Thursday and Friday: Jujitsu, Zim’s Hot Springs, Pet Sitting and Games

Thursday February 20, 2025

Dear Diary,

Good morning God,

  • Thank you for this day. 
  • Thank you for pet sitting opportunities. 
  • Thank you for water. 
  • Thank you for mountains. 
  • Thank you for all of my feelings. 
  • Thank you for audiobooks. 
  • Thank you for Facebook. 

I love you!

I awoke from 5 AM to 7 AM. During that time I wrote my blog and played wordle and connections. I went back to sleep and Angel woke me up at 8 AM. I taught her how to make oatmeal and I made myself tea and a smoothie. 

We drove into town to do a drop in pet sitting opportunity. I am pet sitting a dog named Lila and cat named Kitty for a month. Lila gets let out 2 to 3 times a day and fed twice a day. For Kitty, I just make sure her food dish stays full and change her litter box once a week. Bits met Lila and Kitty last week. Kitty and Bits aren’t that interested in each other but Lila wants to be friends with Bits and he wants nothing to do with her. I’m sure he will warm up to her in a day or two. 

After pet sitting, I took Angel to jujitsu and drove to women’s Bible study. No one was there, so I checked the church messages and saw that it had been canceled. I drove back to jujitsu and watched Angel while I rewrote the city council meeting article. I felt like my re-write turned out really good. Last night I had read about how to make a write-up about a meeting interesting and learned some great tips. I finished the article and send it in. I’ll see if the editor is happy with it.

When jujitsu was finished, I let Lila out again and then drove to McCall to do a pet sitting opportunity. We listened to a Nancy Drew audiobook on the drive and it was a beautiful sunny day. Angel did her schoolwork while I cleaned. I listened to a memoir written by Diana Ross and I enjoyed cleaning. This is one of my favorite houses to clean. It’s a cute 2 bedroom, 2 bath cabin and my clients are very kind. They usually aren’t there when I’m cleaning but the lady set up a desk upstairs for Angel to do her schoolwork and she leaves kid puzzles out for Angel to put together. 

The house looked great when I finished and I ran some errands in McCall. I stopped by Albertsons to check out the produce and they had strawberries on sale for $1.77 a pack. There was a 4 container limit and I bought 4.  Then I bought gas at Maverick and stopped at Subway to get Angel some lunch. As I waited in line to place Angels order, the lady working there asked the guy in front of me if we were paying together. The guy and I looked at each other and realized the lady thought we were a couple. I said to the man, “I thought you were paying this time sweetie”. We both started laughing and told the lady that we weren’t together. He paid for his food while they were making my order. As he was leaving, he told me, “have a good day honey” and I responded “you too sweetheart”. We both laughed. It was great fun doing improv with a stranger. 

Next, I went to Ridley’s and got a salad from the salad bar. I went to Natural Grocer and got pumpkin seeds and blackberries. Then we went to Zim’s hot springs. My friend Brett met us there. We swam for a while. I stretched and floated on my back, fully relaxing my body. Angel found goggles someone had left there and I used them to search all around the pool for the pony she had lost the other day. It wasn’t there and I bet another kid found it. When we got out, Brett and I played one game of scrabble. Then Angel and I went back to Council. 

I let Lila out and fed her. Then I spent time giving her lots of love and attention. Kitty has been hiding, I know she will come out once she gets used to us. I searched for her and didn’t find her but I knew she was fine because she had eaten some of her food. 

When we got home, Angel helped me unload groceries and put them away. Then we brushed our teeth and went to bed. Angel read Boats for Papa aloud and I read to her a Magic Treehouse book. At 9 PM, I put on a sleep meditation and we went to sleep. 

Friday February 21, 2025

Dear Diary,

Good morning God,

  • Thank you for this day. 
  • Thank you for sunshine. 
  • Thank you for hot springs. 
  • Thank you for Bits. 
  • Thank you for Angel. 
  • Thank you for Amazon deliveries. 
  • Thank you for mountains. 

I love you!

I awoke at 5 AM. I played wordle and connections and went back to sleep. I awoke again at 8 AM, when I heard Angel getting up. I made her breakfast. I cut up dates, bananas and strawberries and put them in 2 Pyrex bowls to take with us. I made a 32 oz. bananas, strawberry, pineapple juice smoothie. Then we played a quick game of What’s the Point. I received feedback from the newspaper editor on my re-visited article and he said that it was much improved. Yay!

We went to Lila’s and let her out and fed her. Then I took Angel to jujitsu. Jujitsu on Fridays is different because there’s no public school on Fridays. The class is a lot bigger because it’s both the homeschool kids and the public school kids together. There are homeschool classes on Tuesday and Thursday from 10 AM to 11 AM and also an evening class those days for public school kids. Then a Friday morning class for all the kids. Angel usually doesn’t go on Fridays because I often have cleaning opportunities but she likes Fridays because they play group games together. 

While Angel was at jujitsu, I picked up some packages that had been delivered to my older sisters. One was a mattress topper that I was excited about putting on my bed in the camper. My bed is the fold out couch and it’s not comfortable. One side is higher than the other and the lower side is slightly tilted down. I took the mattress topper straight to my camper and put it on the lower side and folded the end to even out the slight tilt. We will see how it works tonight when I go to bed. 

I arrived back at jujitsu a few minutes before it was over and I’m glad I did because Angel got called to the front and received her first stripe. She ran to me afterward and was crying saying that she didn’t think she could ever get her first stripe and she was so happy she had done it. I hugged her and told her that she can do anything she sets her mind to. 

We drove to Lila’s and let her out again, then we went and picked up one of Angels homeschool friends to take her to Zim’s with us. On the drive there, we listened to an audiobook that Angels friend likes called The Wingfeather Saga: Book 1. The girls had a lot of fun at Zim’s. We swam for a while and my friend Brett was there. I stretched and floated on my back, fully relaxing my body. It was sunny out and I soaked up a bunch of vitamin D. I feel a big difference when I get sun time. Vitamin D is amazing, my mind and body feel so good when I get a good dose of it. 

When we got out, the girls played in the game room. They bought a bunch of fake tattoos and put them all over themselves. I wasn’t sure what Angels friends mom would think about that but I figured she would be ok with it. Brett and I played scrabble. I am starting to not enjoy playing scrabble. I didn’t think I would ever get burnt out on it but I might be. 

On the way back from Zim’s, we listened to a Nancy Drew audiobook. I took Angels friend home and stayed there a while talking with her mom. Her mom was fine with the fake tattoos and we had a fun talk while the kids played. I’m glad Angel made a friend that she gets along with. She’s had a hard time making friends. 

On our way home, we stopped at Lila’s and fed her and let her out. I spent some time giving her lots of love and attention. She’s such a sweet girl. When we got home, Angel and I played a couple games of What’s the Point. Then we got ready for bed. My bed felt much better with the mattress topper on it. Angel read aloud Hide and Snake and I read a Magic Treehouse book. Then I wrote my blog notes and put on a sleep meditation. We drifted off to sleep at around 10 PM. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.

Love, Victoria

P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

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