Tuesday February 25, 2025
Dear Diary,
Good morning God
- Thank you for this day.
- Thank you for pet sitting opportunities.
- Thank you for wonderful clients.
- Thank you for my body.
- Thank you for sunshine.
- Thank you for plants.
I love you!
I awoke at 2:30 AM. I wrote my blog and played wordle and connections. At 5 AM, I went back to sleep. At 8 AM, I woke up again. I made Angel breakfast and made myself tea and a smoothie. We played a quick game of What’s the Point, then we went to feed Lila and let her out. We stayed with Lila until it was time to take Angel to jujitsu at 9:45 AM.
No one was at the recreation center when we arrived, so we walked next door to the library and worked on a puzzle for 10 minutes. When we walked back to the rec center, the door was open and Angel went to her class.
I drove to church for Women’s Bible study. We shared prayer requests and sang songs. Then we had a lesson on encouragement. Here are my notes:,
- Encourage others already in the flow.
- Encourage others to give it to God.
- Encourage others to celebrate daily gifts from God.
- Encourage others to remember what is true.
- Encouragement comes from the Holy Spirit.
- Encourage others to rest in faith.
- Encouragement brings about incredible renewal.
After the lesson, we talked and shared and encouraged each other. It was a great time of fellowship and connection.
Angel was at the library when I picked her up. She read a storybook to me and we hearted (headed) to an organizing opportunity. On the way, I stopped at Lila’s and let her out.
The organizing opportunity went well. I helped my client organize her kitchen and it looked great when I was finished. I love organizing so much. My client and I had wonderful conversations and I enjoyed talking with her. She’s a really neat lady and we have a lot of similar interests, such as growing our own food and foraging. Angel did her schoolwork while I organized. She seems to like doing her schoolwork lately.
After organizing, we went home. Angel played with her toys while I took a nap. I slept for an hour and it was blissful. When I woke up, Angel and I played What’s the Point, Sorry and Life Junior. Then we got ready to go to Girls Club. I packed up my essential oils to take with us for an activity I was going to do at Girls Club. I was going to put a few drops of different essential oils on index cards and have the girls guess what each card smelled like.
I arrived at the church early enough to set up the “guess that scent” game. My friend that leads girls club was already there. We talked and as we got things ready. When the girls arrived, we all said our pledges and sang songs. Then the girls shared their prayers and praises and what they are thankful for. When it was Angels turn, she said that she was thankful for schoolwork. Yay! That was music to my ears. Angel also announced to everyone that I had gone to jail once and the girls all gasped. I told the girls that it was true, I had gone to jail when I was 19 years old for petit theft. Technically, I didn’t steal anything but was with people that were stealing, unknown to me, but we all received theft charges. I didn’t explain all of that to the girls though, I just told them to that stealing has bad consequences and to not do it. It’s always a better choice to be honest.
The girls had fun playing the “guess that scent” game. I mostly did easy scents but I threw in a couple of challenging ones. There was lemon, cinnamon, wintergreen, pine, peppermint, orange, lavender and rosemary.
After Girls Club, we went to Lila’s house. I fed her and let her out. I let her and Bits play for a while, then went home. Angel and I brushed our teeth and she read me part of a storybook. Then we went to bed and I put on a sleep meditation. I wrote my blog and Angel kept getting up and was really hyper. At Girls Club she had eaten candy that she’d had hidden in her purse. I caught her eating it and I knew she would be hyper the rest of the night and she was. At 10 PM, I finished writing my blog and told Angel to stay in bed and go to sleep. I turned out the light and fell asleep right away.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P.S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.