Dog Sitting, Splitting Wood and Hitting My Head on Ice.

Wednesday January 1, 2024

Dear Diary,

Good morning God,

  • Thank you got this day. 
  • Thank you for another year. 
  • Thank you for good sleep. 
  • Thank you for hot springs. 
  • Thank you for friends and family. 
  • Thank you for adventures. 

I love you! 

I awoke at 6:30 am. I let the dogs out and wrote my blog. Angel woke up when I was editing my blog and posting it. We got up and she played with her toys in the living room while I made tea. Angel ate breakfast and as she was eating I wiped down the bottom cupboard doors in the kitchen. 

At 8:45 am, we left to drive to Council. I was going to the fairgrounds to meet the Azure truck at 10 am. This is my first time ordering from Azure and I ordered a gallon on honey. I wanted to leave earlier to give myself an hour to drive through the canyon between New Meadows and Council. It normally takes a half hour but it was snowing and that canyon can be real slippery. Leaving when I did, I had 45 minutes and I trusted that would be enough time. 

The road through the canyon wasn’t slippery but I took it slow anyway. We listened to a Nancy Drew audiobook and arrived at the fairgrounds 5 minutes before 10 am. A lot of people were already there waiting in their vehicles for the delivery truck to arrive. I parked in line and the truck arrived a few minutes later. Angel stayed in the truck when I got out to join everyone gathering for their order. The lady who organized the delivery gave instructions on what to do. I wasn’t clear on what she was saying. When she finished talking I introduced myself to her and told her it was my first time and I didn’t fully understand the process. She explained that everyone helps unload the truck and places the items on tiles she set up on the ground with everyone’s names in alphabetical order. 

Everyone started unloading the first pallet and I helped put items on peoples tiles. While waiting for the second pallet to be taken off of the driver truck, I saw a few kids there that are in Angels homeschool co-op. I walked over to the truck and asked her if she wanted to get out and play with the other kids. Angel was playing on her phone and said “no thank you”. I started to walk back to where everyone was unloading the second pallet when suddenly I slipped on ice hidden beneath the snow. I fell flat on my back and the back on my head hit the ice hard. Intense pain shot through my head and I had an instant migraine. I rolled over on my side and held my head moaning. A lot of people came over to see if I was ok. I said that I was and I just needed to wait for the pain to ease. I was able to stand but the headache was really intense. I walked over to the pallet and helped unload a couple more things but the headache was overwhelming. I walked over to my tile and saw that my honey had been unloaded. I picked it up and found the lady in charge. I told her that I knew I should help unload the rest of the items but my head was hurting really bad and I was going to go. She had seen me fall and completely understood. (Later in the day she sent me a message asking how I was doing, which was really thoughtful).

I carefully walked back to my truck and sat for a while until the headache eased some. Then I drove to Mr. C’s to help split and sort wood. I got Angel settled in the house doing her schoolwork and walked out to where Mr. C was cutting rounds off of logs with his chain saw. I told him about falling and having a headache. He asked if I wanted to come help another day. I asked him when the wood needed to be delivered and he said today. I told him that I would be fine helping today. He said that he didn’t want me to hurt myself if I wasn’t fully aware. There are numerous ways a person could get hurt while splitting and sorting wood. I told him that I wouldn’t let myself get hurt. He said ok and we got started. 

Splitting and sorting wood is hard work and it is even harder when doing it in the snow. We worked 4 hours out in the 25 degree weather before we got a full cord of wood split and loaded in the trailer. My headache was gone within the first hour and I was grateful for that. We saw some white tail deer on the mountain side at one point and I loved that. While working I got hot and sweaty but once I stopped working the cold settled in and my sweat turned chilly. 

Angel was hungry and so was I. We stopped at Sprockets restaurant before heading back to my dog sitting opportunity in New Meadows. I ordered hot tea and a salad. I was chilled to the bone and the hot tea did nothing to help with that. 

I had the heater going full blast on the drive to New Meadows but I was still cold. We arrived at my dog sitting opportunity and Angel played on her phone while I got in bed under the electric blanket. I had an hour long coaching phone call with a client. The coaching session went great and when it was over, I called Zim’s to see if they were open since it was New Year’s Day. I needed to immerse myself in hot water. They were open and Angel and I went straight there. Zim’s is only a few minutes away from where I’m dog sitting in New Meadows and I like that! The warm water at Zim’s did the trick to warm me up and it felt great to soak my body in the hot mineral water. I had worked my muscles intensely doing the wood plus I’d had the fall before that. Soaking at the hot springs was great self care for my mind and body. It was busy at Zim’s but I found my own space out in the deep end and Angel had fun playing with some other kids that were there.

When we got back to the dog sitting house, we got settled in and went to bed. I looked at rv’s for sale on line and put on a sleep meditation for Angel. We fell asleep at 8:15 pm. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria

P.S. this blog post is inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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