Cleaning, Organizing, Friends and Owls

Friday September 20, 2024,

Dear Diary,

I woke up at 2 am and wore my blog until 4 am. I posted it online and went to sleep again at 5 am listening to an audiobook called Don’t Chase Success it Will Come to You. At 7 am, I woke up again. I prayed my gratitudes: Good morning God, I am grateful for friends. I am grateful for organizing opportunities. I am grateful for homeschool co-op. I am grateful for tea. I am grateful for my children. I am grateful for the moon. I am grateful for relaxing baths. I am grateful for hugs. I am grateful for kind written words. Thank you. I love you. 

I got up, made my bed and let out the chickens, ducks and geese. I put clean water in their pools and gave the goats fresh water. Then I hung the clean laundry on the line. Christopher was making his breakfast when I went inside the house. I greeted him and made tea and a banana, strawberry, cacao, turmeric, fresh almond milk and homemade wild apple/pear juice smoothie. I fed Little Bit and answered a phone call from my friend Nancy. We made plans to get together on October 5th. While I was still on the phone, I kissed Christopher goodbye on the head and drove across the highway to pick up my friend, let’s call her Vera. We were going thrift store shopping. When I pulled up, I got off the phone, before I had a chance to get out of the truck, Vera came out of her house and got in the truck. It was good to see her. 

We chatted on the drive to the thrift store. On the way there we stopped at my adult daughter’s house and picked up Angel. Then we stopped at a yard sale, Vera found some stuff but I only did a quick walk through. I had no plans to buy anything other than a Halloween costume for Angel and a coffee grinder for my friend Kim. I am moving and getting rid of stuff. The thrift store wasn’t open yet so we went out to breakfast at a Mexican restaurant. Angel hadn’t eaten yet and she gets really cranky if she doesn’t eat right after she wakes up. I wasn’t going to eat since I had my smoothie with me but I ordered a vegetable dish and regretted eating it afterwards because it felt like lead in my stomach. 

At the thrift store, the Halloween costumes were not out yet and they didn’t have any coffee grinders. I told Angel she could only get things that were gifts for other people. She thought that was great and picked out some toys for her friends that she could give to them at a birthday party we were going to this evening. I had Little But in a shopping cart as I was looking around the thrift store. Lots of people stopped to pet him because he’s so cute. One older lady told me that she’d had a dog that looked exactly the same as my dog. Her dog even had the same markings. She told me her dog had passed away a few years ago and had been named Little Bit. I hadn’t told her Little Bits name and was surprised that she’d had a dog that looked exactly the same with the same name. I told her that my dog was also named Little Bit. She was excited about that. The only difference between our dogs was that her dog had been a girl and Bits was a boy. We decided that Little Bit had reincarnated as a boy. She talked about how much she missed her little dog and said it was the best dog she’d ever had. I understood that because Bits is the best dog that I’d ever had. 

I ended up buying myself a fun hat from the thrift store even though I wasn’t going to buy anything. We stopped at another yard sale on our way to take Vera home but didn’t see anything we wanted. I dropped off Vera and we went to Christopher’s. I greeted Christopher and went in the banana hut to lay down to take a nap. That restaurant food had zapped my energy. I slept about an hour, until Angel came into the banana hut looking for her cat. I said that I didn’t know where it was. I went outside and sat by the fountain with Christopher I called the cats and they both came running. Angel was across the yard and Christopher and I hollered at her telling her that her cat was found. She came over, got her cat and sat on Christopher’s lap. She wanted to bring her cat with us to Idaho. I talked to her about leaving her cat here at Christopher’s when we go back to Idaho and getting a different cat there. She said, “That wouldn’t work out for her”. I told her it was hard on cats to travel and she could see her cat whenever we came to visit. She still didn’t like that plan. 

After sitting with us a while, Angel put down her cat and ran off to play. I cleaned out the backseat of the truck to make room to put my grandson Finn’s car seat. Angel and I would be leaving soon to pick him up and then we were going to a birthday party for my friend Rachele’s youngest son. Angel and I were both looking forward to seeing Finn. I got the backseat of the truck nice and organized and put Finn’s car seat in. I had gotten really hot doing that and was pouring sweat. Christopher had the sprinkler going on the fairy garden and I stood in it a few minutes to cool off. 

On the drive to get Finn, Angel chatted excitedly. When Finn and Angel saw each other, they ran to each other and hugged. Finn finished getting ready to go and we hearted (headed) to the birthday party. I stopped at Rachele’s neighbors to drop off some stuff she had bought from me online. When I got back in the truck, my dashboard informed me that one of my tires was low on air. I could see that the tires air pressure was slowly going down. I didn’t want to have to change the tire myself, so I quickly dropped there kids off at the party and asked Rachele if I could leave them there while I went to get my tire fixed. She said that I could. I could hear air hissing out of the tire and quickly drove towards Rockdale. I made it to the tire shop before the tire went flat and arrived at 4:55 pm, right before they closed. I had made it! The men working there were finishing up some other jobs and I watched them work while I waited. When they got to me, the man pulled the tire off and found that the leak was coming from a patch that they had previously put on. I told the guy to make sure he fixed it right this time. He looked over at me when I said that. I winked at him and laughed. I told him I was just kidding around and he laughed too. That started us joking around together and having a good time. He put a new patch on but the tire was still leaking a small amount of air. He put a plug in it and that did the trick. I asked how much I owed him and he said it was free. I thanked him and drove back to the birthday party. 

Half of the people were leaving by the time I arrived. I thanked Rachele for watching the kids and told her my tire was fixed. I sat in the front room and chatted with the adults that were still there. We talked for an hour or so while the kids played. It was fun just relaxing and talking. The sun was starting to go down when I decided it was time to go. I got the kids in the truck and drove to Christopher’s. I had messaged Christopher when I left that the kids needed a bath when we got home. The bath was ready when we arrived. I took a quick bath first and then the kids got in. I went to bed right after I got out and told Christopher that the kids wanted to sleep in the house with him. 

I closed in the chickens, ducks and geese and went in the banana hut. I wrote my blog for a while and went to sleep at around 9:30 pm. 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Dear Diary, 

I woke up at 6:45 AM. I got up and made my bed and let out the chicken, ducks and geese. When I went in the house, Christopher and the kids were still in bed. Christopher was awake though and had started the tea water heating up on the stove. I made my tea and my smoothie. My smoothie was bananas, frozen blackberries, cacao, turmeric and fresh wild apple/pear juice. While I was making my smoothie Christopher got up and started making breakfast for the kids. Finn got up and I told him good morning. He said good morning and sat at the table waiting for his breakfast. Angel laid in bed awake. I got ready to go and fed Little Bit. I left him inside while he was eating so he wouldn’t see me go. He had to stay home today with Christopher and the kids. Before I left, I put freshwater in the duck and geese pools and gave the goats freshwater.  They always get excited about having fresh water:

I drove to town and on the way I prayed my gratitudes. Good morning God, I am grateful for beautiful foggy mornings. I am grateful for grandkids. I am grateful for my time in Texas. I am grateful for many wonderful opportunities. I am grateful to have my tire fixed, I am grateful for deep sleep. I am grateful for Christopher. Thank you I love you.

I stopped at Moon Brew when I got into town and got a peppermint tea. Rita was working and we hugged and said good morning. When I arrived at the church it needed a lot of extra cleaning and crickets had invaded it. It took me an hour longer than usual to clean it but I enjoyed making it beautiful. It looked great when I finished. I arrived at my next cleaning opportunity an hour behind schedule but my client/friend was fine with it. I had messaged her earlier letting her know I would be there later. It was good to see her and her husband. We had great conversations while I cleaned and she showed me pictures of her adorable grandkids and great grandson. We scheduled one more cleaning for her before I move and I was glad we will get to see each other one more time. I got their house nice and clean and hearted (headed) to an organizing opportunity. On the way I stopped at a previous cleaning clients house and we had a good visit.  

I had a great time doing my organizing opportunity. It was good to see my friend/client and we organized part of her office/sewing room. We scheduled a day in early October for us to finish up. 

I drove to Christopher’s and greeted Angel and Finn when I arrived. I didn’t see Christopher anywhere and asked the kids where he was. They said he was at his shop. I went in the banana hut and laid down to take a nap. I goofed around on my phone for an hour and then attempted to fall asleep but it never happened. Finally, I got up and sat outside by the fountain with Christopher. 

We all went inside when it was getting close to the time to take Finn home. The kids had been swimming in the pool and they changed into dry clothes. Christopher quickly made some food for the kids to eat and after they ate I left with Finn to take him home. Angel stayed home with Christopher. 

As I started down the road, Finn looked tired. I asked him if he was going to fall asleep. He said, “no he wasn’t tired” and promptly fell asleep. It was a quiet drive to Finn’s house and when we arrived, I woke him up and took him inside his house. His dad and grandma were there and I said hello to them. Then I drove to Rockdale to go to an event called Night of Peace. 

I had an hour before the event started. I went to the new restaurant Maricelas and looked online for jobs near Council, Idaho to see if there was anything I was interested in. There was a part time job as an attendant and grounds keeper at a hot springs resort. That sounded perfect! I applied for the job and felt really confident that I would get it. 

I arrived at the Night of Peace event a few minutes early and mingled with people. The event was fantastic and I really enjoyed it. The speakers were wonderful and we were all filled with a sense of love and unity. I took a video of part of a wonderful talk by the pastor of the Episcopal church: 

When the event was over, I hung out and talked with people for a while. I love people so much. Then I hearted (headed) to Christophers and went straight to bed in the Banana Hut. I turned on an audiobook called Infinite Confidence: Master Your Presence and fell asleep at around 10:30 pm. 

Sunday September 22, 2024

Dear Diary,

I woke up at 7:30 am. I had slept all the way through the night. I made my bed and let out the ducks, geese and chickens. When I went into the house, Christopher was up and Angel was still in bed. I gave Christopher a good morning hug and made my tea and a smoothie. My smoothie was made up of: bananas, turmeric, cacao, homemade almond milk and the last of my fresh wild apple/pear juice. I was surprised that the juice had kept that long but it was still good and hadn’t started to ferment yet. I have more wild apples that I brought from Idaho. I will juice them tomorrow after I get home from a kayaking trip. I went outside and started a bath. I put fresh water in the bird pools and gave the goats fresh water. Then I hung clothes on the line. 

I got in the bath and fully relaxed my body. The geese found me and hung out honking at me and drinking my bath water. I thought that was great fun and took a video of them:

When I got out of the bath, I got ready for church. Angel was already ready and had eaten breakfast. I loaded up items that I had for sale to drop them off to people. Angel and I were going to Round Rock and Cedar Park after church. Angel was going to spend the day with her adopted grandparents Peggy and George and I was going to spend the day with my friend Sarah. 

I gave Christopher a hug and Angel and I left for church. We arrived 15 minutes early, I chatted with people and gave them hugs. When church started, I sang in the choir. We sang two of my favorite hymnals Victory in Jesus and It Is Well With My Soul. I had been having some nasal drip the past couple of days. I kept getting a scratch in my throat while I was singing and had to take several drinks off my tea to keep from coughing. Christopher thinks there a lot of pollen in the air causing the nasal drip. I think it’s from eating cake on the night of my going away party. That’s when it started. My body doesn’t like flour products. Especially white flour. I even get the same reaction from gluten free flour. I do best eating whole food and raw whole food is even better. 

When I sat down to listen to the sermon, I remembered to pray my morning gratitude: Good morning God, I am grateful for morning baths. I am grateful for geese. I am grateful for church. I am grateful for peace. I am grateful for people. I am grateful for hope. I am grateful for faith. I am grateful for connection. Thank you. I love you. 

The message I received from the sermon was, to put my trust in God and he will guide and protect me. 

After church, I drove to Round Rock to drop Angel off at Peggy and George. On the drive we listened to a Goosebumps audiobook. Angel really liked the book. A few block before Peggy and George’s, we met up with a lady that was buying the rain chain I was selling. Peggy wasn’t there when we arrived but George was. 

George and Angel were excited to see each other. I told them I would be back later that evening and drove to HEB to buy some fresh squeezed OJ. Then I continued driving to Cedar Park to my friend Sarah’s. I listened to an audiobook called The Ladies Room on the drive. I met up with another lady at a convenient store in Cedar Park that bought a night stand from me. I was glad the stuff I was selling online was being bought by people. 

It was great to see my friend Sarah and her boyfriend. We sat and talked for a while. Then Sarah and I got in their hot tub. We sat in the hot tub talking for a couple of hours while her boyfriend went for a drive. Shortly before we got out, Sarah’s boyfriend came back and noticed an owl sitting in the rafters right above us. I had seen it there earlier but I thought it was a decoration. It wasn’t a decoration, it was real. We took pictures of it and Sarah saw another one hiding behind some vines. We identified them as screech owls. I took having owl guardians as a great sign and Sarah looked up their significance, which was clarity. Perfect! 

We got out of the hot tub and ordered pho for dinner. After we ate, I left to get Angel. I arrived at Peggy and George at around 7:30 pm. Peggy and I talked about plans for next weekend. Angel was going to church camp with Peggy. I would bring Angel to Peggy and George’s Friday evening. Then Peggy asked if I would come again on Saturday to spend the afternoon with George. I said that I would. Then on Sunday I would pick Angel up after her and Peggy got back from church camp. When our plans were set, I got Angel and we hearted (headed) to Christophers. 

We listened to the rest of the Goosebumps book on the drive. Angel really got into the book. When we pulled up to the house there was only 10 minutes left of the story so we sat in the truck and finished listening to it. When we went into the house, Christopher was in bed. We brushed our teeth and got ready for bed. Angel slept in the house with Christopher and I went to the banana hut. I put on an audiobook called Master Your Emotions and fell asleep at around 10:30 pm. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria

P.S. this blog post is inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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