Monday and Tuesday: Not Feeling Good, Jujitsu and Movies

Monday February 17, 2025

Dear Diary,

Good morning God,

  • Thank you for this day. 
  • Thank you for tea. 
  • Thank you for cell phones. 
  • Thank you for people. 
  • Thank you for rest. 

I love you!

I awoke at 4 AM. I wrote my blog and went back to sleep at 7 AM. I awoke again at 8 AM. I still wasn’t feeling good. My stomach was cramped up, my body had inflammation and my mind was foggy. I was also feeling sad and depressed. I had a lot of strong emotions about my sister and her boyfriend that I needed to feel fully and process. I prayed for guidance and healing. I made myself tea and made Angel waffles when she got up. I kept feeling worse and decided I needed to stay home and cancel my cleaning opportunities. 

I laid on the couch while Angel did her schoolwork. After laying down a while. I got up and started beans cooking in an antique bean pot I had bought at the thrift store a while ago. Angel finished school and watched a movie on the DVD player. I watched a movie with Prime called Alaska using my phone. Then I watched a movie called The Trail. I’m not much of a movie watcher but when I do watch a movie, I prefer it to be about people surviving in the wilderness. 

Angel got tired of hanging out inside the camper and went outside to play in the snow. I did some rearranging and made the space in the camper more efficient. Angel came inside and ate, then went back out again. I laid on the couch some more and watched another movie called Eight Days to Live. 

Angel came inside at dinner time and ate again. Then she went back out and said that she was making a snow fort. When it was almost dark, I called her in and we played card games. We played Old Maid, Rummy and What’s the Point. Then we got ready for bed. Angel read me a book while I wrote my blog notes. Then I put on a sleep meditation and we went to sleep at 10 PM. 

Tuesday February 18, 2025

Dear Diary,

Good morning God,

  • Thank you for this day. 
  • Thank you for rest. 
  • Thank you for healing. 
  • Thank you for homeschooling. 
  • Thank you got friends. 
  • Thank you for movies. 

I love you!

I awoke at 4 AM. I played wordle and connections and wrote my blog. At 6:30 AM, I went back to sleep until 8 AM. I still wasn’t feeling good. I felt like I was dragging and felt yucky. Angel woke up and I made her a bean taco for breakfast. The beans I had started cooking in the bean pot yesterday morning were finally done. I didn’t expect them to take that long to cook in the bean pot but at least now I know to start the beans cooking a day before we eat them. 

We got ready to leave to take Angel to jujitsu and then I was going to help a lady clean. I dropped Angel off at jujitsu and went to the grocery store. I was feeling completely exhausted after getting groceries and I canceled going to clean. I went to Angels jujitsu lesson and watched the last 15 minutes. Then we went home. 

Angel and I played educational games for her schoolwork from 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM. Then I laid down and watched a movie called To Brave Alaska while Angel went outside to play in the snow. When she came back in, she played on her phone until my movie finished. I was starting to feel better. 

At 6 PM, I went to Dollar General to talk with the manager about pet sitting for her. She had messaged me yesterday asking me to come by at around 6 PM to talk to her. We talked for a while, when a girl that goes to girls club came in and was standing by the door for a long time. I asked her if she was waiting for her mom and she said that she was waiting for the church to open up for girls club. Girls club had been canceled this week and I called my friend whose leads the program to confirm. She said that it was canceled. I offered to take the girl home and my friend messaged the girls mom to get it approved. 

I bought a few things and dropped the girl off at her house. Then I went home. Angel and I watched another survival movie called Arctic. Angel started complaining of her stomach hurting. Oh no, not her too. I gave her some juice and she said it helped. When the movie was over, we went to bed. I put on a sleep meditation and wrote my blog. I drifted off to sleep at 10 PM.

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.

Love, Victoria

P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

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