Community Market, Gifts and Opening Night for the Play

Saturday July 27, 2024

Dear Diary, 

I woke up at 2 am and wrote my blog. I wasn’t able to get to sleep again until 5am. I woke up again at 6:30 am. I called Tracey and we talked for a while. Angel woke up and cuddled with me while I talked on the phone. Then I got up and let out the chickens, ducks and geese. Angel and I went into the house and I greeted Christopher. Christopher made Angel breakfast while I made tea. Yesterday I didn’t drink my smoothie so I packed it up to drink today. 

Angel and I hearted (headed) to town. We met up with Tracey and his dog Cassie at the community market. We walked around talking with people and looking at things. I had given Angel $10 to spend and she thoroughly visited each booth before deciding what to spend her money on. Then we went on a walk behind the buildings following the railroad tracks. We came to a big tree that I started to climb but it was covered in poison ivy and I didn’t want to get it all over me so I climbed back down. We hung out for a while near a railroad crossing and enjoyed being present with the sights and sounds around us. A train came along and I counted the cars as it passed by. There were 89 of them. 

We walked back to our cars and made plans to meet up at Tracey’s place later on after I cleaned a couple of office buildings.  We left and went through the car wash and stopped at the store before going to clean. I enjoyed cleaning the office buildings. They are both small and easy to clean. Angel watched PBS kids on her phone while I cleaned. 

The last building I cleaned was right next to Moon Brew so I stopped by when I finished. I chatted with everyone there and it was a lot of fun. I’m going to miss all the wonderful people in Rockdale when I move to Idaho. I’ve made so many amazing friends here. It’s been a great 10 years living in Texas. 

We drove to Tracey’s and when we arrived I saw that he had bought me a gift. It was a metal outside garden decoration stand with yellow sunflowers and a butterfly. Inside Tracey’s RV he had cleared out a bunch of space for Angel and I to put our things. He also set up a little bedroom for Angel to have her own space in the loft. I was touched by his thoughtfulness. Angel was excited about her loft space and climbed up there. She wanted me to join her, so I climbed up there too. It was a fun little space with a cubby area for her to put her stuff. We had a fun afternoon hanging out with the dogs and Tracey. I even got in a little bit of a nap. 

It was opening night for the play. I drove home to drop Angel off with Christopher on the way to the theater. While I was there grabbing a few things, I told Christopher about Tracey and I deciding to be together as a couple. He took the news well. He already knew. I’m sure he thinks I left him for Tracey but it’s ok. I know things were not good between us long before. 

Opening night of the play went great. We all did a great job and had an audience of about 20 people. When I arrived home, Angel and I went to bed in the banana hut. Tracey texted me sharing some fears he was having about us. That in turn brought up my own fears. We were texting back and forth and things were getting a little bit heated. Then Tracey called me and through full disclosure and honesty we were able to fully process our fears together. This was something new to me and it was amazing. What a beautiful gift. 

When I got off the phone, I put on a unicorn meditation for Angel and we fell asleep at around 11 PM. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria 

P.S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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