Saturday April 6, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 12:30 AM and wrote my blog until 3:30 AM. I woke up again at 6 AM. I really wanted to sleep longer but it was time to get up. I woke Angel up and made my bed and let out the chickens, ducks and geese. I went in the house and greeted Christopher. I made tea and smoothies and headed to town.
I had a big office building and 2 residential houses to clean. Christopher would be meeting me at the office building in a while to help clean it. I pay him to help me since it’s a big job. I arrived and got started cleaning. There are 6 bathrooms to clean and I got those done first. Christopher arrived and he emptied the garbage cans and recycling while I dusted and wiped down all of the offices. It was time for me to go clean my residential houses. I left Christopher to do the floors and finished up.
I arrived at my first residential house right on time. I have become friends with my client here and we had great conversations while I cleaned. I really enjoy talking with her and getting filled in on what’s been happening in her life. I was almost done cleaning when my sister Trish called me to talk about her upcoming surgery and let me know when she would need me to be there. She said her boyfriend will be able to help out the first few days after her surgery from April 24-28. That will give me a few days to get there since I plan on driving and will be leaving the 24th. It’s a 28 hour drive to her house and it will take me at least 3 days.
My next house cleaning went good and when I finished up I drove to my friend Lynne’s house to hang out with her. After that I planned to go on a walk with my friend Kim. Then after that I was meeting a dog named Zona along with her owner to see about pet sitting. Her owner works long hours 6 days a week and needs someone to let Zona out in the middle of the day to use the bathroom and have some play time.
On the way to Lynne’s, I filled my truck up with gasoline, went through the car wash and got some groceries. When I arrived, she made some tea and we sat and talked for a couple of hours. My friend Kim canceled our walk so that gave me more time to visit with Lynne. She likes to travel also and we have a lot in common to talk about. While we chatted, one of their dogs named Moonshine laid in my lap and got her belly rubbed. Moonshine is so cute. She looks like a fluffy bear and laid fully relaxed in my arms while I petted her. Anytime I stopped rubbing her belly she would paw at me to let me know that her belly still needed to be rubbed some more.

When I left Lynne’s I drove down the road to meet Zona and her owner. As soon as I pulled up and got out, Zona came running up to greet me. She is a blue heeler and super friendly. Zona’s owner and I played frisbee with her in the back yard and talked about what I was able to do for pet sitting. I told him I wouldn’t always be available to let her out 6 days a week but I could do at least 4 and I could let him know what days I would be there at the beginning of each week. He was fine with that and said she’s used to being inside all day and any day is better than no days. I had a good feeling about caring for Zona and am looking forward to spending time with her several days a week.

When I left Zona’s I headed home and on the way I stopped to feed the outside cat I’m pet sitting for and check on everything. At home, I greeted Christopher and Angel. Then I started a batch of homemade dog food and took a bath. After my bath, we all met in the banana hut and I read aloud one chapter from Stormy, Misty’s Foal. Then we all said our good nights. Angel slept in the house with Christopher and I fell asleep at around 9:30 PM snuggled up with our cat Moe and Little Bit.

Thank you for reading my blog, and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.