Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: Camper; Dog Walking; Cleaning; Roller Skating and Pet Sitting

Tuesday February 4, 2025

Dear Diary,

Good morning God,

  • Thank you for this day. 
  • Thank you for family. 
  • Thank you for dog walking opportunities. 
  • Thank you for my camper. 
  • Thank you for love. 

I love you!

I woke at 2AM, I played wordle and connections and went back to sleep. At 6 AM, I got up and put on positive morning affirmations. I made Angel breakfast and she ate while I made tea and a smoothie. It was sleeting out and I was supposed to help Mr. C split wood but he canceled due to the weather. Then I got a message saying that jujitsu was canceled. Perfect! Angel and I played board games for a couple of hours instead. Then Angel did her schoolwork and I did a video tour of our camper. Here it is: 

I laid down on the couch to take a morning nap when I received a text from Mrs. C asking if I was going to women’s Bible study. I had forgotten that was today. I really wanted to just take a nap and I prayed asking for guidance. I received the message to go to Bible study, so I got up and went. 

Angel played in the kids classroom while I was at Bible study. We didn’t have our regular Bible study and instead had a planning meeting about upcoming events and ways to serve the church and community. While we were talking, it was brought up that the church needed someone to help with their sound system and some computer stuff. I mentioned that my friend Brett does that kind of work and messaged him. He said he could come do it and headed to Council. Before I left,  I put together welcome bags to give to new people that come to church and waited for Brett to arrive. 

When Brett got there, I asked him how the roads were between Council and McCall since it had been snowing all morning. He said they were really bad and a couple of semi-trucks and several cars were off the road in the canyons and there was only one lane open with a flagger in a section of the canyon. I’d had a feeling the roads were a mess but I needed to get to McCall to walk Roscoe. 

Angel and I left and drove up the mountain. The highway was definitely a big mess. We passed several cars that were off the road and a semi-truck. I drove slowly but not so slow that we would get stuck. There’s a fine line between going slow but not too slow when driving in the snow. You have to keep the moment going and whatever you do, don’t come to complete stop or you will more than likely get stuck. Also, don’t hit your brakes or you will go into a slide. It works best to drive at a steady slow speed and stay in the ruts. 

We made it to McCall safely without any issues. When we got to Roscoe’s house, the driveway wasn’t plowed at all. I parked on the side of the road next to a snow drift and we walked up to the house. I got Roscoe and we were just getting ready to go on our walk when a snow plow came up the driveway. We watched it as it cleared the snow and I wish I would have gotten a video of it because it was fun seeing how much snow that thing could move. When the snow plow left we went out for our walk. Angel remembered to bring her snow pants today and had fun rolling around in the snow without getting wet and cold. 

After walking Roscoe, we got some food at a Chinese restaurant and drove to Council. The snow had stopped and roads were perfectly clear going home. When we got to town, I stopped at Dollar General and bought some containers and a curtain rod to use in the camper. Then we went back to church for play practice. The church is putting on a play and this was our first practice. 

All we did for play practice was watch the play and get assigned our roles. I chatted with another mom that was there and it was nice to sit back and relax. I found out that all the future play practices will be held on Wednesday nights. I thought they were going to be on Tuesday nights like this one was. Angel has Cub scouts on Wednesday’s and she really likes going to that. I will pray about it but more than likely we won’t be able to go to play practices and won’t be able to be in the play. That’s ok though, we can watch it instead. 

After play practice, it was time for Girls Club. The girls had fun singing songs, sharing their prayers and praises and playing a game. The game was really fun and I had a good time helping out. 

When we got home, we unloaded the truck and went straight to bed. I put on a sleep meditation and went to sleep at 10 PM. 

Wednesday February 5, 2025

Dear Diary,

Good morning God,

  • Thank you for this day. 
  • Thank you for wisdom.
  • Thank you for strength. 
  • Thank you for dogs. 
  • Thank you for rain. 
  • Thank you for joy. 

I love you!

I awoke at 5:30 AM and listened to positive morning affirmations. I woke up Angel and made her breakfast and packed her lunch. I made myself tea and packed up leftover smoothie. At 6:30 AM we left to do a cleaning opportunity in Cambridge. The roads were clear but I drove under the speed limit just in case there was black ice. Good thing, because going around a corner on highway 95, I felt the truck slide a little. It was a small patch of ice and we barely slid but there had been no way to see it. The road had looked completely dry. 

When we got to my cleaning opportunity. Angel did her schoolwork while I cleaned. When I finished, we went to another cleaning opportunity in McCall. We followed a de-icing truck part of the way and when the truck pulled over into a slow vehicle lane, I was reluctant to pass because I liked the idea of staying in back of the truck that was de-icing the roads. The guy wanted me to pass, so I went on by him and the roads were fine the whole way to McCall. 

My second cleaning opportunity went great. Angel finished her schoolwork and put together a puzzle that my client had set out for her. This is one of my favorite houses to clean and I enjoyed cleaning it. 

Next, we walked Roscoe. My friend Brett came with us and we had a nice walk. It was icy out so I put ice-cleats on Angel and my boots. Those things are great for walking on ice. I had picked them up at a thrift store when I first moved here, just in case we needed them and I was glad I did because today we made good use of them. 

After walking Roscoe, Brett went home and Angel and I went on another walk with a dog named Raymond and his owner. We are overnight pet sitting Raymond Thursday through Sunday and his owner wanted to show us the route that she takes him on walks. It was another great walk. The lady and I had fun conversations, the dogs got along well and Angel climbed snowdrifts and ate snow. 

It was starting to get dark by the time we made it back to Council. We went to my older sisters house and Angel stayed there playing Minecraft while I walked to the bank and cleaned it. I like cleaning the bank but I don’t like cleaning in the evenings 3 days a week. I had put in my 2 week notice again Monday evening. The guy I put in my notice to asked if I knew of anyone local that would like to take over for me. I thought about it and prayed about it then I remembered meeting another lady in town that cleans. I sent her a message that morning and she said that she would love to take over for me. Yay! I sent her the information to contact the company that hired me and hopefully they hire her soon. 

When I got back to my sisters after cleaning the bank. I went upstairs and packed up the rest of my room. I have no idea how I’m going to fit the rest of my stuff into the camper. I sorted through everything and made a pile of stuff to donate. Then I loaded a few boxes into the truck.  I chatted with my sister a while and then I got Angel off of Minecraft and we went home.  

Angel helped me unload the truck and I found places to put the stuff I had brought over. Then we went to bed. It had been a long and busy day. I put on a sleep meditation and we went to sleep at 10:30 PM.  

Thursday February 5, 2025

Dear Diary,

Good morning God,

  • Thank you for this day. 
  • Thank you for dogs. 
  • Thank you for pet sitting opportunities. 
  • Thank you for a warm bed. 
  • Thank you for my body. 
  • Thank you for each breath. 

I love you!

I awoke at 4 AM and wrote my blog until 5:30 AM. I finished an entry I had already started and posted it. I played wordle and connections. Then I put on a sleep meditation and slept again until 8 AM. I got up and played positive morning affirmations while I made Angel breakfast. Angel woke up and ate her breakfast while I made tea and a smoothie. I made her lunch and packed up things to take to our 3 day overnight pet sitting opportunity. 

Angel wanted to play a game of Sorry and we played one game. Then we loaded everything in the truck and drove to town. We stopped at Dollar General and I returned a curtain rod that didn’t fit in the spot I wanted to go. I dropped Angel off at jujitsu and drove to do a cleaning opportunity. 

The cleaning opportunity went great. My client and I chatted while I cleaned. When I finished I drove to the library where Angel was waiting for me. She did her schoolwork while I wrote my blog. A couple of friends came in to the library with a puzzle table and I talked to them while they set it up. 

When it was almost 2 PM we went to the skating rink. Another friend that homeschools rented the skating rink for homeschoolers from 2 PM to 6 PM. We could only stay for 45 minutes because I needed to get back up to McCall to walk Roscoe and then start pet sitting Raymond and take him for a walk as well. 

There were quite a few people that showed up to skate. Angel is getting better at roller blading. I decided to join in with the kids and had a great time roller blading around the rink and getting my heart rate up. 

The roads were clear on the drive to McCall and we listened to Nancy Drew. We had a great last walk with Roscoe. His owner left me a $100 tip which was a wonderful surprise. I felt a little sad telling him goodbye. Since his owner is here on vacation, I probably won’t see him again. He’s a really neat dog. 

I stopped at the grocery store on the way to my pet sitting house and bought some fruit. When we arrived, we took Raymond on a walk before unloading our supplies. Raymond is a really old golden lab and he led the way. Yesterday when we went on a walk with him and his owner, she said that he could be off leash and he would follow his regular route. Today as we were following him, I thought we were supposed to turn at a certain road but he kept going straight. We continued to follow him a while, then I realized he was taking us on a “wild goose chase”. I got in front of him and turned him around. Then he ran off down a driveway toward the lake but was stopped by tall snow drifts. Realizing that the game was over, he walked back and turned at the place he was supposed to. 

When we got back to the house, Angel and I brought in our supplies and got settled in. My friend Brett came over and brought my spare electric teapot and a mushroom drink I had left at his house. We sat and watched a movie called The Lorax. When the movie was over, Brett went home and Angel and I got ready for bed. Angel took a shower, we brushed our teeth and went to bed. Angel read Oh The Places You Will Go out-loud and I read a couple chapters of Ranger in Time: Journey Through Ash and Smoke. At 10 PM, I put on a sleep meditation and we went to sleep. 

Friday February 7, 2025

Dear Diary, 

Good morning God,

  • Thank you for this day. 
  • Thank you for pet sitting opportunities. 
  • Thank you for mornings. 
  • Thank you for snow. 
  • Thank you for warm clothes. 
  • Thank you for faith. 

I love you!

I awoke at 1 AM when I heard Raymond the dog I am pet sitting get up. I quickly turned on the light. I was warned that he will need out to go poop in the night or he will have an accident. I saw that I was too late. He had pooped on his bed. I let him out and picked up the poop. Thankfully it was hard and was easy to clean up. I let Raymond back in, wrote my blog for a while and played wordle and connections.Raymond wanted in and out several times before he settled down and went back to sleep. I turned off the light at 4 AM and slept again until 7 AM. I let Raymond out again and laid in bed until Angel woke up at 7:30 AM. I was tired and wanted to sleep more but Angel was hungry. I also had what felt like a sore in my throat. I’d had a sore on the end of my tongue last week that took a few days to heal and this felt like the same thing but in my throat. I got up and fed Raymond. I made Angel breakfast and made myself tea. I decided to fast today and just drink tea to help the sore in my throat heal. 

Angel started on her schoolwork and I took a long hot shower. When I got out, I helped Angel with her school and made a few phone calls to get everything organized for when my adult daughter and son come to visit next week. Then I took Raymond on a walk. He again didn’t turn where he was supposed to, he kept looking back to see if I would notice. I think he purposefully misses his turn so he can go on a longer walk. I let him walk a ways up the road, then I ran up in front of him and turned him around. He sighed and turned around. 

When we got back to the house, I wrote my blog. I was determined to get caught up. At lunch time, I fed Angel and ate some veggies and rice. So much for fasting 😂. My throat was feeling better though. I had been feeling tired all morning, so I laid down and took an hour long nap. I was still feeling tired when I got up. I put on the classic movie Lassie Come Home for Angel to watch and fell asleep for another half hour sitting in the recliner. I had been going full speed for days and my body was recovering. 

When I woke up, I wrote my blog some more until it was time to take Raymond for his evening walk. Raymond tried missing his turn again but this time I got ahead of him and directed him to go the right way. He looked at me disappointedly but trudged on going the way he was supposed to. When we made it back to the house, I made Angel dinner and we watched another movie The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I wrote my blog some more and got completely caught up. Yay! 

After the movie was over, we got ready for bed. Angel read aloud Oh The Places You Will Go and I read aloud Ranger in Time: Journey Through Fire and Ash. At 8:30 PM, I put on a sleep meditation and we went to sleep. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria 

P.S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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