A Parade, Yard Sales and Lake Cascade

Sunday September 1, 2024

Dear Diary,

I woke up at 6 AM. I prayed my gratitudes: Good morning amazing God, I am grateful for good sleep. I am grateful for my sisters. I am grateful for forest fires. I am grateful for opportunities. I am grateful for having all I need. I am grateful for guidance. I am grateful for prayer. Thank you God! I love you. 

I checked out the fires burning in the mountains all around us. They aren’t coming this way but I’ve been watching to make sure there are no evacuation notices for my area since there is a fire going on 13 miles away. Fires behave the opposite of water. They travel up instead of down. Where I’m at is at a lower elevation than the fire but I’m still keeping a watch on things. 

I wrote my blog until Angel woke up. Then I made her waffles for breakfast. I made myself tea and a smoothie. My smoothie had cacao, 8 bananas and fresh apple/pineapple juice. I called my sister Trish to see what she was doing today. She was hanging around the house working on projects. I told her we would be coming over a little later to get Angels suitcase. 

Angel and I got ready to go and hearted (headed) out. While we were driving through the town of New Meadows on the way to Council, we saw people lined up along the street getting ready for a parade. I asked Angel if she wanted to watch the parade. She said, yes! We found a place to park and walked around. They were having an art fair and we looked at the neat things for sale in the booths until it was time for the parade to start. While we were walking around, one of my sandal straps completely broke off and there was no way to keep it on my foot. So I continued to walk around barefoot. 

The parade was great fun. It was mostly made up of neat old cars. I got pictures of a few of them. Of course people threw out a lot of candy that Angel collected. She was being picky about what she candy she kept and gave most of hers to the kids next to us. Angel also caught a beach ball and I almost caught a t-shirt but I dropped it and it got snagged up by someone else. 

When the parade was over, we followed the long line of cars going over the mountain to Council. On the way we stopped at a yard sale and I found a perfect pair of sandals to replace my broken ones for $1.00. Yay! 

We arrived at Trish’s a little bit after noon. Angel put her suitcase in the truck and rode off on her bicycle to see if her friends were out. I hung out with Trish and we talked about projects she wants to do around the house. Angel came back and said that her friends weren’t out. So we hearted (headed) back to Donnelly. 

We stopped at several yard sales on the drive back. I got a nice pair of tennis shoes and a rolling cart I can take to the grocery store when I officially move to Council. Angel got a beach floatie for free and we got free stainless steel mugs to put tea or water in when we go places. The main things we were looking for were snow shoes for me and a scooter for Angel but we didn’t find either of them. They will appear at the perfect time. 

We arrived back at our pet sitting opportunity. I let the dogs out and when they came back in, I took a nap on the couch while Angel played on her phone. I woke up after sleeping for an hour and asked Angel if she wanted to walk to the lake. She said she did and put on her swimsuit. I put leashes on the dogs and we had a fun walk to the lake. It’s about a 10 minute walk. The beach at the lake was crowded. Angel swam and played in the sand while I sat holding onto the dogs. I took some videos: 

On the walk back my friend Ed called. I have known Ed since I was 16. I was friends with his sister, then I dated Ed for a year or so before moving to South Dakota for 6 months. We have remained friends ever since. I talked to Ed for about an hour, then I made Angel dinner. She had healthy waffles and bread with honey. After dinner, I took a long hot shower and read to Angel a book we got for free from one of the yard sales we stopped at. The book is called The Christmas Pig by JK Rowlings. It’s a great book. I read 5 chapters before I turned off the light and went to sleep. We fell asleep at around 10 PM.

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria 

P.S. this blog post is inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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