November 22, 2023
At 3 a.m. and did a full body relaxation session. I fell back asleep from around 4 a.m. until 6:15 a.m. I stretched and prayed my thanksgivings and gratitudes before I got up and did 100 jumps on the rebounder. Then I went in the kitchen and greeted Christopher, Angel was still asleep in the banana hut. I made my tea and packed up fresh strawberry juice to drink at work. It was my second day of having a strawberry juice feast and I was enjoying it. Christopher was off work and was keeping Angel with him and watching the yorkies. Their owner would be picking them up in the early afternoon. I headed off to work, it was a short work day with only 3 cleaning jobs scheduled and I was feeling grateful for that.
My first job went great. I had good conversations with my client while I cleaned. When I finished, I had a few minutes before my next job so I went to Moon Brew and got a chai tea. The place was packed full of police officers and other service people. I remembered that it was the day they were giving out free coffee to service providers. I briefly said hi to my friends that work there while I waited for my tea. I received a text message from my last cleaning client of the day canceling her cleaning. I was grateful to have an even shorter work day. I went on to my next job, which was now my last job. It was the house where Little Bits mom and sister lived. Little Bit had great fun playing with them. It was a dog family reunion. I had good conversations with my client while I cleaned and did a good job. When I finished, I was happy to have the rest of the day off.
I went to the building materials store and bought lumber to build a covering for the patio in front of my banana hut this weekend. It’s going to be so awesome when it’s done. Christopher is going to help me since it’s my first time building a patio cover. I am looking forward to learning how to build it. After getting lumber I went back to Moon Brew. I shared fresh strawberry juice with my friends and had some great conversations. Then I walked over to the Bookstore. It was great walking weather. I bought some Christmas presents and conversed with friends at the bookstore for a while. I walked back to Moon Brew and had a wonderful conversation with a friend about the energy of words. I shared about when I put cooked rice in 2 different baby food jars. I wrote LOVE across one jar and HATE across the other. I put them in the back of the refrigerator and forgot about them. Over a year later I found the forgotten about jars in the back of the fridge. The rice in the LOVE jar still looked like white rice, the rice in the HATE jar was orange and black and nasty looking. Words have power and that was visual proof.

When I arrived home, I greeted Christopher and Angel. After unloading the pickup we sat outside in the sun as a family and Angel read to us. While she was reading I received a text from a coaching client asking if I was running late. Oh my! I had lost track of time and was 20 minutes late for a session. I immediately went in the banana hut and called my client. They were forgiving of my tardiness and we had a great session. Supper was ready when I finished. I ate a big salad to complement my strawberry feast and we all shared what we are grateful for around the table. Angel and I took a bath and got ready for bed. We all met as a family in the banana hut. Angel read Fox in Socks then I read 3 chapters of Hank the Cowdog book 4. We said our good nights and went to bed. Angel slept on the trundle bed and we fell asleep around 8:30 p.m. listening to The Boxcar Children.
I am grateful for friends.
I am grateful for family.
I am grateful for great conversations.
I am grateful for energy.
I am grateful for connection.
I am grateful for coaching.
I am grateful for strawberries.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.