Recovered for Real, Pet Sitting Animals Getting Adjusted and Musical Club

Monday October 7, 2024

Dear Diary,

It’s my oldest son’s birthday today. Happy birthday Shawnshine. 

Good morning God, I am grateful for lots of rest. I am grateful for hammocks. I am grateful for tea. I am grateful for coconut water. I am grateful for wind. I am grateful for sunshine. I am grateful for laughter. I am grateful for friends and family. Thank you. I love you. 

I woke up at 8 am. It felt good to have slept deeply. I find the hammock much more comfortable than a bed. I laid in the hammock slowly waking up until 9 am. Then I got up and slowly unpacked. The dogs and cats at Rita and Val’s, free feed, so I just make sure their food dishes are full and in the evening they get wet food. They all had plenty of food but were nowhere to be found except one cat downstairs named Bohdi. They had to be in the house somewhere and I found the dogs upstairs. One was on top the bed in the master bedroom, her name is Lizzie and she is a terrier mix. The other dog, a chihuahua named Bubba was underneath the bed along with 2 other cats, Luna and Jack. I looked for the other 2 cats but couldn’t find them inside or outside. I was still feeling feverish and I took a long shower. I made tea, then I sat outside on a bench swing with Little Bit and Sophia,  slowly drinking a smoothie I had made a few days ago. I sat there with my eyes closed and enjoyed the sound of the goats munching on the grass all around me. It was a comforting feeling. 

After about an hour, I needed to lay down again. I went inside and looked for more cats upstairs. There are 5 cats and I’ve only seen 3 of them. They are indoor/outdoor cats that come and go through their cat door. There were no cats to be found but the Bubba was still under the bed and refused to come out no matter how much I tried to sweet talk him. I wasn’t sure why he was hiding because I’ve watched him many times before. I went downstairs and laid in the hammock resting for a couple of hours. My fever broke again and I felt back to my normal self. I got up and walked down to the pond and back. I took a video:

Back at the house, there were 2, already seen, cats downstairs, Jack and Bohdi. I went upstairs to look for more cats but there weren’t any. Bubba was still underneath the bed and wouldn’t budge from his spot. The other dog Lizzie was following me and Bits around. I got a dog treat to coax Bubba out from under the bed. That did the trick, he came out from under the bed and I picked him up when he took the treat. He started screeching like he was being tortured. I talked to him gently and petted him soothingly. He immediately calmed down but in the meantime, Bubba’s free seconds of screeching had scared Lizzie and she was now hiding under the bed. I took Bubba downstairs and gave him his wet food. I tried coaxing Lizzie out from under the bed with her wet food and she refused to come out. I set her wet food downstairs and gave the cats their wet food. No cats came to eat but I knew they would. 

I got ready to leave to take Sophia home and go to Rockdale Matinee Musical Club. My friend Kim, Sophia’s mom arrived home just before we got there. Sophia and her were happy to see each other. We talked briefly, then I went to Musical Club and had a wonderful time. We all shared and sang together songs we remembered from our childhood. When it was over, I told everyone goodbye. I would be my last time at Musical Club. I left and drove a few miles down the road when I received a phone call letting me know that I had left my purse. I went back, retrieved my purse and continued on to Rita and Val’s. 

When I arrived, both Lizzie and Bubba were downstairs. I gave them treats and they’ve been just fine ever since. I was happy to see that the cats had eaten their wet food. I went to bed and fell asleep at 11 pm listening to an audiobook. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria

P.S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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