Thursday August 8, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 5:30 AM. I wrote my blog until 6:45 AM. I sent Tracey a good morning message sharing my gratitudes. They were:
Today I am grateful for fun dreams, I am grateful for the smell of morning. I am grateful for laughter. I am grateful for you Tracey. I am grateful for Angel. I am grateful for mullets. I am grateful for chickens. I am grateful for doing fun projects together. I am grateful for peace of mind. I am grateful for love.
Tracey responded with his gratitudes which were:
Good morning Love,
I am grateful for deep sleep. I am grateful for same sense of humors. I am grateful for restarts. I am grateful for pain fee living. I am grateful for balanced well being. I am grateful for wishes fulfilled. I am grateful for needs met. I am grateful for the blessing of beautiful vision. I am grateful for unconditional love. I am grateful to be blessed. I am grateful to be a blessing. I am grateful for miracles. I am grateful for Cassie, I am grateful for Angel. I am infinitely grateful for you Victoria. I am grateful to feel the depth of love I feel for you. I am grateful for the depth of love I feel from. Life is love, we are love, we are perfection, am so grateful for us🥰♾️💚🙏
I woke Angel up and let out the ducks, chickens and geese. I went in the house and made Angel healthy waffles for breakfast. For myself, I made tea and a smoothie. My smoothie had mangos blended with fresh pineapple juice. Angel got ready to go to horse riding lessons and we hearted (headed) out.
Angel did great at riding camp. She rode bareback today and was excited about being able to balance so well that she could ride without hands. I enjoyed watching her. She is becoming such a great rider.

Next we went to Rockdale and picked up Ms. M. We had plans to go to the Walker Honey Store outside of Rogers, TX. We went to Tracey’s and he joined us on our adventure. It was a fun drive to the honey store. Angel wanted me to tell stories of my childhood so I told some that came to mind. One was about almost drowning when I was 19. I was swimming in Lucky Peak reservoir above Boise. The only thing that saved me was floating on my back until I caught my breath. Another story was about attempting to steal things out of peoples unlocked cars with some friends when I was 16. We got caught looking inside the car of a member of a motorcycle gang. The entire motorcycle gang chased us on foot. We managed to get away but the experience scared me straight. I never did anything like that again and I am grateful that I turned my life around after that. Karma got me years later when all my CD’s got stolen out of my truck. I felt absolved of my crimes when that happened.
At the honey store, I had them refill 4 one gallon jars with local wildflower honey. The price is great there. It’s only $50 a gallon. Angel tasted all different kinds of honey at the tasting station. Ms. M tried a couple of different kinds as well. Tracey seemed to enjoy looking around and he bought a couple of t-shirts. I bought Angel a little jar of clover honey and for myself, I bought some dark chocolate made with honey and chapstick.
We left the honey store and took Ms. M home. Angel was hungry and I got her a quesadilla from La Carreta and for myself I got some guacamole. Then we stopped at the hardware store and Tracey bought a couple sheets of plywood. We drove to Tracey’s and arrived just in time for me to do a phone session with one of my life-coaching clients. I laid in the hammock during the coaching session and appreciated having such wonderful office quarters. The session went great and we scheduled another session in 2 weeks.
When I got off the phone, Angel was watching a movie on her dvd player up in the loft bed. I helped Tracey with cutting the plywood. Well actually, I helped by watching and cheering him on. We brought the plywood into the RV which was somewhat complicated, but we figured out how to do it. We brought it to the back bedroom and it took some more creative thinking to get it into place. Tracey has been sleeping on a twin mattress and is switching to a full size one. Hence the reason for the plywood. Tracey cut another small piece of plywood to make the base fit the full sized mattress. He screwed the plywood into place. Then we brought in the new mattress which was still rolled up in plastic. We put the mattress into place and unrolled it. It magically filled itself up with air and was ready to go.
We had gotten really dirty and sweaty from doing that project and decided to go swimming. Angel got off her DVD player and went with us. Tracey played fetch with his dog Cassie on the walk to the pond and Angel ran ahead. We had a lot of fun swimming. I floated on my back, did a full body relaxation session and stretched. Before getting out, we had a magical time, watching the dragon flies fly around the lily pads and land on water plants. I had a face to face conversation with a dragon fly and it told me to take time everyday to just be.
When we walked back from the pond, Angel and I went home. I greeted Christopher and he told me that the duck missing last night had been in the goat pen. I was glad to hear that we still have all 3 ducks. Angel packed to stay the night with her sister. I cut up a watermelon. Half of it I blended up into a smoothie for tomorrow. The other half, I put in a dish to take to a master naturalist meeting I was going to attend. We always have a potluck before each meeting. Christopher asked me about cleaning the office building this weekend. I hadn’t told him that I was no longer working for them. The last 2 times Christopher did the cleaning and they were not happy with the work. I did not check his work and I take full responsibility for the work done because it was my name behind it. They let me know they wouldn’t need me anymore last week. When I received that message, I stopped by and talked to them to make sure I didn’t leave on a bad note. I was assured that I wasn’t. I told Christopher all of this and he took it hard. I told him that it was all ok. I was moving and I would not be cleaning for them anymore anyway.
Bits stayed with Christopher and I left with Angel. I drove to Cameron and dropped Angel off at her sisters. Then I went to the master naturalist meeting. I chatted with people and ate some. It seemed like most everyone already knew that I was moving away. There’s more people reading my blog than I realize. One lady said my blog is like a soap opera. I thought that was great fun, it’s the “As Victoria’s World Turns” blog.

The master naturalist meeting was about water management in Texas. I had heard the talk before, so I halfway paid attention while I wrote my blog. When the meeting was over, I drove home to pick up Bits. As I pulled up, I could see him through the window. He was up on the kitchen table looking for me. Christopher was sitting outside and he told me Bits was in the house. I asked him if he could see Bits through the window from where he was at. He said he couldn’t, so I told him that Bits was up on the table and I started laughing. I went in the house to get him and Christopher followed me. He told me that he felt really bad about me getting let go from cleaning the office building. I assured him that it was all ok and that everything happens as it is supposed to. He wouldn’t let it go, even though I kept assuring him that it was ok. I gave him a hug and assured him once again that everything is a blessing even if it doesn’t seem that way.
I put Bits in the truck and drove to Tracey’s. I saw that he had a campfire going as I pulled up. We sat around the campfire, enjoying the stars and drinking tea. Then we went inside and cuddled. We laughed and I cried, it was a lot of fun. We fell asleep at around 11:30 PM.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P.S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.