Pet Sitting, Organizing and Peace

Saturday June 29, 2024

Dear Diary,

I woke up at 4:45 am and wrote my blog until 6 am. I got up and stripped the bedding. I put it in the wash and put clean sheets on the bed. Then I cleaned the entire house. This is my last day of pet sitting at this house. Then tonight I will be pet sitting overnight at Rita and Val’s. 

I made my tea and smoothies and packed up all my stuff. I set all my stuff on or around the table so it would be easy to grab when I came back later on to get it. 

My first cleaning opportunity was a small office building. I had Sophia and Bits with me and Chance stayed home to guard the house. The office took me longer than I expected but I got it nice and clean. My 2nd cleaning opportunity was a big office building. I listened to the music for the play I’m in while I cleaned. When I was halfway done, Christopher dropped Angel off to be with me. He had a funeral to attend for a cousin of his. While I cleaned, Angel ran around with the dogs and played games on her phone. 

When I finished cleaning we stopped at the farmers market. I bought a couple bags of figs and Angel got a fancy pen. It was hot at the farmers market and I was lamenting about last year’s farmers market that was held in a grassy area away from the highway. It was so much nicer there but a guarantee in life is that all things change. Accepting the changes with ease makes for a much more peaceful life experience. 

When we left the market, I dropped off Sophia and Bits at my pet sitting house and dropped off recycling from the office buildings at the recycle bin. Then I drove to do an organizing opportunity. I had a great time organizing. Angel watched PBS kids on her phone while I organized. My client wanted me to help her clear out her sewing room. It was a mess in there but it didn’t take long to get everything nice and orderly. I wish I would have taken before and after photos. 

I did some organizing in other parts of the house and my client was very happy when I finished. I drove to my pet sitting house and got all of my stuff. I loaded up Sophia and Bits and told Chance to do a good job guarding the house. I’ve been pet sitting for my friend Kim and her husband is coming home this evening and will be with Chance. Sophia is staying with me until Monday evening when I pick Kim up from the airport. 

I drove home and when I arrived, I greeted Christopher. He helped me unload my stuff out of the truck. Angel wanted to go to the neighbors and I told her she could but she had to do chores first to pay for the pen I bought her at the farmers market. She collected eggs, put the burnable trash in the burn barrel, fed the birds and goats, fed the dogs and cats and cleaned her room. I want to get her doing daily chores again. It’s important for children to learn to help out around the house. With her chores completed Angel happily rode her bicycle to the neighbors. 

I put fresh water in the duck pools and freshened up the goats water. Then I sat by the fountain with Christopher and we talked off and on about this and that. I took a short nap 10 minute nap until Angel came home from the neighbors. I took a short video of our relaxing afternoon: 

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel if you like my videos. 

Angel and I got ready to go to Rita and Val’s to pet sit overnight. I decided I was going to bring my hammock to sleep in. I folded up the frame and put it in the back of the side-x-side. I made myself a mango, fresh pineapple juice, cherry juice smoothie and I made Angel some waffles. When she finished eating we packed a few overnight things and I drove the side-x-side over to Val and Rita’s. 

I hadn’t remembered to bring my gate opener, so Tracey let us in the gate. I fed the indoor animals and Angel wanted to go swimming at the pond right away. We started to walk over to the pond, then I came back to the house to use the bathroom. My knees were aching and the plantar fasciitis was hurting from walking on those concrete floors cleaning this morning. So after using the bathroom, I drove the side-x-side to the pond, rather than walking and joined Angel and Tracey swimming. I floated on my back and fully relaxed my body. Then I did some stretching and my body started feeling better. 

When we finished swimming, we sat outside of Tracey place. Tracey made a yummy tea that I thoroughly enjoyed. Angel and I sang a bear song while I brushed Sophia. Then we all played an alphabet game. The game was to name what we saw around us that started with each letter of the alphabet. We made it to the letter R before Angel was tired of the game and started running around. Tracey built a fire and Angel gathered long sticks and pine cones so we could roast pine cones. 

Tracey went to take care of the evening chores. Angel and I went inside and went to bed. Angel slept on the couch and I slept on the hammock next to her. Bits slept in the hammock with me and Sophia slept below me. Rita and Val’s dog Mia slept on the couch with Angel. We fell asleep at around 9:30 pm. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.

Love, Victoria

P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

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