Packing, Last Day Farm Sitting and Living By Faith

Monday October 21, 2024

Dear Diary, 

Good morning God 🌳

  • I am grateful for adventures. 
  • I am grateful for tire shops. 
  • I am grateful for mothers. 
  • I am grateful for ponds. 
  • I am grateful for animals. 
  • I am grateful for gifts. 

Thank you. I love you!

I woke up at 6:30 am. I had horrible dreams all night from watching that yucky movie before bed. Despite that, I felt well rested. I laid in my hammock and wrote some of my blog until the sun started coming up. The goats and birds were waiting to be let out and told me all about their night as I opened up their gates and doors. I gave them fresh water and put clean water in the duck pools. It was my last morning to have a swim in the pond. Walking down to the water, I played fetch with Bits and my heart was filled with joy. I spent extra time floating on my back and felt so very grateful to have such an amazingly wonderful life. 

When I got back in the house, I made tea and topped off the indoor animals food. My bedding got started in the wash and I made 2 banana/strawberry/fresh fruit juice smoothies, one for today and one for tomorrow. Angel and I will be leaving early tomorrow morning and I don’t want to have to get my blender out to make a smoothie before we go. Once the smoothies were made I packed all of my dry food and teas, I packed all of my kitchen equipment (juicer, waffle maker, blender, tea pot, etc.). Next, I packed all of my clothes and bathroom supplies and put the bedding in the dryer. Once everything was packed, I drove to Rockdale. A tire on my truck was low on air again. Sheesh! This is the 6th time I’ve had a hole in one of my tires since I’ve been back in Texas. It’s from driving the backroads that are dirt. Rita said that they started having to buy 4ply tires when they moved to their place in the country because they kept getting flats. At the tire shop, they found the hole right away and patched it. I have gotten to know the guys at the tire shop really well and they wished me well on my move. I told them thank you and said, “hopefully I won’t be back to see you before I leave tomorrow”. 

My next stop was the post office to collect the mail from Rita and Val’s P.O. Box. Since I was right next to the Rockdale Reporter, I went inside and told everyone goodbye. Kyle Cooke wanted to see on a map where I would be living. He pulled one up on his computer and I showed him the town I would be living in. I told him about the area and showed him a few places and towns nearby. 

Moon Brew was my last stop before driving back to Rita and Val’s. I had a chai tea and a veggie wrap while I was there and talked to my friends. I almost started crying when I left because I love all my friends here so much and I won’t get to see them again for a while. I did cry for a brief spell on the drive to Rita and Val’s but it passed quickly. 

Back at the farm, I scavenged some cool stuff the person that had been taking care of the animals left behind. Then I loaded all my stuff that would fit into the truck and drove to Christopher’s. Christopher was sitting outside in his usual spot drinking a beer. I greeted him and unloaded the truck. Christopher got everything loaded onto the trailer, then we sat and chatted for about 45 minutes. We had fun reading oracle cards. My card was about living in faith, which is exactly what I’ve been doing. I’m loving living by faith. It is so comforting to not have to worry about how I’m going to make money. I know opportunities will come to me in abundance just like they have since I’ve been back in Texas. Christopher’s card was about being a peace with any emotional hurt that he has experienced. Both cards were perfect for where we are at in our lives. We enjoyed each others company for an hour or so, then I hearted (headed) to Rita and Val’s to pack up the rest of my stuff. 

When I got back to Rita and Val’s, I loaded up the last of my stuff in the truck and went swimming at the pond. I thought of a better way to secure my broken floatie with the rope and it worked perfectly. I was able to relax and float all around the pond blissed out. The buzzing sounds of the insects filled me with joy and I watched them dart back and forth across the lily pads. The sun felt heavenly and I basked in pure delight for about an hour. I put the floatie on the shore and spent some time floating on my back with my eyes closed. I felt weightless and completely at peace. What a wonderful way to spend the late afternoon. 

When I got out of the pond, I swapped the goats and went in the house. I did 600 jump on the rebounder upstairs. Then I sat on the couch, cuddled up with the dogs, drinking my smoothie and writing my blog. 

My older sister sent me a text with a number for a lady needing a house sitter in the town in Idaho that I’m moving to. I called the lady right away and we talked for a few minutes about what she wants and how long she will be gone. They don’t have any pets there for me to take care of. They just want someone in their house to keep an eye on things for 5 months through the winter. There is no pay, it’s just a free place to live for a few months. It’s a 2,000 square foot house on 10 acres with radiant heat flooring. It was something I was definitely interested in. I told her I would have my 9 year old daughter and my dog with me. She was fine with all of that and hired me on the spot. The opportunity will start November 11 and end mid April. I had planned on coming back to Texas in mid March but I guess it’s going to be mid April now. I was thrilled with the opportunity to live right outside of the same town as my older sister but not live in the same house as her. Living by faith is working out beautifully so far and I look forward to many more wonderful opportunities coming my way. 

I called my older sister and told her that the lady hired me. She was happy for me and told me that the house is on a really pretty road. We talked for a while about what is going on in each others lives. I told her that I was leaving tomorrow and would be there on Saturday. We are both really excited that I am moving there. 

When I hung up with my sister, I called my son Shawn to see if they would be home on Friday when I would be coming through Salt Lake City. He said they would be. Yay, I will get to see my daughter-in-love, grandkids and grand puppies while I’m there. My other son and his wife, who live in Salt Lake City, are going to be gone that day, so I won’t get to see them or my grand puppy and grand kitties. 

When Rita and Val pulled up, I got off the phone with Shawn. The puppies were so happy to see them. I hugged them and talked with Rita for a few minutes while Val went to find the cats. They were happy that their animals had been so well cared for and that their house was nice and clean. I left to let them get some rest and settle into being back home. I drove to Christopher’s. I greeted him and brought my coolers inside. I took the food out of them and put it in the fridge. Christopher and I talked for a few minutes. I started a bath in the outdoor bathtub, then I drove to my adult daughters to pick up Angel. My adult daughter talked to me about some fears she was having and I was grateful for her openness. I told her I would keep her updated on our travels. Angel was talkative on the drive and we had a lot of fun thinking of funny pranks we could play on each other. 

When we arrived, Christopher was in bed. Angel got ready for bed and I took a bath. The bathtub was full and a perfect temperature. It is my last bath in the outdoor bathtub for a while and I made the most of it. After washing up, I relaxed in the water and called my son Scott to confirm that he would be gone Friday evening when I came through Salt Lake City. He definitely was not going to be there. We talked about Thanksgiving plans and other things. Then I hung up the phone and got out of the bath. Angel was still awake when I went in the house. I kissed her good night, told her to get in bed and went out to the banana hut. I set up my hammock and got in. I finished writing my blog and fell asleep at around 11 pm listening to a sleep meditation. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria

P.S. this blog post is inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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