Update from my last blog on scabies. They are officially gone! Yay!

Dear diary and friends,
Yesterday I woke up at 3am. I read for a while, started a load of laundry, went poop and went back to sleep around 6am. I woke again at 9am.
I went poop again. It was a very good poop. I know that’s TMI lol, it’s important information regardless. I made a 64 oz. banana, spinach and watermelon rind juice smoothie and a 64 oz. jar of distilled water with fresh squeezed lemon in it. I packed the smoothie, the water and 58oz. of fresh squeezed OJ I bought made at H-E-B in a cooler and loaded it in the car. I grabbed an apple and headed to work. Angel stayed home with her big sister Savana.
I ate the apple on the drive to work and listened to music. I enjoyed the half hour drive, my favorite part was the last couple miles on a dirt road. It was quiet and peaceful. I rolled the windows down and the smells were heavenly. The birds were singing gaily and a train whistle was blowing in the distance. It was blissful.
While I cleaned a house I drank the OJ. I enjoyed cleaning and making the house beautiful. After a job well done, I drove back home. I forgot to listen to the birds on my drive out to the main road. I must have been in my head. Lol. I drank my water on the drive home.
When I arrived home I picked peaches off the tree and found a big fat cucumber in the garden.

I folded laundry, packed some things in the RV for our upcoming trip, talked to my ex boyfriend Fred on the phone and did some things around the house. Then I headed to work for Peggy and George in Round Rock. Angel ate nuts and seeds on the hour long drive. I drank the 64oz. banana smoothie. At work I dropped Peggy and Angel off at the YMCA swimming pool. Then I went to run an errand for George. Coming back from the errand I stopped at Juiceland to get a smoothie.

It was a super yummy smoothie.
I drove back toward the YMCA to pick up Angel and Peggy. I was almost there when I realized I didn’t have my purse with me. Then I remembered leaving it in the bathroom at Juiceland. I called Juiceland and they checked the bathroom. My purse was still there. Yay!

I drove all the way back, got my purse and drove back to pick up Angel and Peggy. By that time they had been swimming 2 1/2 hours. Peggy was worn out and Angel of course wanted to swim longer.
I drive us all back to Peggy and George’s. George was bummed he didn’t get to spend time with Angel. So I suggested they could keep her while I have supper with Fred. George liked that idea, so did I. So I left Angel there and went to have supper with Fred. We met at central market. I had a big delicious salad. Then we walked through central market park which was beautiful.

Fred had to leave to lead a meeting. I bought some groceries. Then drove to pick up Angel. On the drive I ate a pint of nada Moo ice cream.
At Peggy and George’s I picked up Angel and headed home. Angel fell asleep right away. I was tired on the drive but we made it home just fine. I unloaded the groceries and put them away with Savana’s help. Then I went straight to bed. I talked on the phone with Fred briefly, listened to a sleep mediation and went to sleep around 10:30pm.
It was a lovely day.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
With joy,
P.S. so what’s the deal with Fred? I broke up with him a couple weeks ago. Then we talked and now we are taking things slow. I told him I wanted to be courted…so he’s courting me. It’s been great fun!