Monday, July 8, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at midnight and checked on Healer. He seemed to be doing OK.
I fell asleep again at 1 am. I woke up again at 3 am and checked on Healer again. I wasn’t able to fall asleep again and I wrote my blog. At 5 am, I brought Healer in from the porch because it was supposed to start raining. I let out the ducks, chickens, and geese and put freshwater in their pools. I turned on 432HZ healing music for Healer. Then I fell back asleep until 7:30 AM. I canceled all my cleaning clients for the day so I could keep an eye on Healer.
Angel woke up and we went in the house. I greeted Christopher and made tea. I got Healer from the banana hut and brought him into the house. He still seemed to be doing fine other than limping and not putting pressure on his right leg. At 8 AM I called the Lexington Vet and got a 9:30 AM appointment to take him in. I wanted to find out what was going on with his leg and I also wanted to make sure there were no internal injuries.
Angel start packing for church camp. She will be leaving tomorrow morning at 5 AM. Christopher was being very short tempered with both me and Angel. I asked him if something was bothering him and he said that he was upset about Healer being ran over by me. I asked him if he needed a hug, he didn’t respond to that but I gave him a hug and he accepted it.
Last night, a hurricane had hit the coast, and the storm was about to reach us. I went outside and fed the ducks, chickens, and geese. Then I fed the goats and dogs and cats. I wanted to get them all fed before it started raining.
When I came up to the house, Angel was sitting on the step looking sad. I asked her what was wrong and she said that Christopher was talking mean to her. I told her that he was having a bad morning and that was OK, we all have bad mornings. I told her to just let him be how he needs to be. She seemed to understand that and we went back in the house. She finished packing and at 9 AM, I carried Healer to the truck and we drove to the vet.
The vet took x-rays and I was very happy with the results. There were no internal injuries at all. The only thing wrong was a slight fracture on his right foot. The vet said that he could put pins in it or a splint on it, but it was such a small fracture he recommended not spending all that money for something that really wasn’t necessary. He said that it should heal up on its own just fine. I was overjoyed with the news. Healer was going to be OK. I was grateful I had been driving so slow up the driveway when I hit him. It saved his life. From now on the dogs will not be running around the truck when I drive up the driveway. I plan on training them to not do that by chasing them off. I taught them to not follow me in the side-x-side and I can teach them to not run around the truck while I’m coming up the driveway.
I drove home and told Christopher the news. He was also happy to know that Healer was going to be OK. A lady that was picking up eggs from us said that she was on her way. It was sprinkling out and I thought it would be fun to walk down the driveway instead of taking the side-x-side. I waited at the gate for her and she arrived a few minutes later. We chatted for a few minutes. We have developed a friendship since she’s started getting eggs from me.
When I walked up to the house, Christopher was petting Healer. I asked him how he was doing. He said he was doing better. He said he didn’t know what had been wrong with him earlier. He said, “he had been feeling off”. I told him, “ that happens to all of us”.

Angel wanted to go to swim tank and I thought that was a great idea. We could take Healer with us and the fresh spring water would be good for his foot. We loaded up the dogs in the back of the side-x-side, and drove through the property to get to swim tank. On the way I had to stop because part of a tree had fallen down and was blocking my mother-in-love’s driveway. As I was clearing it out, my mother-in-love drove up. I hadn’t seen her for a couple weeks. It was good to see her and we talked for a few minutes. Then she continued on and we went to swim tank. We swam for about 45 minutes. Healer didn’t swim, but he did get in the water. I floated on my back and watched the sky for a while. It was a beautiful blue with fluffy clouds. The storm had barely hit us, but it brought the temperatures down into the 80s. It was a nice break from the summer heat. After floating for a while, I stretched and did my breathing exercises. I always feel amazing afterwards. Angel swam under me, back-and-forth. She likes to do that when I’m floating out in the middle.
When we arrived home, Christopher was getting dinner ready. I had a big salad and we all shared our grateful around the table. Mine were.
- I am grateful Healer is ok.
- I am grateful for yummy healthy food.
- I am grateful for a good nap.
After I ate, I went to play practice. Angel came with me. When we arrived, my older daughter picked up Angel so that they could spend the evening together. Angel was excited because Finn would be joining them. Angel has been missing Finn a lot lately and I was glad that she would get to see him, as well as spend time with her sister.
One of the seasoned actors took me aside in the other room and we did acting lessons. The things she told me were very helpful. I was able to get into character a lot more than I had previously. I was grateful for her help, it really boosted my confidence on my ability to act. When play practice was almost over, my older daughter brought Angel back. My daughter-in-love and Finn were with her. It was great to see them. I gave Finn a big hug. They stayed for a little while and then left just as we were finishing up. Angel was sad when Finn left but got over it quickly.
I was heading home and had just gotten outside of Cameron when my older daughter sent me a message saying that Angel had left her water bottle at her house. Angel needed her water bottle to take to camp tomorrow. I was feeling tired and was not happy about turning around and going back. I let myself feel angry about it and then I accepted it as not that big of a deal. We got the water bottle and drove home.
We arrived home close to 10 PM. I had Healer lay down on his bed on the banana porch. Angel and I finished packing for camp. Then we went straight to bed. I turned on a unicorn sleep meditation. And we fell asleep at 10:45 PM.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the holy Spirit.