Organizing, Connections and Swimming

Tuesday July 30, 2024

Dear Diary,

Woke at 6 AM and wrote my  blog until 6:30 AM. I called Tracey and we said our good mornings. Angel woke up and went into the house. I let out the chickens, ducks and geese and joined her inside. I greeted  Christopher and made Angel waffles. For myself, I made tea and blended up watermelon for a smoothie. Then Angel and I hearted (headed) to town. On the way I dropped off Bits at Tracey’s. My first opportunity for the day was helping a client clean out her garage. Angel got started on her schoolwork while I organized. I didn’t get before and after picture of the garage but it looked really good by the time I finished. I love organizing and had a lot of fun creating a masterpiece. After organizing, I put up new blinds in the front room and hung up a bird feeder in my clients backyard. She was very happy with everything we accomplished and so was I. 

I stopped at Moon Brew before heading to my next cleaning opportunity. Angel got a hot cocoa and watched PBS kids on her phone while I chatted with people. The cleaning opportunity went good. My friend/client came home when I was about halfway done and we talked while I finished up. 

Then I took Angel to a birthday party and dropped her off. I went through the car wash, got gasoline and bought some produce before heading to Tracey’s. Tracey and I sat on the couch, talked and enjoyed each other’s company until it was time to get Angel. I picked her up and we went to Christopher’s. On the way, Angel said she wanted to stay the night at Tracey’s. This surprised me, I hadn’t expected that. I told her we could and let Tracey know.  

At Christopher’s, I made myself a smoothie to have for tomorrow while Angel ate beans, a mango and a dragonfruit. I packed up some food for Angel, some books and a change of clothes and we hearted (headed) to Tracey’s. When we arrived I greeted Tracey with a hug and Angel watched a movie on her DVD player. Then we all walked down to the pond to go swimming. We all had a lot of fun swimming. On the walk back up to the house Angel and I had a race. I was laughing and laughing while I ran to stay ahead of Angel. At the end, Angel took a short cut and won. I laid on the ground laughing and laughing. It was great fun. We all went in the house and I read children’s stories to Tracey and Angel. Then we all went to bed. Angel was excited about her little loft to sleep in and I put on a Bobbsey Twins audiobook for her to listen to. Tracey and I cuddled and talked and we fell asleep at around 11:30 PM. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria 

P.S. this blog post was written by the Holy Spirit. 

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