February 28, 2024
I woke up at 3:30 a.m. I had gotten exactly 8 hours of sleep. I’d had intense dreams filled with lots of emotions…anger, joy, laughter, sadness. I felt emotionally cleansed which was a great feeling. I wrote my blog until 5 a.m. then I meditated and prayed my thanksgivings and gratitudes:
- I am grateful for wind. Thank you for cleaning out the cobwebs.
- I am grateful for my children. Thank you for the gift of being a mom.
- I am grateful for feelings. Thank you for the insights they bring.
- I am grateful for yoga. Thank you for a strong healthy body.
It’s amazing the difference I experience in myself when I do my thanksgivings and gratitudes every morning.
I went into the house and greeted Christopher. I fed Little Bit and Healer and made tea and smoothies. I woke up Angel, she ate breakfast and got ready to go with me. We left right on time at arrived at my first house at 7 a.m. Little Bits mom lives at this house and they were happy to see each other and immediately started playing. Angel enthusiastically got started on her schoolwork, which was a great improvement over the last couple of days. It was phonics even which is her least favorite subject but she happily did it and finished right before it was time to go. Every day her reading skills are improving and once she gains more confidence in it, she will be reading books on her own. She loves books already since I read to her so much, she just gets frustrated when she can’t figure out words on her own and gives up. I chatted with my client while I cleaned and enjoyed making their home beautiful.

When I finished cleaning, I picked up Ms. M and we went to the library for Story Time. We were early which gave Angel time to pick out a book to read to the little kids. She chose The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss and enjoyed reading it to the kids. I know that doing things like this is building her confidence in reading and I’m proud of her for challenging herself. Ms. M had fun watching the kids and laughed a lot at their silliness.

After Story Time I cleaned the Lutheran church while waiting for the newspapers to arrive. They were running late today which gave me time to clean the church. I love cleaning churches. I love the way they smell and their peaceful energy. I would happily take on cleaning more churches if God brings more my way. Ms. M watched Angel play in the nursery while I cleaned and Little Bit ran around exploring. When I finished we went to the Rockdale Reporter. The papers arrived shortly after we got there and the route went well. Angel usually likes to stay at the Reporter but today she wanted to go. We listened to kids music while I did my deliveries. Ms. M seemed to really enjoy the kids music, even more than she likes John Denver music. I was glad to have discovered that so I can play it for her on a regular basis.
When I finished my route, I took Ms. M to her house and put her in the care of her husband. Then I headed home grateful I didn’t have anymore houses to clean after doing the papers. When I arrived home, I talked to Christopher a few minutes before he left to spend the evening with his friends. Then I got in the bath that he had ready for me and fully relaxed my body. The water was a perfect temperature and felt amazing. After a while Angel joined me and she stayed in to play after I got out.
I had an hour before I had a coaching client phone call and I planned to rest and meditate during that time. I went to put my cleaning cloths in the wash and that mornings laundry hadn’t been hung on the line. I hung it up and started my cloths washing. Then I went to the banana hut, I still had a half hour before my phone call. I laid on the bed and fully relaxed my body. I focused on my breath and cleared my mind. I floated in a state of bliss for 20 minutes and felt fully energized. My mediations are so much better since I quit smoking marijuana. I love love love being completely sober. My focus has completely changed from desiring the feeling marijuana or occasional drinking would give me, to loving the way it feels to be completely sober, I laugh more and my thinking is clear, plus there’s no coming down or hang overs. I wake up in the mornings feeling great without having to recover from anything. It’s a great way to live life and I am enjoying it.
The life coaching session went great as always. I’ve had this client for many years and it’s delightful seeing her growth. As soon as I got off the phone, Angel and I headed back to town for yoga and Bible study. The yoga class was fantastic. I am glad I’m doing yoga again. It’s so good for my mind and body. When it was over we went to the Cowboy church for Bible study. I hadn’t been to Wednesday night Bible study for a while and I was reminded of how good it was. Gay Marburger teaches it and it’s obvious the Holy Spirit speaks through her. I didn’t take notes but I will next time. It was about living by faith. I appreciate that she never talks about what’s wrong with other religions or what’s wrong with the world, instead it’s always about going inside and being accountable for ourselves. That’s what’s real. No matter what is going on outside of us, we can be at rest and peaceful in ourselves through faith.
When we arrived home, I finished packing and hung my cleaning cloths on the line. Then we went to bed around 9:30 p.m. listening to a Bobbsey Twins book.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.