Tuesday July 23, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 3 AM. I wrote my blog until 4:45 AM. I did a full body relaxation session and went to sleep for another hour. Then I woke Angel up and she went into the house while I let out the chickens, ducks and geese. In the house, I made Angel waffles and made myself tea and a smoothie. We got ready to go and left to go farm-sitting. It was our last time farm-sitting and I am going to miss it. I have thoroughly enjoyed taking care of the animals on this beautiful land.
On the way to farm-sitting we picked up Tracey. He too felt honored to be included in taking care of the farm animals and was going to miss helping me with the farm. He is so gifted with animals and it is a beautiful thing to watch. I’ve never seen animals flock to someone like they do him. Animals that I can’t get to come near me will walk right up to him. I asked him about it once and he said he’s always been like that with animals. It’s definitely one of his gifts. We took care of the animals and said goodbye to the farm. Then I dropped off Tracey and hearted (headed) to Rockdale to do a couple of cleaning opportunities.

At my first cleaning opportunity, I told my client that I was moving and she took it well. I gave her the name of another cleaning lady that I recommend and she was happy to have that. She said she’s going to miss having me clean for her but wished me the best in moving back home to Idaho. Angel happily did her schoolwork while I cleaned and got her required nine pages done within an hour. The rest of the time she played on her phone.
At my next cleaning opportunity, before I could even tell my clients I was moving, they informed me that they had read my blog and already knew. They also said that they would miss me and wished me the best. I did the same in turn. Then, I got their house nice and clean while Angel sat outside and played on her phone.
After I finished, I stopped at Moon Brew and visited with my friend Rita who was working that day. Then I did a cat sitting opportunity and drove to Tracey’s. Angel listened to an audiobook while I took a nap on the couch. When I woke up, I had a message on my phone from a lady in Idaho who wanted me to pet sit overnight for her 2 dogs and cat from August 27-September 11.
Months ago, I had changed my address on Rover.com to my sister Trish’s address in Idaho starting in August. I had decided when I came to Trish’s on vacation in August that I wasn’t coming back to Texas. Little did I know that I really would be moving back permanently. I had been praying for over a year for a path to open up for me to move back and now it was happening. I had completely forgotten about Rover.com though and the app has been silent for months until now.
I really wanted to take on the pet sitting opportunity. It was during the time Angel, Tracey and I would be in Idaho and the pay was great. The only issue was, I had already committed to pet sitting for my sister Missy until September 7th. Later in the day when I got home, I talked to the lady on Rover.com and I talked to Missy. I was able to work out doing both pet sitting opportunities at the same time. Missy’s dogs could come with us to the overnight pet sitting opportunity and Missy would have someone else stop by her place daily to feed the cat and check on the chickens. Yay!
At home, I let the yorkies out and Angel played with them. They are such great dogs to pet sit for. They are super easy going and happy. I took a long hot shower and left for play practice. Play practice went well. We all pretty much know our lines and it’s all coming together. On the drive home, I talked to my sister Trish and told her about my pet sitting opportunity when I come to visit. She was excited for me and told me about some things going on in her life. I was still talking with her when I met up with Tracey at a picnic area off the highway near my house. When I got off the phone, Tracey and I sat at a picnic table and enjoyed each other’s company. We laughed and had fun until it was time for me to go home and go to bed. When I arrived, Christopher already in bed and Angel was watching a show on his phone. We got ready for bed and went into the banana hut. We called Tracey and said our good nights. Angel slept on the trundle bed next to me and we fell asleep at around 10:30 pm listening to a unicorn sleep meditation.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.