Yesterday: Pet Sitting, Cleaning and Zim’s Hot Springs

Thursday February 27, 2025

Dear Diary,

Good morning God,

  • Thank you for this day. 
  • Thank you for dogs. 
  • Thank you for snow. 
  • Thank you for friendships. 
  • Thank you for community. 
  • Thank you for music. 
  • Thank you for love. 

I love you!

I awoke at 2 AM. I wrote my blog and posted it. I slept again from 5 AM to 8 Am. When I awoke again. Angel was awake and hungry. I put on hymnal music and played wordle and connections. Angel got dressed in a tank top and shorts. I told her that it wasn’t warm enough for that and she said that she was hot yesterday. She refused to change and I told her she to at least put pants on under her shorts. Reluctantly she did it. It was going to be 45° F which is definitely warmer than it has been but it’s not quite shorts weather until it gets to 50° F 😂, which will be tomorrow. I got up, made my bed and got dressed. I made Angel breakfast and made myself tea and a smoothie. I packed our suitcase to do an overnight pet sitting opportunity until Monday morning. It was a beautiful sunny day. It’s the kind of day where I’m itching for an adventure. Friday I have off. Angel and I will be going on some sort of an adventure. 

I dropped off our luggage at our overnight pet sitting opportunity and checked on the animals. Then we went to Lila’s, I fed her and let her out. I let Bits and Lila run around the backyard for a while. They have become good friends. Next, we went to the library in order for Angel to drop off the dry and canned food that we got at Cub scouts last night. The librarians helped us bring it in and told Angel thank you. 

Angel walked next door for jujitsu and I went to a cleaning opportunity down the road. I enjoyed cleaning and chatting with my client. Her house is next door to the apartment that I will be moving into and we are looking forward to being neighbors. 

When I picked up Angel from jujitsu, we let Lila out and drove to New Meadows to do another cleaning opportunity. It was at a house where I often pet sit a dog named Lucky. Lucky and Bits were happy to see each other and ran around playing. Angel did her schoolwork. She did long addition and subtraction. I did a great job cleaning and on top of that, I unclogged their bathtub using a plunger and fixed a broken out panel on their kitchen island. I chatted with my client while I worked and I got their house sparkling clean. My client paid me extra for doing such a good job and I was grateful for her generosity. 

Next we went to Zim’s hot springs. I floated on my back and stretched. Then I laid in the sun against a wall on the edge of the hot pool. It’s a tiny ledge and I had to lay at an angle with part of my body against the wall and part on the ledge. I was perfectly warm outside of the water with the sun shining on me. Even though it wasn’t a very comfortable position, I started to doze off and went to sleep. I woke up 30 minutes later and half of my body was asleep and I couldn’t move. I tried to sit up but my body would not cooperate. Finally I flopped over sideways into the hot pool with a splash. I sat there waiting for circulation to return to half of my body. Once I could move again, I got back up on the ledge and laid the other direction to get more sun on my body. I love the sun so much. Just as I started to drift off to sleep again, Angel came up to me and wanted to leave. I was surprised because she usually wants to stay for hours but I was glad to leave to get back to feed Lila and feed my overnight pet sitting animals. 

When we got back to Council, I fed Lila and let her out. I stopped at home to grab some food, then went to my overnight pet sitting house. I let the dogs out and Angel helped me bring our food in. I made up the bed we will be sleeping in, then I fed the animals. First I fed the horse and checked his water. I put the chickens up and gathered their eggs. I fed the dogs and checked on the cat. Then I fed Angel and we played a game of What’s the Point and watched an PBS kids show. I was feeling really tired, so we brushed our teeth and went to bed. Angel read a children’s book to me and I read her a chapter of a Magic Treehouse book. I put on a sleep meditation and fell asleep at 8:45PM. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria

P.S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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