Wednesday February 26, 2025
Dear Diary,
Good morning God,
- Thank you for this day.
- Thank you for dreams.
- Thank you for a wonderful camper to call home.
- Thank you for friends.
- Thank you for organizing opportunities.
- Thank you for encouragement.
- Thank you for love.
- Thank you for plants.
I love you!
I awoke at 5 AM. I edited my blog and posted it. Then I played wordle and connections and put on inspirational music. I woke up Angel and made her breakfast. I made Angels lunch and tea for myself. Then I packed up her lunch and leftover smoothie and we got ready to go. We left at 6:30 AM and went to Lila’s to let her out and fed her. Lila ate and played in the backyard with Bits for a half hour. Then we went to the fairgrounds to pick up our Azure order.
The truck was already there when we arrived but it hadn’t been unloaded yet. A friend was walking by when I got out of the truck and I walked to the unloading area with her. It was icy and muddy out and my friend was wearing slip on shoes. She was telling me, she wished she would have worn her boots. I asked her what size she wore and it was only a half size smaller than me. I told her I had some hiking boots in the truck she could use. She tried them on and they fit perfectly.
The truck driver brought the pallets out with the orders and everyone that was there helped unload them. It was so much fun having the community work together to get everything unloaded. There were tiles set up on the ground with peoples name on them in alphabetical order. People would get a box from the pallet, look at the name in it, carry it over to the persons tile and set it next their name. It is a great system and with the community working together, everything was unloaded within 20 minutes. Even kids were helping out. I love community.
I loaded all our stuff in the truck. I got a box of juicing apples and a gallon of raw wildflower honey. My older sister ordered some things too that I picked up. I drove to her house and dropped them off. Then I drove home and dropped off our stuff. I put it away and hearted (headed) to Cambridge to do a cleaning opportunity.
The cleaning opportunity went good. I also got asked to do some sorting and organizing while I was there and I thoroughly enjoyed that. I love organizing and I am good at it. Angel did her schoolwork while I cleaned and she started a new workbook that is more challenging. At first she was frustrated with it but then she got into it and enjoyed the challenge.
After cleaning, we went to homeschool co-op at the Council Community Church. The kids played bingo and board games. I chatted with the other moms and we brain stormed ideas for a field trip next week. we didn’t come up with anything final yet, but we will figure something out for the kids to do on a field trip.
Next, we went to the coffee shop and met with the pastor of the Nazarene church. She had messaged me earlier inviting me to have coffee with her. She bought us drinks and a snack and we talked while Angel played on her phone. We had fun conversations and have a lot in common. She does food foraging and kayaking and hiking and lots of things I also like to do. I think we will be doing a lot of fun activities together in the summer. I especially want to go foraging with her in order to learn all the plants in this area of the world. I had become almost an expert on the edible plants that grew in the area I lived in Texas, but I only know a few up here. I look forward to learning more. There is an incredible amount of edible greens and berries and fruit trees in this area, along with mushrooms, especially morel mushrooms.
We talked for an hour, then I drove to another cleaning opportunity. My clients house was full of people when I arrived. He had just gotten home from the hospital yesterday and the home health care nurse was there along with a couple members of his family. I had just cleaned his house Monday and it was still mostly clean but my client had called me earlier in the day asking me to come by and touch things up. There were a few messes I cleaned up. Then I changed the sheets on his bed and started a load of laundry washing. There wasn’t much else I could do. I told him that I would stop by later to switch his laundry and left to go let Lila out.
I let out Lila and fed her, then I drove home and made Angel something to eat. We left again and hearted (headed) to Cub Scouts up at Pineridge. On the way, I stopped and switched the laundry for my client. I started another load washing and told him that I could come by and switch laundry again later but he said that he could do it.
At Cub Scouts, the kids played and sledded while the adults talked about purchasing the handbook and shirt. The couple that lead the meeting have a bunch of dried goods and canned goods that they get from the food bank in Weiser. One of the Cub Scout assignments was for the kids to take the food to the Council library for people to come get for free. We loaded up a bunch of the food in my truck and I’ll have Angel take it in the library before jujitsu tomorrow.
We went to my older sisters house when we got back to Council. Angel and Bits stayed with her while I walked over to the bank and cleaned it. The lady who now cleans the bank went out of town and I’m the substitute cleaner. I listened to a memoir written by Diana Ross while I cleaned and I enjoyed cleaning. The bank was fairly dirty and it took me almost 2 hours to clean it but it looked great when I finished.
I walked back to my sisters and got Angel. We let Lila out and went home. It was after 9PM when we arrived home. It had been a long day and we went straight to bed. I put on a sleep meditation and wrote my blog notes. We fell sleep at around 10PM.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.