Pet Sitting, Organizing, Packing, Motorhome Mishaps and a Walk in the Woods

Saturday August 17, 2024

Dear Diary,

I woke up at 5 AM. I wrote my blog. Tracey sent me his gratitudes at 6:30 AM. They were: Good morning beautiful😍.

I am grateful for the songs we share. I am grateful for back rubs. I am grateful for leaves. I am grateful for frogs. I am grateful for hugs. I am grateful for art. I am grateful for flowers. I am grateful for you Victoria. I love and appreciate you🥰♾️💚💛🙏

I wrote my gratitudes and sent them to him. They were: Good morning Sparkly Eyes,

I am grateful for deep sleep. I am grateful for a new day. I am grateful for motorhomes. I am grateful for help. I am grateful for smoothies. I am grateful for emotions. I am grateful for inner guidance. I am grateful for appreciation. I am grateful for the sun. I am grateful for the moon. I am grateful for hearts. I am grateful for you Tracey. I am grateful for your kind and gentle spirit. 🌙💛💚☀️

I finished writing my blog and posted it. Then I attempted to take a morning nap but wasn’t able to fall back asleep. I called Tracey and we said our good mornings. He told me he had already changed the oil in the motorhome. Wow! I am so grateful for all his help with getting the motorhome ready to take to Idaho. I got off the phone with Tracey when Angel woke up. I made her waffles for breakfast and for myself I made lime tea and a banana/mango/strawberry/fresh pineapple juice smoothie. I fed the dogs, let out the chickens and fed the longhorns. I watered the outdoor the plants and went back inside. 

Angel and I got ready to go and hearted (headed) to Rockdale. We stopped at Moon Brew, I got a matcha tea and chatted with everyone there. It’s such an awesome place. Next, I cleaned an empty house that is for sale. I touch it up every couple of weeks. Then I did an organizing opportunity which was a lot of fun. My client and I talked and laughed. I organized some drawers and cupboards in her kitchen. She was very happy with the results. I didn’t take before and after pictures but they looked great when I was finished. 

I drove to Tracey’s, we hugged in greeting and all went together in the motorhome to get it inspected. It ran good and I had fun driving it. On the way to Rockdale, we stopped at my pet sitting opportunity and checked on the animals. I gave all the dogs treats and told them I would be back later. The motorhome passed the inspection without a problem. On the way back, we stopped at the auto parts store and I bought brake pads and an air filter. I dropped Tracey and Cassie off at his place and continued on to Christopher’s. 

Christopher was going through kitchen stuff when we arrived. I went through some of the stuff with him. Then Angel and I got started on her room. It took close to 3 hours but we got Angels room almost completely sorted and packed it all up into the motorhome. There’s only her books left to do. The kitchen also got almost completely sorted and packed into the motorhome. Amazingly, there’s still room for a lot more. Tomorrow, I plan on finishing Angels room and kitchen. Then I will do the banana hut. I believe I will be able to get it all done before we leave on Thursday. Yay! 

When Angel and I got in the motorhome to drive it to Tracey’s, the brakes hissed and had to be pumped to work right. I knew that wasn’t a good sign. It’s all dirt roads to get to Tracey’s and I drove slowly. Some of the stuff in the motorhome wasn’t as secure as I thought it was and it spilled all over the floor. I stopped and picked it all up. I secured it better and continued driving. I was really hungry because I hadn’t eaten all day. I opened up my smoothie and it splattered my face. I closed the lid and set it down to wipe off my face. When I picked my smoothie back up, it was empty. It had spilled out all over the floor. I was still hungry and now I had a big mess to clean up. Sheesh! I decided to be ok with it all and continued driving to Tracey’s. 

When we arrived, Tracey and I hugged in greeting. Then I got the hose and sprayed the spilled smoothie off of the floorboard. I told Tracey about the brakes and he said he would look at them tomorrow. Angel and I left in the truck to go to my pet sitting opportunity. Tracey said he would come over there in a while so we could spend some time together. 

The first thing I did at my pet sitting opportunity was feed the dogs. Angel got on her phone to watch YouTube kids. I made myself a smoothie and drank half of it right away. I took a quick shower. Then I went outside and fed the longhorns who were letting me know they had been impatiently waiting. They ate their food and I gave them some treats. I started to spray water from the hose into their bird bath that they like to drink out of. Two of the longhorns were slurping up the water as fast as I was adding it. The water from the hose was spraying them in the face but that didn’t faze them in the least. They drank and drank. It was fun watching them. Finally they’d had their fill of water and wandered off. 

I sprayed all the chicken poop off the patio and added more water to the bird bath. Tracey arrived with Cassie and we hugged in greeting. We went inside and sat on the couch. We cuddled and talked. Then I called my son Shawn to see if they would be around when we drove through Salt Lake City next week. Next, I called my son Scott but he didn’t answer. I left him a message to call his mother. I told Angel her phone time was up and we all went out back with the dogs and watched the sunset. The colors were amazing. Angel wanted to go for a walk, so we closed up the chickens and went for a walk in the woods. 

It was a wonderful walk, we had fun exploring the trails in the woods and I took a video. Here it is:

During the walk, Tracey realized that he had lost his phone. We walked back to where he thought it might have fallen out of his pocket. I called him and the phone was right near where he thought it was. We walked back to the house and went inside. Angel took a bath and Tracey gave me an incredible back massage. Scott called back and he was having a hard time because they found out that one of their dogs had cancer and they were going to have to have her put down this next week. I was sorry to hear that. She is a great dog that they rescued quite a few years ago. 

When I got off the phone, Tracey and I talked for a few minutes before he went home for the night. We hugged goodbye, then I read a bedtime story to Angel and we went to bed. I fell asleep listening to A Course in Miracles at around 10 PM. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria 

P.S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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