Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: Tire Issues; Pet Sitting, Cleaning, Story-Time and Second Thoughts

Monday October 14, 2024

Dear Diary, 

Good morning God,

I am grateful for horses. 

I am grateful for friends. 

I am grateful for laughter. 

I am grateful for goats. 

I am grateful for light. 

I am grateful for clarity. 

Thank you. 

I love you! 

I woke up at 5 am. I wrote my blog and edited it. At 7 am I got up and topped off the dogs and cats food. I made Angel a waffle for breakfast. I woke her up when the waffle was almost done cooking and she got up and ate. Angel only ate half of her waffle which was unusual, usually she has at least 2. I made myself some tea and a banana/date/fresh apple juice smoothie. I put my smoothie in the cooler and we left. Angel was going to horse riding day camp today and I had a house to clean. 

Angel wanted raspberries for lunch and nothing else. I didn’t have any raspberries so I stopped at the store on the way to horse riding camp and bought her 3 packages. We listened to a Goosebumpsaudiobook on the drive and enjoyed the beautiful sunrise. I dropped Angel off at camp and drove to Rockdale to clean a house. 

The house I was cleaning is where Little Bits dog mom lives. He was excited to see his dog mom and they ran around and played. I got started cleaning and really enjoyed it. I did an extra good job. I moved all the furniture in the front room and got underneath it. When I finished, I talked with my client/friend for a while and she wished me the best on my move to Idaho. I told her I would come see her when I came back to visit. 

When I left, I went through the car wash and was wiping the inside of the truck windows when I received a phone call from one of the trainers at horse camp. She said that Angel wasn’t feeling good and wanted me to come get her. Maybe that was why she had only eaten half a waffle that morning. I said I would be there as soon as I could. The camp was a half hour away. I hearted (headed) that way and halfway there, I dropped off some fans to a guy that wanted to buy them from me. 

When I arrived at camp, Angel was just getting off of a horse. She had decided she was well enough to do one more ride. She felt like she had a slight fever and had eaten only a small amount of raspberries. We left to go to Rita and Val’s when I received a notice on my dash that I had a low tire. Again! This is the 5th time this has happened since getting back to Texas.

Monday October 14, 2024

Dear Diary, 

Good morning God,

I am grateful for horses. 

I am grateful for friends. 

I am grateful for laughter. 

I am grateful for goats. 

I am grateful for light. 

I am grateful for clarity. 

Thank you. 

I love you! 

I woke up at 5 am. I wrote my blog and edited it. At 7 am I got up and made Angel a waffle for breakfast. I woke her up when the waffle was almost done cooking and she got up and ate. Angel only ate half of her waffle which was unusual, usually she has at least 2. I made myself some tea and a banana/date/fresh apple juice smoothie. I put my smoothie in the cooler and we left. Angel was going to horse riding day camp today and I had a house to clean. 

Angel wanted raspberries for lunch and nothing else. I didn’t have any raspberries so I stopped at the store on the way to horse riding camp and bought her 3 packages. We listened to a Goosebumpsaudiobook on the drive and enjoyed the beautiful sunrise. I dropped Angel off at camp and drove to Rockdale to clean a house. 

The house I was cleaning is where Little Bits dog mom lives. He was excited to see his dog mom and they ran around and played. I got started cleaning and really enjoyed it. I did an extra good job. I moved all the furniture in the front room and got underneath it. When I finished, I talked with my client/friend for a while and she wished me the best on my move to Idaho. I told her I would come see her when I came back to visit. 

When I left, I went through the car wash and was wiping the inside of the truck windows when I received a phone call from one of the trainers at horse camp. She said that Angel wasn’t feeling good and wanted me to come get her. Maybe that was why she had only eaten half a waffle that morning. I said I would be there as soon as I could. The camp was a half hour away. I hearted (headed) that way and halfway there, I dropped off some fans to a guy that wanted to buy them from me. 

When I arrived at camp, Angel was just getting off of a horse. She had decided she was well enough to do one more ride. She felt like she had a slight fever and had eaten only a small amount of raspberries. We left and halfway to Rita and Val’s, I received a notice on my dash that I had a tire that was low on air. It was my brand new tire. What in the world? This is the 5th time I’ve gotten a hole in one my tires since getting back to Texas. I drove straight to the tire shop and there was a nail in my tires. They fixed it and I continued on to Rita and Val’s.

When we got to Rita and Val’s, I called them because they had asked me to call them when I could. They wanted to talk to me about some issues they were having with the person taking care of the outside animals. The person wasn’t being responsive to their messages and Rita and Val wanted to know if the outside animals were being taken care of. I told them that I thought they were but I would make sure. Angel laid down on the couch and watched Sleeping Beauty. She didn’t eat anything the rest of the day and just drank water with fresh lime juice. That evening she wanted to go swimming in the pond. I told her I didn’t think that was a good idea. She got up saying that she was feeling better and wanted to go swim. She took a few steps, then she returned to the couch and laid down again. I put on a Goosebumps audiobook for her to listen to and I read for a while. 

At 8:30 pm Angel fell asleep. I switched audiobooks and listened to The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. I fell asleep at around 11:30 pm. 

I’m Tuesday October 15, 2024

Dear Diary,

Good morning God,

I am grateful for books. 

I am grateful for sunshine.

I am grateful for breath. 

I am grateful for health. 

I am grateful for love. 

Thank you. 

I love you!

I woke up to the phone ringing. It was Rita and Val letting me know about some changes that will be happening with pet sitting. The person taking care of the outside animals is leaving and I will be taking over. I was happy to take over the care of outside dogs, goats, guineas and chickens. When I got off the phone, I made tea and topped off the dogs and cats food. Angel woke up hungry and ate some raspberries.  She seemed to be fully recovered. That child never stays down for long. She’s one of the healthiest kids I know. I attribute it to her healthy vegetarian diet. I told her that I was going to walk to the pond and take a quick morning swim. She said she would stay in the house and be on her phone. I told her she would be able to see me out the window and could call me if she needed anything. She can send and receive calls on her phone if it is connected to Wi-Fi. 

I walked to the pond and had a quick swim. I stretched and floated on my back fully relaxing my body. I was having second thoughts about moving to Idaho. It is so nice at Rita and Val’s and they have told me several times that I am welcome to move onto their land and help out with the animals. My ideal is to live half of the year in Idaho and half in Texas. Maybe this is my chance to face my fears about how to create enough income doing that and to step into faith. I prayed about it and decided it would all happen beautifully in Gods timing. I will get out of the way and stop thinking I’m in charge 😂. 

When I returned to the house, Angel wanted to eat some cantaloupe. I didn’t have any. So we went to town to buy some. On the way to the grocery store, I stopped at Moon Brew. I chatted with my friend working there and got a matcha tea. Then I stopped by a house for sale that I clean and did a quick walk through. Next, we went through the car wash and went to the grocery store. The grocery store didn’t have cantaloupe but it had mini watermelon and honeydew melon. I got one of each as well as some more salad ingredients. I drove to the other grocery store in town and they had cantaloupe, I bought 2. Now we were well stocked up on melons. 

When we arrived back at Rita and Val’s, I put away the groceries and cut up half of a cantaloupe for Angel. She ate it all right away and wanted more. I cut up the other half and she only ate a small amount. For myself, I cut up the honeydew melon, blended it up and drank it. It tasted heavenly. Angel watched YouTube kids on her phone while I thoroughly vacuumed all of downstairs and the stairs. Then I organized Rita and Val’s container cupboard, I thought it would be a fun surprise for them. I had named the cupboard “avalanche cupboard” because half the containers fell out whenever you opened the door. The cupboard looked great when I finished and I sent Rita and Val a picture of it. Rita was super happy about her surprise. 

Angel wanted to swim in the pond, so we walked down there. I had an adult sized water floatie in the truck that I had bought a while ago. I got it out and blew it up. Angel and I both got in it and floated around the pond. Insects were enjoying the lily pads and buzzing all around. There were different types of wasps and honey bees and little black bugs and flies and tiny frogs and dragonflies. I had fun watching them and took pictures of them. 

When we left the pond, I raced Angel back to the house. She can run way faster than me and of course she won. When we went inside, I realized that I had left my glasses down by the pond. I sent Angel down to get them while I started a bath for her. When she returned, she got in the bath and I made a mango/fresh OJ smoothie for myself. When Angel got out of the bath, she ate some oatmeal with honey and watched a movie called Elemental. I read a book called The God Design and fell asleep for an hour. When I woke up, Angel and I went upstairs and sat on the balcony reading stories. Angel read to me The Monster at the End of the Book and I read to her a book about bees. 

When we finished reading, we went downstairs and I made myself a big salad and Angel had a waffle. I found a game of Uno and taught Angel how to play. We played a couple of games. Then she wanted to learn to play backgammon. We played half of a game before Angel was too tired to stay focused. We went to bed and I put on an audiobook called Stuart Little. We fell asleep at around 9 pm. 

Wednesday October 16, 2024

Dear Diary,

Good morning God,

I am grateful for wind. 

I am grateful for good books. 

I am grateful for water. 

I am grateful for a new day. 

I am grateful for connection. 

Thank you. 

I love you! 

I woke up from 1 am to 3 am. Then I woke again at 6:30 am. I wrote my blog until Angel woke up. I got up and made my tea. I topped off the dogs and cats food and made Angel oatmeal with honey. It was cold and windy out so I didn’t do my morning swim in the pond. I took a shower instead. Angel watched YouTube kids on her phone and I wrote more of my blog until it was time to leave to go to story-time at the library. 

As I pulled out of the driveway, I heard a crash behind me. I had forgotten that my cleaning supplies were on the tailgate of the truck and they had fallen all over the dirt road. Mildly cursing, I got out and picked up all the cleaning supplies and closed them inside the bed of the truck. We continued on our way and once we got to town, I stopped at a friends house to pick up paperwork and extra keys for my motorhome. I had purchased the motorhome from her mom and hadn’t ever gotten with her to get all the paperwork. I figured I should do it now since I’m moving and the motorhome is in Idaho. My friend couldn’t find the paperwork and said she would mail it to me when she found it but I got the extra keys from her. 

We arrived at the library a few minutes early and Angel picked out The Monster at the End of the Bookto read to the kids. The twin teenage girls that do story-time are always kind enough to let Angel read a book also. Angel read her book and did a great job. I remembered to take a video halfway through Angel reading and here it is. 

After story-time we went straight to the Rockdale Reporter to deliver newspapers. The papers had just arrived. I loaded up the newspapers and Angel stayed up front with Suzy while I did my route. I had a lot of fun delivering the papers. I took my time and I was grateful I got to do it one more time before I move. 

When the route was over, we went straight to Rita and Val’s to switch the goats. Mid day, the girl goats go in and the boy goats come out. Angel wanted to help and we got the nanny goats in without any issues and the billy goats were happy to come out. They were excited and ran around head butting each other. One billy goat accidentally crashed his head into my knee which was quite painful. At least it was my strongest knee. My other knee has a lot of scar tissue on it from 3rd degree burns I received when I was a baby and it aches a lot. Once the pain in my knee eased up, I walked around and my knee didn’t seem to be damaged at all, which was a relief. 

Angel and I walked around the property making sure everything was in good order. It all looked good. We went in the house and I made Angel waffles. Then she watched a movie. I read a book called The God Design while I waited for my friend Kim to come over. When she arrived, we sat and talked for a couple of hours. She tried talking me into not moving and I shared with her my desire to live in both places and how I put it all in God’s hands. 

After Kim left, I fed the dogs and cats their wet food and went to put the billy goats back in and let the nanny goats out. Those billy goats did not want to go in and it took me a while to get them all in. I was nervous about getting in the middle of them after my knee getting heard butted earlier. I finally convinced them to go in by getting some hay and putting it in their pen. After they were all inside, I closed them in and let the nanny’s out. I double checked everything and realized the little teenage billy goat wasn’t in with the boys. He wasn’t with the girls either. I looked all over and found him eating grass behind the barn. He was small enough that I picked him up and carried him to the billy pen. I unlatched the gate and managed to get him inside without any of the other billy’s getting out. 

I had gotten quite dirty doing all of that. I cleaned myself up and then left to go to town. Angel was staying the night with her older sister and we were meeting up with her in Rockdale at the bookstore. Then at 7 pm I was going to open mic at Moon Brew. Angels big sister was waiting at the bookstore when we arrived. Angel left with her and I went inside to look for a gift for a baby shower that I will be going to Saturday morning. I bought a cute children’s book. Then I went to Walmart to buy some storage bins and another gift for the baby shower. I had an hour and a half before open mic started. So I took my time which was very relaxing. 

When I left the store, I was deciding on how to spend the next hour. I thought about stopping at a restaurant and eating some less than ideal food but I knew that wasn’t a good idea. I prayed for guidance on how to spend my time until open mic started and immediately received clarity to go on a walk. What a great idea! Thank you Holy Spirit! I parked in front of Moon Brew downtown and went on a 45 minute walk with Bits around the downtown neighborhood. That walk felt amazing. I love going on walks and was glad I had asked for guidance. 

After returning to Moon Brew, I went inside to see if they needed any help before open mic started. They did need help and asked me to go to the store to get some paper bowls. I was happy to do that and was back within 10 minutes. I sat on a couch inside Moon Brew and wrote my blog while I waited for open mic to start. At 7 pm, people started to come in the door. Suddenly, I realized that it was beginning to get dark outside. For some reason I forgot that it got dark at 7:30 pm now. I had to get back to Rita and Val’s to put the goats, chickens and guineas away for the night. I wasn’t going to sing at open mic after all and that was ok with me. I would rather make sure the animals were taken care of. 

I drove to Rita and Val’s. The birds were already in their coops and I closed them it. I herded the nanny goats into their stalls and gave them a bunch of hay. That mostly went well, other than 2 goats that didn’t want to cooperate. After getting them all in, I closed them in for the night and went up to the house. I made some oatmeal and watched a movie called The Journey of Natty Gann. It was ok but predictable. When the movie was over, I went to bed and fell asleep at around 9:30 pm listening to am audiobook called Intelligent Design. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria

P.S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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