Cricket Invasion, Pet Sitting and Choosing Love

Saturday September 28, 2024

Dear Diary, 

I woke up at 3 am. I wrote my blog and posted it. I fell back asleep from 5 am to 8 am. When I woke up again, I let the dogs out and fed them and as well as the cat. I made tea and blended up pineapple with fresh OJ for my smoothie. I gave the dogs treats and left to go to town to clean 2 churches. As soon as I started driving, I saw that my back left tire was low on air. Another low tire! This tire was the same tire that got patched on Wednesday and my 3rd low tire in the past 2 weeks. I drove straight to the tire shop and the guy working there found a small hole in the tire. The patch he had put on the other day was still holding tight. He patched the hole up. I thanked him and told him that hopefully I wouldn’t be back anytime soon. 

I drove to the Episcopal church and enjoyed cleaning it. I took my time and did an extra good job since it was my last time. When I finished, I drove to the Lutheran church to clean it. On the way I stopped at an event called Rocktober Fest going on in downtown Rockdale. I walked around the booths and talked to people. I didn’t stay long and continued on to the church. 

The Lutheran church was full of crickets. There were dead crickets everywhere. It was worse than last week. There were a couple of ladies there setting up the altar and I briefly chatted with them. Then I got busy vacuuming up crickets. I went through every classroom and got behind and under all of the furniture. I got every cricket I could find in the main building and the sanctuary. The vacuum canister was half full crickets when I was done. Then I moved on to the fellowship hall. The crickets were even worse over there. I got under and behind everything there and when I finished, the entire vacuum canister was filled to the top with dead crickets. Disgusting! 😂

I was glad to be done with the dead cricket business but for some reason I managed to be hungry after all that. I wasn’t sure how I could think of food after dealing with mass amounts of dead crickets. I guess all the physical labor made food still seem appetizing. I messaged my friend Kim to see if she wanted to go get something to eat. We were supposed to get together this afternoon and sit in the hot tub where I am pet sitting. Kim messaged back saying yes to eating somewhere. I called her and we decided to go to the new restaurant Maricela’s. I drove to her house and left Bits there with her dogs Sophia and Chance. Then we went in my truck to the restaurant. 

The service was slow and my trick of tipping the waitress ahead of time and thanking her for the great service we would receive didn’t seem to be working. Kim and I had great conversations about faith and judging people and loving people. The food eventually arrived. I had vegetable fajitas and it was good. I have completely strayed from eating mostly raw lately and I notice a big different in my energy levels. I know that I’ll get back to my high energy diet when I get tired of feeling tired. I’m not stressing it. 

Kim and I stayed at the restaurant for an hour and a half. Then I took her home and got Bits. Kim decided to not go hot tubbing with me since she’d had back surgery last month and wasn’t sure if it would be a good idea. 

I drove to my pet sitting opportunity and let the dogs out. Then I fed them and sat on the couch cuddling with them while I wrote my blog. I prayed my gratitudes: Good evening God, I am grateful for great friends. I am grateful for crickets. I am grateful for selling my side-x-side. I am grateful for food. I am grateful for fixed tires. I am grateful for rest. I am grateful for love. Thank you. I love you. 

I watched a cute movie but I don’t remember what it was called. Then I called Christopher and talked to him for a while. I told him about the crickets and we made plans for Angel to stay with him a few days next week while I’m pet sitting. When I hung up with Christopher, I called my son Scott and talked to him for a while. We had a fun conversation and I enjoyed talking with him. Next I called my son Shawn but he didn’t answer.

I made myself some old fashioned oatmeal and ate it while I watched another movie called The Zookeepers Wife. It was about World War II in Warsaw, Poland and how the zookeepers rescued over 300 Jews. I had read the book years ago so I knew what I was getting into but it was still intense to watch. The movie reminded me of how privileged I am and how little I ever have to complain about. War brings out the worst in people but it also brings out the best in people. Everyone gets to choose. 

When the movie was over. I let the dogs out and went to bed. I listened to The Ladies Room and wrote my blog. Then I listened to The Mountain is You and fell asleep at around 11 pm. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria

P.S. this blog post is inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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