Well Rested, Swimming with Friends and Play Practice

Friday June 28, 2024

Dear Diary,

I woke up at 5:30 am. I had sleep hard throughout the night. I felt fully caught up on sleep. I wrote my blog until 7 am. I let the dogs out and fed them. Angel was still asleep and I sat on the front porch writing some more of my blog. My blog takes between 2 and 4 hours to write daily. It’s easy to get behind, especially when my schedule is busy. I prayed my gratitudes: 

  • I am grateful for relaxing mornings. 
  • I am grateful for pet sitting opportunities. 
  • I am grateful for birds singing. 

I petted Chance. He seems to love being outside all night and doesn’t cause any problems. He likes guarding the house. Christopher says that in order for a dog to be happy, it has to have a job. There’s truth in that. Dogs do love having a purpose. Just like we do. What is your purpose in life? Mine is to live purposefully 😂. To be all that I know I can be. 

I went inside to check on Angel. She was still asleep, so I sat in the living room and wrote my blog until she woke up at 9:10 am. She had gotten 13 hours of sleep! I was glad she had gotten a lot of rest. 

Angel was immediately hungry when she woke up. I made her some waffles and made smoothies for myself. A watermelon smoothie and a banana, fig, blueberry, turmeric, spirulina, homemade almond milk and fresh pineapple juice smoothie. I packed up my smoothies to go and loaded all the dogs in the truck. Then Angel and I hearted (headed) home. 

When we arrived, I secured Chance to a lead line and told him to behave himself. Angel played with her dog and then rode her bicycle to the neighbors to play. I put fresh water in the duck pools, gave the goats fresh water and collected eggs. Christopher arrived home from work and he looked really tired. He sat in the house eating his lunch. I asked him about work and he said they finished leveling the house they were working on and it had been a really hard job. I gave him a hug and kiss and asked if he needed anything. He said he didn’t. I went outside and fed the dogs, cats, goats, chickens, ducks and geese. I took out the compost and burned the paper trash in the burn barrel. 

I went inside again and Christopher was lying down on the couch. I was glad he was resting. I made some homemade tortilla dough and set it aside to rest. Then I made almond milk and pineapple/summer squash juice. I washed the juicer and cleaned off the counter. I rolled out the tortillas and lightly cooked them on a flat cast iron skillet. 

Just as I was finishing up, Angel came back from the neighbors and Christopher woke up from his nap. Shortly after that my friend arrived with her 3 kids. I packed up a smoothie and some apples for the kids. We walked across the gulley and through the woods to swim tank. All the dogs came with us and I let Chance run off leash to see how he would do. He did great. 

It’s about a 25 minute walk to the pond. The kids ran ahead, while my friend and I walked at a steady pace and talked. It’s so beautiful walking in the woods. I want to do it more often. We arrived at swim tank, all went swimming. My friend realized that she had her phone on her after we had been in the water for a few minutes. I got out with her to see if the phone was ok. It was still working and she thought it might be water proof. She set it out to dry and we went swimming some more. I swam across the pond and floated on my back for a while and did some stretching. Then my friend and I hung out in the water where we could touch. We talked while the kids swam and played around us. 

We got out and the kids all ate apples. I was glad I had brought them along. We walked home on a different trail so they could see a different part of the woods. It was a great walk. I love the woods so much. When we got to the house, we all went inside. The kids ate more apples and drank some water. We came outside and the kids climbed trees while my friend and I chatted some more. My friend’s oldest son was interested in Christopher’s dune buggy and Volkswagen Beetle and he talked to Christopher about them for quite a while. 

My friend left and Angel stayed with Christopher while I went to my pet sitting house. I dropped off the dogs and fed them. I took Bits with me and went to the store to get coconut water for Christopher and stock up on watermelons. Then I went to play practice. 

We practiced a couple of songs we are singing in the musical. Things were chaotic and it was obvious a choir director was needed. I stepped up to the plate and even though I’d never directed a choir before, I’d been in enough choirs in my life to know what to do. Things went better after that and there’s hope that we can actually put this play together in time for our first performance on July 27th. 

When play practice ended, I drove to my pet sitting house and went straight to bed. I fell asleep at around 10 pm. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.

Love, Victoria 

P.S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

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