Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: Faith, Didn’t Get Hired, Story-Time, Homeschool Co-op, Riding Lessons and Friends

Tuesday October 8, 2024

Dear Diary,

Good morning God, I am grateful for restless nights. I am grateful for tea. I am grateful for hammocks. I am grateful for ducks and chickens. I am grateful for clarity. I am grateful for sunlight. I am gratitude for friends. I am gratitude for light. I am graduation for prayer. Thank you. I love you. 

I woke up at midnight and didn’t fall back asleep until 7 am. I wrestled with numerous conflicts I had been having in my mind. I had some unfelt anger that surfaced a few days ago and I felt my way through the anger until it transformed into understanding and compassion. My eyes were opened to many things and I received an incredible amount of clarity. By 7 am, my conflicts had been fully resolved and I once again rested in faith. It has been a long battle throughout the night but I had reached the other side. I felt light and free. I went back to sleep and woke again at 9 am. 

I made tea and topped off the animals food. I looked for the cats and only found Jack and Bohdi. I drank some of my homemade wild apple juice while I wrote my blog. The dogs and Jack the cat all sat around me as I wrote and I was grateful for their presence. After writing for a couple of hours, I went to my friend Kim’s. I  told her I would stay pet sitting the whole time at Rita and Val’s. She was going to take over for me from October 14-22 but had been feeling really nervous about it. She was relieved when I told her that I would stay the whole time. While I was at Kim’s, I checked my email and I received a response about the hot springs property management position saying that they had decided on someone else. I had been sure I would get the position but I wasn’t disappointed when I didn’t get it. I was in a place of full acceptance and I am excited to see what God has planned for me when I arrived in Idaho. Kim and I had a good talk and I shared some of the things I had processed throughout the night. 

I drove to Christopher’s after leaving Kim’s and picked up Angel. She was excited to be going with me and packed her things. When we arrived at Rita and Val’s, she wanted to go swimming in the pond. We brought her things inside and got our swim suits on. We walked down to the pond and got in. The water was cold and even though it was warm outside, there was a wind that made the temperature feel cooler. I stretched and floated on my back. I attempted to fully relaxed my body but I was too cold and got out. Angel got out shortly after me and we walked up to the house. Bits and Angel played fetch on the wall and I took a video:

By the time we got to the house, I was feeling hot again. Angel said she felt hot again too and we laughed about it. We put on dry clothes and I made Angel waffles. I fed the dogs and cats their wet food. Then we cuddled on the couch and watched a couple of Disney movies together. 

We went to bed at around 9 pm and fell sleep listening to a children’s sleep meditation. 

Wednesday October 9, 2024

Dear Diary,

Good morning God, I am grateful for sunrises. I am grateful for Angel. I am grateful for Christopher. I am grateful for waffles. I am grateful for ponds. I am grateful for ducks. I am grateful for compassion. I am grateful for love. I am grateful for opportunities. Thank you. I love you. 

I woke up at midnight, Angel woke up too. I put on another sleep meditation and we fell asleep again after an hour or so. We woke up again at 7 am. Angel said she was starving. I made her waffles and made myself some tea. I topped off the animals food and listened to positive morning affirmations while I talked to Angel and put away clean laundry. Then I went outside with Angel and we sat on the bench swing and watched the sunrise. Angel said she was cold and went in the house. I continued to sit outside and wrote my blog while watching the birds, dogs and goats. My heart was filled with an abundance of joy. I had been unhappy about being here because I wanted to get to Idaho and start my life there before it got too cold. I had so much to do before the cold set in there. Last night I came to a place of acceptance and fully stepped into faith once again knowing that God has a plan for me that is much greater than I could ever create for myself. I received clarity on how easy life is when I step out of the way and choose to be in constant prayer asking for guidance in every choice I make, even with the smallest of choices. 

I noticed my awning roller for my motorhome sitting in the yard and decided to see if I could take the torn awning off. I could see how it came off but couldn’t figure out how to get the cover off of the side. I looked up how to do it on my phone and still didn’t find an example of my type of awning roller. I realized that I could just cut the awning off at the roller and deal with getting the part attached removed later. Cutting the awning off was way easier to do than I thought it would be and now the roller is all nice ready to travel to Idaho. 

Angel and I got ready to go to the library and left with plenty of time to spare. I found 3 books on the “for sale” shelf that looked interesting so I bought them. Angel went upstairs to play in the kids area and I followed her up there after buying the books. Story-time started and while the kids were listening to their books, I started reading one of mine. I really got into the book and before I knew it, story-time was over. 

Angel and I went to the Rockdale Reporter to deliver newspapers. The papers had arrived right before we got there and the couple I am training were waiting for me. Angel stayed up front with Suzy while I did the route. The couple I am training said they were pretty sure they would be able to take over the route themselves next week and I told them that I can go through it with them one more time if they need me to. They said they would let me know if they needed me. So I’m pretty sure it was my last time of doing the route and I felt a small ache in my heart about that. 

When I finished the route, I stopped at Moon Brew and got cacao hot chocolate and we went to my friend Rachele’s. Angel played with Rachele’s kids while we sat and talked. We had a great talk about not expecting people to change to be the person we want them to be but instead accepting people as they are. I love conversations like that and I love that I have friends who have I can have those type of conversations with. 

After being there a couple of hours, Angel and I left and went to Rita and Val’s. We went swimming right away. Angel swam around the pond on her floatie and I stretched and fully relaxed my body floating on my back. When we got out, we walked up to the house and I made Angel waffles to eat before we left to go to Bible study. 

We arrived early for Bible study and I had a great talk with the pastors wife about letting God be in charge of our lives. Bible study started and the message I received was to “be strong in the strength of the Lord”. After Bible study, I returned a call from my friend Nancy and we made plans to meet up in Round Rock tomorrow evening to spend some time together before I move away. 

Angel and I arrived back at Rita and Val’s at around 8:30 pm. Angel ate another waffle and we went to bed. I turned on a children sleep meditation and Angel fell asleep right away at 9:30 pm. 

Thursday October 10, 2024

Dear Diary,

Good morning God, I am grateful for my children. I am grateful for friends. I am grateful for Texas. I am grateful for goats. I am grateful for joy. I am grateful for Bible study. I am grateful for laughter. I am grateful for meditation. I am grateful for prayer. Thank you. I love you. 

I woke up at 5:30 am. I wrote my morning gratitudes and blog until 6 am. Then I woke Angel up and made waffles. I made myself tea and a banana/fresh apple juice smoothie. We got ready to go and hearted to Christopher’s. Angel and I quickly went inside and Angel put on pants to wear for her horse riding lessons. I greeted Christopher and we had a quick chat while Angel was changing. Then Angel and I left and since we were running ahead of schedule, I drove the backroads to horse riding lessons. 

I was glad I had taken the backroad’s. We saw a lot of deer and beautiful land and farm houses and birds and woods. I received a notice on my trucks dash saying that I had a tire low on air. The tire was barely low on air and seemed to be holding so that was good. I would get it looked at after riding lessons when we got into Rockdale. We arrived at riding lessons 15 minutes ahead of schedule but they were ready for Angel and she got started brushing her horse. I chatted with the trainers and watched Angel. Then I started feeling tired so I went and sat in the truck. I rested and drank my smoothie.  Then I wrote my blog until Angel was finished. 

We drove to Rockdale to the tire store and the tire had slow leaks in 2 places, the guy said it was probably caused from sharp rocks. The tire already had a lot of patches and the guy at the tire shop suggested I get a new tire. I agreed and bought one with a similar tread. 

Once the new tire was put on and paid for. I drove to my friend Rachele’s where homeschool co-op was being held this week. We arrived a few minutes late and I was still feeling tired and pictured nap time happening in the recliner during co-op. As soon as I walked in the door, Rachele informed me that I was the one running the co-op today. I informed her that would interfere with nap time but I agreed to do it. I gathered up the kids in the family room and we did the calendar, weather and singing. Then we did Bible study and I had the kids share their favorite Bible verse. Then I read Ephesians 6:1-3 about children honoring their mother and father. I told the kids those were some of my favorite Bible verses and had the kids share what they thought honoring their mother and father meant. I specifically looked at Angel when I asked about this and she smirked at me 😂. The kids have good answers such as not talking back and doing what they were told. Then I had them share what they were grateful for about their parents. Angel even participated in this one and said, she was grateful they make her food

After Bible study, the kids shared their prayer requests and I asked the 2 oldest kids to pray out-loud for all the requests. They were nervous about it but they did it and did a great job. Next we did a geography lesson about poison dart frogs that live in the tropics. I read a book about frogs for story-time. When I finished reading we all went outside and did a leap frog race across the yard. I participated in the race too since we were short one person. I thought it was great fun. 

The kids ran off to play and I sat outside with the moms. We talked while we watched the kids. When it was time to go, Angel and I went to Rita and Val’s. Angel ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and played on her phone while I laid down and took a nap in the hammock. I slept hard for an hour and a half. When I woke up, we walked down to the pond and swam for quite a while. I stretched and floated on my back, fully relaxing my body.  Then I sat on the shore and wrote my blog while Angel swam around on her floatie.

When it was time to leave to go see my friend in Round Rock, I fed the animals their wet food early and dropped Angel off at Christopher’s. It took an hour and a half to get to Round Rock in 5 o’clock traffic. I attempted to turn off and take short cuts but it ended up taking me longer than if I’d stayed in traffic. I wasn’t too concerned about all that and had fun playing the city traffic game. 

I arrived about 20 minutes before my friend, she was stuck in traffic coming in from the other direction. Our meeting place was a juice bar. I ordered a juice and wrote my blog while I waited for her to arrive. When she got there, we hugged and she ordered a juice. I ordered a smoothie to go along with my juice. Then we sat and talked for a while in the cafe and drank our drinks. We decided to go for a walk and walked around the back of the buildings in the shopping center area we were in. We ended up sitting in some chairs near a restaurant and then went and sat in her car because the traffic noise was making it hard to hear each other. We had great uplifting conversations the whole time and enjoyed our time together. 

At around 7 pm, we hugged goodbye and I hearted back to Rita and Val’s. I drove back roads a lot of the way and that was really fun, especially in the dark. I drove some roads I had never driven before. I arrived home at around 9 pm and went straight to bed. I fell asleep right away listening to The Art of Effective Communication

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria

P.S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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