January 9, 2024
I woke up at 10:30 p.m. My mind started thinking in circles. I put on a talk by Michael Singer. It was a brilliant talk about choosing to be ok and enjoying life no matter what happens on the outside. Being at peace with what is and being the observer of the ripples in life rather than the victim. It was just what I needed to calm my mind and I drifted back to sleep at around 11:30 p.m. I awoke again at 4:30 a.m. I wrote my blog and prayed my thanksgivings and gratitudes:
- I am grateful for life. Thank you!
- I am grateful for a new day. Thank you!
- I am grateful for my family. Thank you!
- I am grateful for peace of mind. Thank you!
I made my bed and jumped 100 rebounder jumps. Angel woke up with Little Bit jumping all over her and licking her face. We made our beds and went to the house together. When I walked in the door Christopher was finishing up making fresh strawberry juice and fresh pineapple juice. Oh boy! He sure knows how to show me love. I was planning on doing it myself and it was a wonderful surprise to have it all done. I cleaned up the juicer and took out the compost. Then I made my tea and a smoothie. Angel got dressed and ate her breakfast. She was going with me since Christopher was doing a foundation repair job today.
We left to go to town and arrived at my first house right on time. I had 5 houses to clean and I was grateful to have a thriving business. Angel did her schoolwork while I cleaned all of the houses. I paced myself cleaning and had happy thoughts about words. I’m constantly upgrading my words from weak words to powerful words. I can feel overwhelmed when I have a big cleaning day. Thinking about all the work I have to do, thinking about how hard it will be. When I started realizing that my thoughts and words create my reality then I made some big changes in those areas. When I catch myself thinking that something will be hard, I switch it to I can easily handle it. I stopped using the word try or trying. “Trying is the first step to failure” is a quote I heard once. I take the “try” out. Instead of saying “I will try to eat healthy”, I say “I will eat healthy”. Trying is not doing and it’s a wishy washy word and I’m not a wishy washy person. Either I do it or I don’t. Powerful language has changed my life in amazing ways. I realized that I am capable of way more than I used to think I was and not only able I capable; I have the ability to do it easily. At times, I repeat my old thinking patterns and use helpless words but I only allow myself to wallow in suffering so long before I remember once again how much power I truly have; and step into living through my higher self. We are made in God’s image, his strength is our strength; it only takes the faith of a mustard seed to move a mountain. I highly recommend studying conscious language and realizing the power of thoughts and words.
The houses I cleaned were all within 3 blocks of each other and none of my clients were at home. Angel did amazing on her schoolwork. She did page after page in her workbook, she did them correctly and was self motivated. She wanted to get her next 50 pages done so she could watch a movie and she did it. She made it to 50 at my last house and watched a movie on my phone called Unicorn Academy.
When we arrived home, I greeted Christopher and got settled in. I was really hungry and started eating some of my homemade kale chips while talking to Christopher. He said he had a few chores to do and supper would be ready. I waited a few minutes while he was doing chores but I was too hungry to wait. I had burned a lot of calories and the hunger was big. I made a big salad and ate it. When Christopher and Angel came in to eat their supper, I finished eating my salad and we all shared what we were grateful for. Angel and I took a bath together and got ready for bed. I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen while Christopher showered. We all met up in the banana hut. I read 2 chapters from Hank the Cowdog book 7. Then we said our good nights, Angel slept next to me on the trundle bed and we fell asleep around 8:30 p.m. listening to a sleepy meditation story.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.