Morning Swim, Juicing, Baby Shower and Angel

Saturday October 19, 2024

Dear Diary, 

Good morning God 🍁

  • I am grateful for a full moon. 
  • I am grateful for morning swims. 
  • I am grateful for fresh air. 
  • I am grateful for laughter. 
  • I am grateful for animals. 
  • I am grateful for books. 
  • I am grateful for my children. 

Thank you. I love you! 

I woke up at 6 am. I edited my blog and posted it. I got up and topped off the dogs and cats food. I went outside and let out the birds and goats. I put fresh water in the bird pools and it felt so nice outside I was inspired to go for a swim in the pond. I walked down to the pond and got in the water. The water was warmer than the air and felt heavenly. I floated on my back fully relaxing my body and gazing at the full moon. It’s a blessing to be alive. 

I got out of the pond and walked up to the house. I made tea and took a hot shower. After my shower I listened to The Courage to Be Disliked while I cut up 2 large pineapple, a big bag of apples, a big bag of fresh picked pears, a bag of carrots and a big ginger root. I juiced it all and it made 1.5 gallons of juice. Yay! I made a smoothie with 9 bananas/6 strawberries/10 dates/freshly made fruit juice. I drank some of it right away and it was delicious. 

I sat on the couch cuddled up with the dogs. I wrote today’s gratitudes and started today’s blog while I drank my tea. Then I read some of the book I’ve been reading called Olive Kitteridge until it was time to leave to go to a baby shower for a lady that attends my church. Her baby is due at the beginning of December and it’s her first pregnancy. 

On the drive to the baby shower, I drank half of my smoothie. I arrived right on time and talked with people. I ate some fresh fruit and vegetables from the food they were serving and drank the rest of my smoothie. We played a couple of games and watched presents get opened. It was a lot of fun.  

At noon, I left the shower early to go swap the goats. After I put the nanny goats in their pen and let out the billys, I drove to pick up Angel from Christopher’s daughter Miranda. Angel had stayed the night there to spend time with my grandson Finn. Miranda wasn’t there but her husband, my son-in-love, Matthew was there and so was Christopher’s ex-wife. I talked to them a few minutes before gathering up Angel and her stuff. 

We listened to a Goosebumps audiobook. On the way to Rita and Val’s, we stopped at Christopher’s and Angel picked out clothes to wear to church in the morning. She was hungry and Christopher made her a bean taco to eat. I chatted with Christopher while Angel ate and I gave him the divorce papers that I had notarized yesterday. After leaving Christopher’s we stopped at the pond called swim tank, where Angel and I used to swim all the time. We got Angel’s wave board from there because Angel wanted to use it in Rita and Val’s pond. Angel suggested we just swim at swim tank instead of Rita and Val’s pond but I didn’t want to. Swim tank has fish in it and they bite. Rita and Val’s pond doesn’t have fish in it and it is much more relaxing to not get surprised all the time from a fish biting me. 

We arrived at Rita and Val’s and went straight to the pond to go swimming. I got on my floatie and floated around the pond basking in the sun and watching the insects land on the lily pads. Angel swam on her wave board and then joined me on my floatie. We practiced spelling words until Angel got tired of it and swam off. I floated around some more thoroughly content and relaxed. Angel played on the shore for a while. Then she said she was cold and wanted to go in the house. I got out and played fetch with Little Bit walking up to the house. I took a video of it. On the last stretch of the walk, Angel and I raced to the house and she won of course. 

Inside the house, Angel ate a big bowl of oatmeal and a double pack of raspberries while she watched Toy Story. I watched some of the movie with her and swapped the goats. Then I read my book Olive Kitteridge, cuddled up with all the dogs. When the movie was over, Angel watched Toy Story 2.

Earlier, I had noticed that there were a bunch of plants on top of the RV that the person who has been helping with the outside animals left up there. I climbed up there and retrieved them, which was a good thing because they were really dry and needed water. One of them that is a mulberry tree needs to be re-potted. Tomorrow, I’ll get some potting soil and do that. The plants got a good watering. Then I went inside and made myself a big salad. It was delicious and I ate it while sitting next to Angel watching the movie.

When the 2nd movie was over, it was time to take Sophia home. All the dogs wanted to go, so I put them all in the truck. They all wanted to sit on my lap at the same time which made things a little complicated 😂. We listened to a Goosebumps audiobook on the drive. We dropped Sophia off at my friend Kim’s. It was good to see Kim one last time before I leave. We talked briefly, I gave her back her house key and we hugged each other goodbye. I left and went through the car wash before driving back to Rita and Val’s. 

The Goosebumps audiobook ended right as we pulled up to the house. Perfect timing. Angel went inside and started watching Toy Story 3. She was doing a Toy Story marathon. I closed in the goats and birds and took a shower. Then I read my book until I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore. We paused the movie and went to bed. I slept in the hammock and Angel slept next to me on the couch. I put on a sleep meditation and we fell asleep right away at around 9:30 pm. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria

P.S. this blog post is inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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