3 Houses, Farm Sitting and Play Practice

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Dear diary, 

I woke up at 3:30 AM and wrote my blog until 4:15 AM. I woke Angel up and we went in the house so she could get ready for camp. Christopher already had her lunch ready and had gone back to bed. I combed out her hair and made myself two cantaloupe blended with pineapples/mango juice, smoothies. I put freshwater in the duck pools and drove Angel to the Cowboy church. The kids were leaving for church camp at 5:30 AM. 

When we arrived, everyone mingled around while we waited for all the kids to show up. At 6 AM they loaded the kids in the vans and were off. I gave Angel a hug and kiss before she left. She said she was going to miss me. I told her she would be fine and would have a lot of fun. 

When I arrived at home again, Christopher was still in bed. I let out the ducks, geese, chickens and kittens. I fed all the birds and the goats. I fed the dogs and the kittens. Then I went back to bed to sleep for an hour before I had to leave for my first cleaning opportunity.  

I woke up at 7:45 am. I felt tired still and wanted to sleep more. If I didn’t get up now, I would be late for my first cleaning opportunity. I sat up and went into the house. I greeted Christopher, got dressed and packed up my cantaloupes smoothies. I gave Christopher a hug goodbye and drove to town.  

My first cleaning opportunity went good. I took my time and enjoyed cleaning. The same with my 2nd cleaning opportunity. By the time I got to my 3rd cleaning opportunity, I was feeling really tired. Doing 3 houses in one day is just too much. I’ve changed my schedule so I only do two houses a day. Today I had three because I took Healer to the vet and moved two of my clients from yesterday to today.

I was in the middle of cleaning my third house when my client/friend came home. Her husband had been there, but she had been out on an errand. She was glad that I was still there because she wanted to talk to me. I was more than happy to take a break from cleaning to sit down and talk with her. We had the most amazing discussion about knowing yourself. I felt uplifted when I went back to cleaning. That talk had been just what I needed and I was grateful.

I finished cleaning an hour later than expected, but it was worth it to have had that talk with my friend. I drove home and when the dogs came running down the driveway to greet me. I stopped and yelled at them to get out of here, they all ran back to the house and did not run around the truck as I went up the driveway. When I got parked, I got out and greeted Christopher and the dogs. I took a quick bath in the pool, made myself some more tea and a banana/fresh almond milk and pineapple/mango juice smoothie. Then I drove to a farm about 20 minutes away to get instructions on farm sitting that I would start doing on Thursday. They had a really neat house and farm set up. Half of their house was outside. These were my kind of people 😊. She showed me around and had printed out instructions for me to follow. We chatted and I asked a few questions. Her 14 year old son came over to talk with us and he was a really neat kid. When I felt like I had all the information I needed, I wished them a good vacation and drove to play practice. 

I arrived at play practice a little bit late. Tonight we were practicing in the Kay theater in Rockdale and it was a lot of fun. Even though I haven’t been studying my lines to memorize them, I have already memorized a few just from doing the play practice. The last half hour of practice I sat through it because my planter fasciitis in my left foot was hurting really bad from being on it for so many hours.

I arrived home close to 10 PM and I was really tired. Christopher was just getting into bed. I gave him a hug and went into the banana hut. I crawled into bed and fell asleep at 10:15 PM.

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.

Love, Victoria

P.S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.  

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