Lazy Day, Singing at Church and Reading a Book

February 17 & 18, 2024

Saturday was uneventful. I had the day off and it was windy and cold. I didn’t go anywhere or get dressed the whole day. I was surprised I wasn’t more sore from all the paddling I did kayaking yesterday but the only soreness I noticed was my arms getting tired easily. I spent the day cozied up in the banana hut reading to Angel. I had bought her 3 new mystery books for Christmas from Main Street Bookstore in Rockdale. The books are called the National Park Mystery Series by Aaron Johnson. They are a new series of 10 books that are an ongoing mystery that takes place in 10 different national parks. The first 3 are the only books out so far and we read almost all of the first book on Saturday and finished it on Sunday. Angel was really getting into it and it was fun watching her face get all scrunched up with deep thinking as she kept trying to solve the mystery. 

Sunday morning we went to church. It was a relaxing morning before church and even though it was still cold, the sun was shining bright and it was a beautiful day. It was my Sunday to sing at church and I had practiced my song all morning. Originally I was going to play Amazing Grace on my harmonica but I got too nervous about that because I’m really new at playing the harmonica and I mess up a lot. So I chose an old hymn to sing called Higher Ground. It was simple and easy and fit my voice. The past few months when I sing higher notes my voice quits and is completely gone. It’s starting to get better though. I’m pretty sure that quitting smoking weed is what is helping my singing voice get better, smoking scorched my throat and affected my vocal cords. 

When I got up to sing at church, the microphone wasn’t working. So I told everyone I would just sing loud. Then I missed my music cue to start singing and had to start over. As I was singing I realized that I didn’t need to be holding the microphone since it wasn’t working. I reached over to set it down on the podium and it rolled off. When it hit the ground it sounded like it was working again, so I picked it up and it still wasn’t working. I just sang the rest of the song into the non working microphone and was glad my voice held out. I thought the whole thing was hilarious while it was happening and had fun with it. 

The church had a luncheon after the service. I wasn’t going to stay since I’m eating mostly raw vegan (other than steamed veggies) and I figured there wouldn’t be anything there for me to eat. Churches aren’t known for promoting healthy eating or even providing fresh fruit or salad as a choice. I’m not sure why that is. I mean, churches pray for healing for people with health issues while feeding them processed foods that cause health issues🤷🏻‍♀️. It doesn’t make sense to me but it is how it is and people get to choose. The only Christian church I know of that promotes healthy eating are the Seventh Day Adventists and they are actually listed in the blue zones. If you don’t know what the blue zones are, look them up. They are groups of the current longest living people on Earth. 

Anyway, I got off on a tangent there. Where was I? Oh yes, I went to the church luncheon because Angel wanted to go and play with the other kids. There wasn’t anything for me to eat there except some iceberg lettuce and sliced tomatoes  for people to put on their hamburgers. I didn’t want to eat those without my yummy tahini dressing and I wasn’t hungry anyway so I took the opportunity to talk with people and see how they were doing. I had talked to almost everyone in the room by the time it was over. I love talking with people so much. I love finding out how they are doing and what they have been up to. I like to cheer people on and encourage them. It’s one of my gifts and it comes naturally to me 😁. 

When the luncheon was over, I ended up taking the leftover lettuce and tomatoes home with me. Christopher made a tomato soup with the tomatoes right away and I put the lettuce in the fridge to make into a big salad tomorrow. I spent the rest of the afternoon sitting outside in the sun reading to Angel and talking to my boys and a sister on the phone, while a chicken sat on my legs. I like to call my family on the weekends to see how they are doing. My oldest son broke his ankle yesterday and is in a lot of pain. He is going to see a doctor next week to find out about getting surgery. I told him if he needs me to fly back up to Utah to help out after his surgery to let me know. I have a trip planned to visit one of my sisters in Tucson February 29 – March 4, but I will cancel the trip if I need to go help my son. He doesn’t think he’ll need me to come up there and that his wife can handle everything. I believe I’ll check with her tomorrow to see if she feels the same way. 

I read the National Park Mystery book to Angel some more while we were taking a bath. After our bath we got ready to go to Awanas. I dropped Angel off at the church where the Awanas program is and went to the grocery store. I got finished right on time to pick up Angel. She was excited and told me all about the fun she had while I drove us home. Back at home I told Christopher I was going to bed early since I had to be up at 4 a.m. Angel and I went in the banana hut. I finished reading the last 2 chapters of the first book in The National Park Mystery Series. Angel wanted me to read her the first chapter in the next book in the series. It was short so I agreed to read it. Then I turned out the light and we went to sleep at 7:30 p.m. listened to a Bobbsey Twin audiobook. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you. 



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