Jujitsu, Cleaning, 10 cent Bananas and Zim’s Hot Springs

Thursday December 12, 2024

Dear Diary,

Good morning God, 

  • Thank you for this day. 
  • Thank you for survival skills. 
  • Thank you for friends. 
  • Thank you for support. 
  • Thank you for healthy food. 
  • Thank you for giving me everything I need. 
  • Thank you for each breath. 

I love you!

I woke up at 12:30 AM. I played wordle and connections, wrote my blog and read a few pages of a Louis L’Amour book. At 5 AM, I went back to sleep and woke up again at 7:45 AM when Angel turned on her light. Before got up, I sent out my good morning friend messages and responded to comments on my Facebook posts. Angel was hungry and wanted grilled cheese sandwiches. I went downstairs and made them for her. I also made 4 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. 2 for Angel lunch and 2 for her dinner. For myself I made tea and a smoothie with 6 bananas, blackberries and fresh fruit juice. Then I made a big salad and salad dressing to take with me to have for dinner. I packed all the food to take with us and put it in the truck. It’s important for me to have all the food I need for the day prepared. That way I will be successful in making food choices that support my health. Not having prepared healthy food with me, is when I choose to eat less than ideally. 

Angel took off on her bicycle to go to jujitsu. I walked Huckleberry and Bits to the recycle bin and back. I had Huck on his trainer collar rather than his leash but he didn’t listen very well. He bolted over to a man walking his two little dogs, I called him back to me and pushed the shock button over and over but he was completely unfazed by it. I guess I’ll have to use his leash even though he drags me around with it. 

When we got to the house. I left the dogs there and walked to the grocery store. I bought 2 packages of raspberries and 2 newspapers. I wanted to see how my articles turned out. I read one of them while standing in line at the check out counter and the editor didn’t edit anything I wrote. He printed it exactly as I wrote it. I guess it was good enough as is. I left the grocery store and walked to jujitsu to watch Angel. It was a small class today. Angel learned some new moves and was able get more one on one help. 

Angel told me this morning that she doesn’t like jujitsu anymore. I told her that I paid for a month and she was going to at least do it for month. I paid for the class with money I could have used to get caught up on finances but it is important to me that she participate in group activities with other kids her age. I had thought about asking friends or family to sponsor her jujitsu classes but couldn’t bring myself to do it. We are living in the negative money wise at the moment. It’s been years since I’ve lived without having enough money for everything we need and then some. I keep reminding myself that this is my opportunity to live by faith and money opportunities are starting to come my way in abundance. All my options to create money need to be open to having Angel with me. God called me to have her with me and homeschool her and I know God will make sure we are taken care of. So far, I have 2 once a week and 3 once a month cleaning clients.  I am writing articles for the newspaper. I have a coaching client that I work with twice a month. Plus I have a lot of pet sitting opportunities coming up. Yay!

After jujitsu, Angel rode her bicycle home and I walked. We got in the truck and drove to a cleaning opportunity in McCall. On the drive we listened to a Nancy Drew mystery and I drank half of my smoothie. Angel did her schoolwork while I cleaned. She did a great job. She is reading good enough now that she didn’t need my help on any of her writing lessons and she did them all correctly. 

When I finishing cleaning, we went to Natural Grocer. I really like that store. They had “perfectly ripe” bananas on sale for 10 cents each. I weighed them and that equaled about 25 cents a pound. That’s a great price! Yay! I bought 44 bananas and there was still a whole lot left for other people to buy and enjoy. I also bought fresh ground peanut butter, a couple of kombucha’s (a luxury) and sprouted bread for Angel. My friend Brett was meeting me at the store and when he arrived I told him about the bananas on sale and he bought a couple of them. 

Brett followed us in his car to Zim’s hot springs. On the drive, I drank the other half of my smoothie. When we arrived, there were only 3 other people in the pool so we had it almost all to ourselves. We played catch with Angel. She has become a great swimmer, we raced and I couldn’t keep up with her, she’s so fast! I stretched and floated on my back. We swam for a couple of hours, then we got out and hung out in the lounge area. Angel played on her phone while Brett and I played scrabble. I ate the salad I had brought while we played. It was a good game and I barely won. People kept coming in the door to go swimming and by the time we got back in the pool there was quite the crowd there. We stayed out in the deep end and enjoyed floating around. I did more stretching and relaxing. We stayed until the pool closed at 8 PM. We waited in the water until the crowd cleared out of the lobby. Then we got dressed and chatted with the young lady working there named Chloe. 

Brett went home to McCall and we went the opposite way to Council. The drive through the canyon was uneventful. The roads were clear and we listened to a Nancy Drew audiobook. My sister was already in bed asleep when we came inside. Angel and I quietly brushed our teeth and went upstairs. I had a package on the stairs that had come in the mail. I opened it up and it was business cards for my health/life coaching that my friend Sarah had designed for me. Yay! They looked great. 

Angel got into her bed and I put on a sleep meditation for her to listen to. I got into my bed and wrote my blog notes. Then did a suduko puzzle located in the local newspaper I had bought earlier. When I finished the puzzle, I turned out the light and went to sleep at 10:30PM. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.

Love, Victoria

P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

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