Saturday August 31, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 4:30 am and wrote my blog. I fell asleep again at 6:30 am and woke at 7:30 am. I let out the chickens and fed the cat. It was too smoky out from fires going on in the mountains to see the sunrise. I made tea and a smoothie. I packed all of my stuff up to go my next pet sitting opportunity and loaded it all in the truck. I vacuumed the house and made sure everything looked good. Then I drove to Trish’s in Council.
Angel was sitting on the couch playing on her phone when I walked in the door. I told her it was time to get ready to go to our next pet sitting opportunity. We went upstairs and I packed her suitcase while she got dressed. I asked her to put her suitcase in the truck and went downstairs to get my food out of the fridge. Trish was awake in her room and I talked to her for a few minutes before we hearted (headed) out.
We arrived in Donnelly at the pet sitting opportunity a few minutes early. The pet owners were packed up and ready to leave. We went over a few last minute things together and they left. The pets we are taking care of are a golden-doodle named Capone, a black lab mix named Lulu and a very elusive cat named Half-pint. Plus I will be watering indoor and outdoor plants and collecting the mail. The house is absolutely beautiful and only a 1/4 mile away from Cascade Lake, which is a huge 47 mile clear water lake in the Idaho Rocky Mountains.

I unloaded our food and luggage out of the truck while Angel ran around with the dogs and explored. While bringing everything in, I noticed that Angels suitcase was missing. I asked her if she had put it in the truck and she said that she had forgot. I had a small amount of clothes for her in my suitcase but we would have to go back to Council to get her suitcase tomorrow. It’s a hour and a half drive there and I wasn’t going back today.
When I finished bringing everything in, Angel and I sat at the table and did school. We studied multiplication and Angel understood it right away. She did a few pages of math and then we played sight word bingo. After doing school, we went outside and played fetch with the dogs. Then I sat on the soft northern grass that has no biting ants and watched the dogs play. In Texas I was always getting bit by ants. It’s nice to not have to watch for ants when out in nature. I took a video of the dogs playing:

My friend Brett came over and we all went to the lake with the dogs. Brett walked Bits and I walked Capone and Lulu while Angel rode her bicycle. The road going to the lake had a lot of slow moving traffic since it was Labor Day weekend. Angel got way ahead of us and I got really nervous because she’s not used to bicycling where there is traffic. Even though the traffic was slow, I didn’t want her to have an accident. I kept yelling for her to stop but she was too far ahead to hear me. I couldn’t run after her because I had the dogs. Finally she stopped and I caught up to her. I gave her a lecture about staying close and keeping out of the road. She got upset and started crying. I softened my tone and told her it was ok, she didn’t know and now she does.
We walked to the beach and waded in the water with the dogs. It wasn’t as crowded as I thought it would be. I think all the smoke in the air has kept people away. We didn’t stay long because Brett had to go home to have dinner with his family. On the walk back Angel didn’t get too far ahead and there was less traffic going the other way.

Brett went home as soon as we got back. I made wild apple/pineapple juice while Angel watched a movie on the little screen (I call TV the little screen, no matter how big it is because the big screen is outside, that’s where the real shows happen and the screen is 360 degrees). I made a gallon and a half of wild apple/pineapple juice. I had 2 pineapples I bought that I juiced and the rest was wild apples. I still have 3 1/2 bags of apples left. I also made half a gallon of almond milk.

I fed Angel bread with honey and we walked down the road to a yard sale. The yard sale was closed so we came back. Angel watched another movie on the little screen while I sat outside with the dogs and watched the big screen while I wrote my blog. A hummingbird came to visit and I got it on video for 30 seconds before it flew off:
I finished writing my blog and posted it, then I took a hot bath in a gigantic bathtub that they have here. When I got out, Angel had finished her movie and she got in the bath. When she got out we went to bed. I called Trish and talked for a few minutes. We fell asleep at around 9 PM.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.