Sunday and Monday: Church, Inflammation, Pet Sitting, Family, Cleaning, Organizing and Zim’s Hot Springs

Sunday February 23, 2025

Dear Diary,

Good morning God,

  • Thank you for this day. 
  • Thank you for sad thoughts and feelings. 
  • Thank you for pet sitting opportunities. 
  • Thank you for rain. 
  • Thank you for new friends. 
  • Thank you for love. 

I love you!

I awoke at 3 AM. I wrote 2 days of blog posts and played wordle and connections. At 6 AM, I slept some more until 8 AM. I received a text from my older sister telling me that our younger sister Missy is on her way over. She asked if I still wanted to ride with them to McCall. I was confused because when we talked yesterday, we were all riding together to meet our brother and his family at Zim’s at 3:30 PM. I called my sister up to find out what was going on and she said that the plans had changed and they were leaving right away to go to McCall to spend the day with our brother and his family. I told her that I couldn’t go this early because I had to take care of Lila. I asked if they were all still going to Zim’s at 3:30 PM. She said that they were and I told her that I would meet everyone there. When I hung up the phone, I felt sad and left out. I had wanted to ride with my sisters. I allowed the feeling to be there and it quickly passed through me and was replaced by peace and the knowledge that everything is happening as it should be. 

Angel was awake and hungry, so I got up and made her breakfast. I made myself tea and packed up a left over smoothie. Then we drove to Lila’s house. I fed her and let her out. I went on a search around the house for Kitty. I searched everywhere and there was no sign of Kitty anywhere. I knew she was in there. I prayed for guidance and suddenly I knew where she was. She was on the windowsill in the bedroom behind the curtain. I peeked at her and gently talked to her telling her that she was a good kitty. Then I left her alone. 

Lila and Bits played for a while, then I realized that I was late for church. I told Lila that I would see her later and drove around the corner to church. Sunday school was late getting started and I was able to get seated before hand. Angel was the only kid there and she sat next to me playing with her little toys she keeps in her purse. I didn’t pay attention much because I kept interacting with Angel and watching her quietly play. 

In between Sunday school and church service, I talked with people and made it a point to say hello to everyone there. It’s a small church so that was easily done. I stayed during the singing part of the church service, which I wish I enjoyed more. I rarely know the songs and I miss singing hymns. After singing, I had volunteered to do children’s church and I took the kids into the Sunday school classroom. There were only 2 kids, Angel and a girl who, I think, was 3 years old. I didn’t have a lesson plan, so I had the kids color while I read Bible stories to them. I really enjoyed myself and the kids seemed to like it too. 

After church, Mr. and Mrs. C, invited us out to lunch with them. I was delighted to receive an invitation and happily accepted. We all went to the only restaurant in town that is open on Sundays. Of course it was super busy but we didn’t have to wait very long for a table. Another couple was with us and I had just met them at church for the first time. I hadn’t seen them there before. We all had good conversations while we waited for our food. There wasn’t very many food choices for things I prefer to eat. I ordered a salad and fries. I felt great eating the salad but after eating just a few fries, I felt inflammation start up in my body. My shoulder and knee and lower back immediately started aching. It’s crazy how fast my body starts hurting when I eat junk food. I didn’t eat any more fries and focused on the conversation instead. 

After lunch, I let Lila out and told her I would be back later. Then we went home. Angel and I played What’s the Point for an hour or so until it was time to leave for Zim’s hot springs. I messaged my sisters to make sure we were all still meeting there and they said everyone was running late but would be heading that way in a half hour. We got ready to go and stopped at the grocery store on the way to get bananas and blackberries. 

On the drive, we listened to Nancy Drew. Everyone was already there when we arrived. I was hoping they all got in free because I had bought a yearly family pass and anyone in my family can swim at Zim’s for free until the pass expires. Angel and I hurried inside and my family was all still changing into their swimsuits. My 2 sisters, my brother, sister-in-law and nephew were there. Along with my sister-in-laws sister, her son and a couple of other family members. I asked if they had gotten in for free and they had. I introduced my family to Larry, the manager at Zim’s. He welcomed them and said he could see the resemblance. 

We all had a great time swimming. We threw balls back and forth and enjoyed each others company. The pool wasn’t as crowded as I expected it to be since the McCall winter carnival had been going on all weekend. We swam for an hour or so, then we all got out and changed out of our swimsuits. Angel wanted to ride back with my sisters and stay the night at my older sisters house, which really meant that she wanted to play Minecraft for hours. My family all hugged each other and we left. 

The drive back to Council was great, I listened to inspirational music and enjoyed having alone time with just me and Bits. I drove to the camper and grabbed a change of clothes for Angel. I took the clothes to my sisters and said I would be back in the morning to get Angel. Then I spent time with Lila. I fed her and let her out. I checked on Kitty, she still had plenty of food and was hiding out behind the curtain on the bedroom windowsill. 

When I got home, I called and messaged clients to get my schedule confirmed for the week. Then I wrote my blog notes and went to sleep at 9 PM, listening to a sleep meditation. 

Monday February 24, 2025

Dear Diary,

Good morning God,

  • Thank you for this day. 
  • Thank you for opportunities. 
  • Thank you for water. 
  • Thank you for friends. 
  • Thank you for church. 
  • Thank you for a reliable vehicle. 
  • Thank you for family. 

I love you!

I woke at 4 AM. I wrote my blog and played world and connections. At 7:30 AM, I slept more until 8 AM. I got up, got dressed, made my bed and made myself tea and a smoothie. It was strange not having Angel. I made her a lunch, then I went to fed Lila and let her out. Bits and Lila played for a while. Then I put Lila’s leash on her and took her with me. Her owner said that I could take her with me as long as I kept her away from other dogs besides Bits. I wouldn’t have let her be around other dogs even if her owner hadn’t said anything. I’ve been pet sitting a lot of years and I don’t take those kind of risks. 

Lila was super happy to be going with me and Bits was happy to have her along. I went to my older sisters to get Angel and I brought Lila inside to meet everyone since my sisters dog Huckleberry is at her boyfriends for a couple of weeks. My sister loved on Lila and Lila explored the house. Angel was sitting on the couch playing Minecraft and was still in her pj’s. I told her to get ready to go. She reluctantly got off the TV and got dressed. 

We drove outside of town to a cleaning opportunity. I’d been calling my client for 2 days to confirm cleaning for him today but I kept not getting an answer. I couldn’t text him because all he has is a land line. He is in his late 80’s and has some health problems. I had a feeling he was in the hospital. When I pulled up to his house, there was a man outside cleaning off the side porch. I walked up to the house and the man came over to me. He said that his grandpa was in the hospital because of a problem with his kidneys and he would be coming home tomorrow. The man still wanted me to clean so his grandpa could come home to a clean house. I told the man that I’d had a feeling his grandpa was in the hospital and I was glad he was ok. 

I got started cleaning and Angel did her schoolwork. The man chatted with me while I cleaned and I enjoyed the conversations. I stayed an extra hour to clean out the refrigerator and the house looked great when I was finished. 

I drove Lila home, she had stayed the truck while I was cleaning and Bits had been inside with me. Even though Lila and Bits are getting along, I didn’t want to leave them alone in the truck together. Lila didn’t want to go back home, she wanted to stay with us. I let her run around the backyard for while and told her I would be back to spend more time with her in a few hours. 

I drove to my next opportunity which was cleaning and organizing for an older couple. The man taught Angel how to play cribbage while the lady and I organized the front porch together. We had a lot of fun and laughed a lot. It took 4 hours but the porch looked great when we finished. I didn’t take before and after pictures but I wish I would have. While going through the cupboards on the porch, we got rid of the a couple of old food processors that didn’t work. I told the lady that I had a cuisinart food processor in the truck that I was going to donate if she wanted it. She asked why I was giving it away and I told her that I had bought a miniature one but it worked just fine. She said she wanted it and I brought it in for her. In trade, she sent me home with a bag full clothes and food and boots for Angel. 

Next, I went to Lila’s and fed her. I let her and Bits play in the backyard for a while and I found Kitty to make sure she was doing ok. When I left, I told Lila I would be back in the morning. 

The sun was setting when we got home. There was a raging creek next to the camper from the rain and melting snow. Angel and I went to look at it. I took a video of Angel jumping over the creek and the camper when we went inside. 

Angel wanted to play What’s the Point. I told her I had chores to do and then I would play it with her. I went up to laundry room and started a load of laundry. I knocked on the door to Mr. and Mrs. C’s house and asked to fill up a gallon jug of water. I chatted with them a few minutes and filled up the jug. Then I walked down to the camper where Angel was impatiently waiting to play the game. We played for an hour. I put our clothes in the dryer and Angel read 101 Dalmatians to me. I read a Magic Treehouse book to her. Then Angel played with her legos and I got the clothes out of the dryer and put them away. We went to bed and I put on a sleep meditation. I wrote my blog and went to sleep at 10:45 AM. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria

P.S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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