been very welcoming but this morning things were different. They recently got a new pastor and he was at the front door making sure everyone felt welcome. The whole atmosphere of the church was more welcoming than it had been in the past or maybe it was all just my perspective.
I chatted with the lady in charge of the children’s program for a while and she said she had some homeschool books and games for me. I mentioned that I was staying in town pet sitting and she was excited to hear that I did pet sitting. She will be hiring me to pet sit her dogs in the future. Yay!
Angel went to children’s church and I found a seat in the sanctuary. I didn’t know any of the songs during singing but it was nice to just sit and listen. The message I received during the sermon was: When I am baptized into Christ (consciousness). The Holy Spirit indwells me and gives me a spiritual resurrection and a new life.
When church was over, I got Bits and Sophia from my pet sitting house and headed home. Chance didn’t get to go, he stayed to guard the house. I had gotten a hold of Christopher on the phone going to church and had apologized for the mean things I said to him yesterday and he accepted my apology. When we arrived home, Christopher was outside feeding the dogs. I gave him a hug and we sat outside and talked about ways to be able to effectively work together in the future. Then, I collected some eggs from the chickens and fixed an opening in the duck coop. I made Angel some lunch and gave her the choice of going with me or staying with Christopher. She decided to go with me.
We got in the truck with Sofia and Bits and went to a potluck at a house down the road where some of my friends live. The potluck was a lot of fun. I knew almost everyone there and spent most of the time talking with my friend Tracy. There was a girl there the same age as Angel and they became friends. Sofia and Bits had fun running around. Sofia stuck by my side but Bits ran around exploring. Tracy and I talked about bicycle rides and it got me thinking about getting out my fat tire bicycle and riding it more often. He told me about a ride in August near Wichita Falls called Hotter’N Hell that he is going to do. Later on in the evening, I looked up the bicycle ride on-line and it looks like it’s a hot but fun ride. Here’s a link to the website: Hotter’N Hell .
The kids wanted to go see the goats and Tracy said he would take them over there. My friends have Nubian and Nigerian Dwarf goats, a lot of them. They also have chickens, ducks and turkeys. I brought Sofia and Bits along with me to see the goats. Sofia thought if would be fun to chase one of the goats. The goat turned around and came at her. Sofia yipped and ran off. That didn’t stop her from chasing them again. She tried chasing the goats a couple more times and they were having none of it, so I put her outside the gate. The kids had a lot of fun petting the goats. Most of the goats were friendly. They are so cute. I love goats.

We stayed at the potluck until 2:30 pm, then I left to go pick up 3 yorkies that I’m pet sitting until Friday. I’ll keep them with me at my pet sitting house until I go home on Tuesday. Then I’ll have the them at home with me until Friday morning. I have permission from the owners to have the yorkies at their house. When I arrived at my pet sitting house I slowly introduced the yorkies to Chance to make sure everyone got along. Chance was excited about them and even though they growled at him, he didn’t growl back. I let Chance and the yorkies watch each other through the sliding glass door for a while, then I held Chance firmly while they all sniffed each other. After a couple of hours they were all used to each other and the dogs were all good together.
Angel and I watched the movie Annie. I hadn’t seen it in a while, I had forgotten how cute it was. When the movie was over, I fed the dogs and made Angel waffles for dinner. I didn’t eat anything because I had a slight stomachache from eating some rice at the potluck. I was reminded of why I stopped eating starchy food. I drank a lot of herbal tea instead of eating and it was good for my stomach. I sat outside for a while and talked to my son Scott and then my sister Trish on the phone. Trish is healing well and has permission from her doctor to sleep without her cast on at night. She is glad about that and she’s sleeping better. When I got off the phone, Angel and I took a shower and I put the yorkies in their crate for the night. We got into bed and I read aloud 2 chapters from The National Park Mystery Series book 4. It has been a while since we’ve read at bedtime and it felt good to be doing it again. Angel listened to a bedtime meditation about horses while I wrote my blog. At 9 pm, I turned off the light and fell asleep. At 10 pm I woke up to the yorkies yipping. Then I remembered, the last time I watched them, their owners warned me that they would yip and whine all night. At home their bedtime crate is on the other side of the house so their owners can sleep at night. I got up and I moved the yorkies to the garage and went back to sleep.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.
P.S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.