Painting, Homeschool co-op, Organizing and My Going Away Party

Thursday September 19, 2024

Dear Diary,

I woke up at 2 am and wore my blog until 4 am. I posted it and went back to sleep until 7:15 am. I was going to get up but drifted off to sleep again and got up at 7:45 am. I got up and let out the chickens, geese and ducks. I went in the house and woke Angel up. She had left the banana hut and went into the house sometime in the middle of the night. She was hungry and Christopher had left a breakfast taco for her that he had made before he went to work. I warmed up the taco for her and made myself tea and a banana, cacao, turmeric, fresh almond milk, fresh wild apple/pear juice smoothie. We got ready to go do painting at a ladies house who goes to our church, let’s call her Mrs. P. We had painted at Mrs. P’s house before and Angel wanted to go there again to paint a picture to give to her friend for his birthday. I called Mrs. P the other day and she was happy to have us come over to paint. We set up a time that worked for both of us, which was this morning at 9 am. 

While Angel was getting ready to go, I put fresh water in the duck pools and fed all the birds and the goats. As we were leaving, I realized that my phone had been set to “Do not disturb”. I turned the “Do not disturb” setting off and saw that I had a bunch of text messages. One of them was from Tracey saying that he was willing to do farm sitting for Rita and Val that I was doing in October. That was wonderful surprise! I asked him to let them know and told him that I only needed the days covered from October 14-22. When we arrived at Mrs. P’s, Rita messaged me about Tracey doing the farm sitting. She still wanted someone else to take care of the inside animals and I told her I would ask my friend Kim if she would do it. I sent Kim a message and she messaged back asking questions and said she would probably be able to do it. Yay! Now I could go back to Idaho sooner and wouldn’t have to cancel the pet sitting I was asked to do there from October 17-20. 

While I was messaging back and forth with Rita and Kim, Mrs. P had gotten everything set up for Angel. Angel wanted to paint a horse and drew one out on the canvas frame. When I finished messaging on my phone, I watched Angel finish drawing and Mrs. P helped her pick out the colors. She painted most of it and had me help her paint the grass and sky. When she finished painting, she was very pleased with her masterpiece. We cleaned up and thanked Mrs. P for her time. I offered to pay for the canvas and paint but Mrs. P would have none of it. 

We left and hearted (headed) to homeschool co-op. It was great to see everyone at the co-op. The kids played and sang songs and did a craft project. Then they played some more while all the moms sat outside and talked. It was a great time of bonding and encouraging each other. 

After homeschool co-op, we went to my friend Kim’s so that I could do some organizing for her. Kim and I talked for a few minutes about her taking over pet sitting for me and then we got started organizing. We did all of the lower kitchen cupboards and they looked great when they were finished. Then we organized the freezer and lastly we organized the pantry. Of course I didn’t get before and after pictures but it all looked fantastic when it was completed. I love love love organizing. It is one of my favorite things to do. 

While all that had been going on, my adult daughter came and got Angel from Kim’s to have overnight. After organizing, I stayed and talked to Kim and her husband a few minutes before I left. I drove to the new restaurant Marcela’s that opened up today. I had seen on Facebook that my friend Kyle Cooke was there and his post said that he was the only one braving the heat on the outside patio. I decided to show up and surprise him. It was beautiful out on the new patio and I didn’t think it felt that hot out. I sat and talked with Kyle a few minutes before another friend of ours showed up and joined us. We all talked until it was time to leave to go to my going away party at Moon Brew. 

I arrived at my party a fashionable 5 minutes late. There was a beautiful banana cake that had been made for me and people were just starting to show up. I was so very grateful for all the thoughtfulness that went into creating this event. My dear friend and Angels godfather Collier Perry had planned and paid for the event. I felt incredibly loved. So many wonderful people came to wish me the best on my future endeavors in Idaho. Some brought gifts and I started crying when I started reading the cards my friends had written to me. They wrote such kind words that melted my heart. I feel so blessed to have lived in such a warm and loving community the past 10 years. Friends from the Kay theater came, friends from homeschool co-op came, friends from churches I attended came, friends I made just from being my social self around town came, friends I made pet sitting came, friends I made cleaning houses and organizing came, friends from my master naturalists group came, way more people came than I expected. My kayaking friend Alan was there and he planned out a kayaking trip down the Brazos that we will do on Monday. One last kayaking adventure before I go. Yay! I mingled and made sure I greeted everyone there. When the event was almost over, I decided to sing a couple of songs. I sang All My Tears and then I sang Always on My Mind again. I really enjoy singing. 

When the event was over, I drove to Christopher’s. Christopher was still awake and finishing his supper. I started a bath and brought in all my gifts and got them sorted to take to Idaho with me. Christopher and I talked for a few minutes. Then I took a nice relaxing bath. When I got out, I gave Christopher a goodnight hug and went to bed. I wrote some of my blog. Then I put on an audiobook called Inner Abundance: How to be Happy with Nothing. I fell asleep at around 10 pm. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria

P.S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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