George Sitting, Farm Sitting and a Nap

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Dear diary 

I woke up at 6:45 AM. It was so wonderful to sleep in. I could hear the birds squawking in their coops wanting to be let out. I got up and let them out and put freshwater in their pools. They gave me a good talking to for letting them out later than usual. I fed them and they seemed to forgive me for my tardiness once I gave them food. I fed the goats and went in the house. I Christopher was just getting up and I greeted him. I made my tea and went outside. I fed the dogs and cats. Then I hung up laundry and started another load washing. It was such a lovely beautiful morning. I was filled with joy and I was in love with life. I went in the house and made a banana/turmeric/spirulina/honey and pineapple juice smoothie. I finished getting ready to go, gave Christopher a hug and kiss and hearted (headed) to Round Rock to pick up Angels adopted grandma Peggy and take her to the airport. 

I will be staying with Angel’s adopted grandpa George until Peggy gets back Monday evening. George doesn’t need help with much, he just doesn’t like to be alone for long periods of time. While staying with George, I will be driving back and forth from Round Rock twice a day. Once in the morning to farm sit and do any cleaning opportunities I might have. Then I will drive back to Round Rock. In the evening I will drive to play practice and do farm sitting. Then back to Round Rock to stay the night. 

Bits came with me to pick up Peggy and we had a nice drive. I hands-free, talk texted some of my blog on the drive. I’ve found that talk texting my blog cuts the time it takes me to get it written in half. On my way through Rockdale, I stopped at Moon brew and got a hot chocolate made with cacao/honey, and almond milk. 

I continued on to Round Rock and arrived just as Peggy was finishing the last of her packing. I loaded her luggage in the back of the pickup and drove her to the airport. Traffic wasn’t heavy and we arrived without any problems. I unloaded her luggage and waited with her until an agent at the airport got her a wheelchair. 

I drove to George’s and sat in the recliner in the TV room while he talked to me. Next thing I knew I was waking up from a nap. George must have realized that I had fallen asleep and he was now on his computer. I got up, did laundry and put dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Then I set up my hammock in the backyard to sleep in at night. George stays up most of the night and it’s too noisy in the house for me to sleep. The last time I stayed overnight while George sitting, I slept outside in my hammock and it worked out great. 

At around 3 PM, I drove home. I greeted Christopher. I floated in Angel’s pool for a while. I stretched and did breathing exercises. When I got out, I sat by the fountain and talked with Christopher a few minutes. I put fresh water in the duck and geese pools and collected eggs. Christopher made me a salad for dinner and we shared our gratitudes. Mine were:

  • I am grateful for yummy salad. 
  • I am grateful for good friends. 
  • I am grateful for family. 
  • I am grateful for our animals. 
  • I am grateful for breath. 

I finished eating and left for play practice. 

At practice, I wrote out my lines on index cards in between acting. Then my friend Mona did one-on-one acting lessons with me. I learned a lot and we had fun. 

I left play practice early so I could take care of my farm sitting animals before it got dark. When I arrived, the big farm dogs came up to the truck. I told Bits to stay and I got out really quick. Bits had somehow jumped out. He was yipping and running away from the big dogs. I was frantic. I didn’t want him to get hurt. I opened the truck door and was calling him so he could jump in. He ran around the truck and jumped inside. I quickly shut the door. I was so relieved he wasn’t hurt. 

I petted the dogs and did the farm chores. I fed the dogs, cats, chickens and goats. I gave them all fresh water and lots of pettings. When I fed the goats, one of the female goats was laying on the ground. I thought for a minute she was dead but then I saw she was breathing. The lady I am farm sitting for said that a couple of goats were sick but they had just finished their medicine. She wasn’t sure if they would survive and warned me that they could die while I was taking care of them. Of course I didn’t want that to happen. I got the goat to stand up and she started walking around. I didn’t know what else to do for her and hoped she would still be alive in the morning. 

After I finished doing all the farm chores, I drove to Round Rock again. I called my friend Tracey on the drive and he kept me awake until I arrived at George’s at around 10:30 pm. George talked to me for a half hour or so. Then I went to bed. I moved the hammock to the side of the house where there were no lights and fell asleep at around 11:30 PM. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria 

P.S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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