Farm Sitting, Helping a Friend and Loving Life

Friday October 18, 2024

Dear Diary,

Good morning God ♥️

  • I am grateful for this day. 
  • I am grateful for new friends. 
  • I am grateful for smoothies. 
  • I am grateful for farms. 
  • I am grateful for pet sitting opportunities. 

Thank you. I love you! 

I woke up at 5:30 am. I felt well rested. My body and mind felt so good. I had eaten foods yesterday that are ideal for me to thrive. It’s amazing how different I feel eating raw and unprocessed foods. I wrote my blog and posted it. I got up and made tea. I topped off the inside dogs and cats food. Then I texted my good morning friend their good morning message and made a smoothie with bananas, strawberries, cherry juice and fresh squeezed OJ. 

When the sun started to come up, I went outside and let out the nanny goats and birds. I went inside and took a long hot shower. Then I wiped down the kitchen cupboards and started laundry. I got ready to go and hearted (headed) to my friend Rachele’s to help her with her garden. 

At Rachele’s, we talked while she made some strawberry/apple juice. She shared a glass of it with me and it was delicious. We got started clearing out her garden. We cleared out all of the ragweed, dove weed and a lot of the grass. It took us an hour and we got the whole garden cleared out except for one corner. It looked great when we finished. We took a break to refuel because both of us were feeling drained. I drank some of my smoothie and I was ready to go full swing again. Next, we moved their portable electric fence from the pasture to the backyard. It took a while to get it done but we had fun doing it. We work together as a team really well. I love doing projects like that. 

When it was completed, Rachele plugged in the fence and put their sheep in it so that they can eat the grass down. She generously paid me, which was a wonderful gift. We went in the house and I drank the rest of my smoothie. Then we hugged goodbye, we probably won’t see each other again before I leave but I will be back in a few months. It’s difficult to leave my friends and I’m loving it so much at Rita and Val’s that I don’t even want to leave. I am going though and I am excited to spend the holidays with my family. Who knows what opportunities will come my way up in Idaho. 

When I left Rachele’s, I drove into town and got divorce papers notarized. Neither Christopher and I are really that invested in getting the divorce papers filled but I wanted to have them notarized to leave them with him. That will make things easier if Christopher decides to go through with finishing up the paperwork and filing it. Next, I went to the store and bought some bananas, went through the car wash and put some more money in my investment account at Edward Jones. I stopped at Moon Brew and got a matcha tea and a vegetarian flat bread. I immediately regretted eating the flat bread. The great feeling of thriving instantly went away and I suddenly felt really tired. That just confirmed to me once again that starches are not my friend. 

I left Moon Brew and drove to Rita and Val’s. I swapped the goats and gave the birds fresh water in their pools and the goats fresh water in their troughs. My friend Kim came over to drop off her dog Sophia for me to watch overnight and all day tomorrow. I brought Sophia in the house and got her settled in. I was still feeling really tired so I laid in the hammock to take a nap. I slept hard for about an hour. When I woke up, I still felt groggy and watched pointless YouTube videos for a while. I decided to force myself to get up and get moving. I thoroughly cleaned the stove and felt better having accomplished something. I fed the inside dogs and cats their wet food. Then I went outside and swapped the goats and fed the outside dogs. I gave fresh food and water to a little chicken separated from the other chickens in a small coop and I threw chicken feed around for all the adult birds to eat. 

I sat outside on the bench swing writing my blog and enjoying the lovely weather. After getting caught up on my blog, I went inside and took a shower. Then I ate a salad and watched a movie called Winters Bone. I had read the book years ago and the movie closely followed the book. Halfway through the movie, I went outside and closed in the goats and birds. Then I finished watching the movie and went to bed. I fell asleep at 10 pm listening to Your Forces and How to Use Them. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria

P.S. this blog post is inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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