Sunday July 7, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 5 AM. I went in the house and used the bathroom. Christopher was just getting up and I told him good morning. I went to the banana hut and wrote my blog. I got up and let out the ducks, geese and chickens. Then I laid down in the banana hut and fell asleep again until 7:30 AM. I woke up and wrote my blog until 8:30 AM. When I finished writing my blog, I went into the house and made my tea. I made a cantaloupe smoothie and a banana/turmeric/spirulina/honey/homemade almond milk and pineapple/mango juice smoothie. I clean the kitchen and went outside and gathered eggs. I fed the birds and the goats. Then I walked around gathering plants for the wild edible presentation I would be doing today. Christopher left to get groceries and I left right after him.
I arrived at the train Depot right at 10:30 AM. Kathleen had just arrived also and was just getting everything unlocked. After some deliberating, we got the dining car set up how I wanted it. Right as we finished, people started to arrive. I wasn’t sure how many people would come because it was on a Sunday during church hours. Surprisingly 16 people showed up.
The presentation went really well. I talked about loblolly pine trees, lambsquarters, dewberry leaves, horsemint, yaupon holly, spiderwort, mustang grapes, Turks cap and wild sunflowers. I wasn’t nervous at all and I had a lot of fun doing it. I love talking about plants.

When it was over, I cleaned up and stood outside talking with friends for a while. Everyone except Kathleen left and I hung out in the train depot with her and another friend that was volunteering there. I practiced my song and wrote my blog until it was time to go to the Episcopal church for a music club concert.
I had a great time talking with people at the church. When the concert started, I was the first one to sing. The song was going great until I forgot the words. Then I felt really embarrassed and wanted to hide somewhere, but I kept on singing…La La La La…instead of the lyrics 😆. The words came back to me and amazingly I finished the song singing the real lyrics. I was glad I had been first because I got to enjoy the rest of the program without any distractions.
As soon as it was over, I drove to Thorndale to pick up Angel from her adopted grandmother Peggy. That went well and on the drive home, Angel told me about all the fun she had. At home, I greeted Christopher, Angel went to the neighbors and I took a nap. I woke up an hour later and decided I wanted to go back into town to see Rising Star Baptist Church choir sing at Springfield Baptist Church. I had never been inside that church before and I always like to see the inside of churches. They are all so beautiful in their own way.
The choir concert was amazing. I was so glad I had gone. I sang and danced and was filled with the Holy Spirit. I’ve been invited to sing with the Rising Star Baptist church choir and I might take them up on it when my schedule lightens up. They are so good!
On my drive home, I talked to my friend Tracey. I hung up as I was coming up the driveway. Little Bit was with me and he was barking out of my window. LacyJane, Healer and Jake were running all around the truck. Jake kept getting aggressive with Healer and I kept yelling for him to knock it off. I drove up the driveway very slow because I don’t want to run over any of the dogs.
Suddenly, I heard a yelp. I instantly stopped and jumped out. I saw Healer in front of my back left tire. I started yelling, “no, no, no!”. I ran up to him and saw that the tire had barely gotten him. Thankfully because I was driving super slow, I was able to stop in time. I picked him up and saw that he was favoring his right leg. I looked him over and set him back down. He ran off limping into the woods. I stood and yelled for Christopher at the top of my lungs. He didn’t hear me, so I stopped yelling and pulled myself together. I drove up to the house and parked the truck. I saw that Healer had come out of the woods and was under Christopher’s truck.
I started walking over to him when Christopher came up behind me and asked me why I had stopped down the driveway a little while ago. I told him that I had run over Healer. He asked where Healer was and I showed him. After some coaxing we got Healer to come out. Both Christopher and I looked him over. He seemed fine other than something being wrong with his right leg. It didn’t feel dislocated or broken. I thought maybe it was just badly sprained.
We put his bed on the banana hut porch and laid him on it. Christopher put a little kennel fence around him to keep the other dogs from bothering him. Angel came home from the neighbors and I told her what happened to Healer. She looked at Healer, then turned around and ran to the house. I thought she was upset, so I followed her. She ran to the steps and was looking around. I asked her if she was ok and she said that she was fine but she was looking for Coco the kitten. She said that Coco was Healers bed friend. She wanted to put Coco in with Healer because she would give him lots of love and that would help him get better. I told her that was a great idea. I helped her find Coco and we put her in with Healer. Angel was right. Healer was happy to have Coco with him and they cuddled up together.

We took a bath in the pool and got ready for bed. Before Angel and I went to the banana hut, Christopher gave me a big long hug. I was grateful for the comfort.
Angel and I closed up the ducks, chickens and geese. I checked on Healer. He seemed to be doing ok. I planned on taking him to the vet in the morning to get him checked out.
Angel and I got into bed. I put on a unicorn sleep meditation and we fell asleep at 10 pm.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.