February 12, 2024
I woke up at 1:00 a.m. I let Healer and Bits out to go pee. Healer went pee right away, like he knew exactly what he was supposed to be doing. I crawled back into my warm cozy bed, Healer snuggled up next to me and I wrote my blog until 3:00 a.m. I fell back asleep around 4:00 a.m. listening to Silence by Thich Nhat Hahn. I woke up again at 6:00 a.m. I laid in bed and prayed my thanksgivings and gratitudes (I hadn’t been remembering to do that for a while but I remembered today!):
- I am grateful for puppies. Thank you for their sweet trusting nature.
- I am grateful for mornings. Thank you for a new day.
- I am grateful for roosters. Thank you for their morning wake up call.
- I am grateful for sadness. Thank you for the clarity it shows me.
- I am grateful for friends. Thank you for the joy they bring.
I got up, made my bed and went over to Christopher’s. I set Healer outside to go pee and brought him in. I brought him in too soon because he disappeared. It was dark in the house and I couldn’t find him but then I found him pooping in a hidden spot. It is a good sign that he chose a spot far away from everything. He will be easy to potty train because he’s a conscientious pooper and won’t just go anywhere. I fed him and Bits my homemade dog food and he ate well. I made my lime tea, 2 smoothies and a salad. I wouldn’t be home until after 8 p.m. and I wanted to have plenty of food with me. I went to pack everything up in a cooler but I couldn’t find the cooler. I was getting frustrated because now I was running behind schedule and I have a hard time finding things in the disorganized construction mess. It’s difficult for an organized person to live with disorder but I that’s part of my journey, being ok with disorganization. I know that if anything triggers me it is showing me where I am not in acceptance. My goal is to not be disturbed by anything and to live in full acceptance of whatever life gives me. Christopher came out of the bathroom and I told him I couldn’t find the cooler. He got it out of the bathroom. I packed it up and headed to my first cleaning opportunity.
When I arrived, the girl helping out with their farm was there. I talked to her briefly, she is so cute, then I got started cleaning. I listened to a talk by Tara Brach called Radical Compassion: Pathway to Healing and Freedom while I cleaned. https://youtu.be/TMYATXTd16U?si=ESaZ-FuB_qnDa9J4 It was such a good talk. Tara is a great speaker and adds great humor to her talks about deep healing. I enjoyed cleaning and viewed it as a form of meditation and being present. I finished 20 minutes behind schedule but made it to my next house only 5 minutes late. The houses were closer together than I thought. It was good to be back on schedule and I listened to Tara Brach some more while I cleaned. I received so much clarity from her talks and I was grateful for that.
At my 3rd house, my clients were home and I briefly talked with them while I cleaned. I received a text message from an acquaintance that gets almost expired produce from a grocery store. She said I could come pick up strawberries, potatoes and bananas if I wanted them. I headed straight there after I finished cleaning, drinking a smoothie on the drive. I messaged a friend and asked if she wanted me to bring her some of the produce. She said yes and would share it with a few other people we know. I was glad the food was getting shared with a lot of people. I got enough for everyone to have some and dropped it off on her doorstep since she wouldn’t be home until later.

I went to care for Ms. M. She did word puzzles while I ate the salad I had brought with me. I love salads so much, they are so satisfying. When I finished eating, I did some cleaning. I cleaned the back patio doors and windows inside and out and dusted all the blinds in the living room and kitchen. Ms. M’s husband returned as I was finishing up dusting the blinds and I was grateful to be done with a long day of cleaning.
I drove to Thorndale to pick up Angel from her adopted grandma at our designated meeting place. I arrived before them and I enjoyed sitting in the truck breathing and feeling peaceful. When they arrived it was good to see them. Angel was happy to show me a new stuffed animal she had received and I chatted with her adopted grandma for a few minutes before heading home. I was supposed to have skit practice tonight but it was canceled and I was grateful because I wouldn’t have gotten home until after 8 p.m. I was glad to be getting home earlier besides I knew half of my lines already and we would be able to get practice time in tomorrow before our performance Wednesday night. Angel and I listened to Five on a Secret Trail by Enid Blyton on the way home and I drank my other smoothie.
We arrived home at 6:17 p.m., Christopher unloaded the produce and I put the packs of strawberries in the fridge. Christopher had made room for them and they all fit perfectly. Either before or after cleaning houses tomorrow, I would make fresh strawberry juice tomorrow and freeze a bunch of bananas. It is perfect timing because I’m down to my last 2 jars of grape juice.
I hadn’t told Angel that we had gotten a new puppy because I wanted to surprise her. She was delighted when she saw him and he liked her too, she played with him and he followed her around. I got in the bath that Christopher had ready for me and it felt wonderful. I washed up and soaked for a while. I got out just as Angel was getting in. She didn’t bathe long since she was excited to play with the puppy some more. We got ready for bed and went to the banana hut with Little Bit and Healer. I read her 3 of her story books. Christopher joined us after he showered and I read 2 chapters from Hank the Cowdog book 9. I jumped 100 jumps on the rebounder and Angel decided to sleep next to me on the trundle bed with Healer. We said our good nights and Christopher went to his house. We fell asleep listening to a Bobbsey Twin book at around 8:30 p.m.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.