Tuesday June 4, 2024
Dear Diary,
I awoke at 5:30 am. I slept really good and had great dreams. I wrote my blog until 6 am. I got up and let out the chickens, kittens, ducks and geese and gave them fresh water in their kiddie pool. I went in the house and greeted Christopher and Angel. I fed Bits and made my tea. My tea had in it: carob pods, chicory root, barley, dates, rhodiola root, lions mane, honey, turmeric, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, orange peel, anise seed, fresh lime juice and loblolly pine needles that Angel harvested for me. I made a smoothie with: 7 bananas, frozen grapes, pineapple juice, fresh almond milk, ginger and cherry juice. I hung up the laundry and left to take Angel to horse riding camp.

I dropped Angel off and went to my first cleaning opportunity. I chatted with my client and got their house nice and clean. Next, I went to flex-n-flow which is really a yoga class that is not called yoga. I go to the class with my friend Kim every other Tuesday and then I clean her house. Today I asked if I could reschedule her cleaning and we could go to Moon Brew to talk instead. Kim agreed.
The flex-n-flow class went really good. The instructor says a prayer at the beginning and I appreciate that, because it gets me centered. The class was intense enough to give me some good stretching but not overly intense. It felt great to stretch my body and get into a meditative state of mind. I even took a 5 minute nap during savasana, which was refreshing.
After class, Kim and I met at Moon Brew and had a really good talk about loving others even when they are making self destructive choices. I was so absorbed in our conversation that I lost track of time and was a half hour late getting to my next cleaning opportunity out in Blue.
My next opportunity wasn’t only cleaning. It was helping my friend Caroline doing whatever she needs help with. I hadn’t been out to Blue to help her for a while and it was good spending time with her. She had me wipe down her kitchen and bathtub. I helped her install 3 air conditioners in her guest bedrooms and TV room. I like her TV room. It has a small old style TV that can only be used to watch DVD’s on. That’s my kind of TV 😂. Together we moved a big table that was on her outside porch and organized some things on the porch. Right before I left she took me out to her pond and we fed the fish. There were little fish with blue tail fins and there were big catfish. I got a nice picture of one of the catfish. It was so much fun feeding and watching the fish. I was grateful Caroline shared that with me.

I was a half hour late picking up Angel and I thanked her instructors for waiting for me. Angel was glad I was late because she got to attend the instructors meeting and now she knew what they were all going to do tomorrow.
When I arrived home, I greeted Bits and Christopher. Bits was excited to see me, he doesn’t like when I leave him at home. I cut up an old swimming pool and covered a gaping hole that had been on the front of the a-frame greenhouse. The chickens were laying eggs in there and LacyJane was eating all the eggs. My goal was to put a stop to any of the animals going in there. Christopher didn’t like my patch job and I said looked better than the hole that was there. He disagreed and said he had planned to fix it with wood. I told him that option was still available and that maybe not liking my patch job would give him incentive. 😁
I brought in the laundry from off the line and put it away. Then Angel and I ate dinner and went to swim tank. I swam around with Angel for a while, then laid down in the hammock I have out there. As soon at I got settled in, I heard it tear. I quickly got back out and it had split across the middle. It was old and I was surprised it had lasted as long as it did. I laid down on the seat of the side-X-side instead and prayed about my trip to Idaho I had been planning for a family reunion at the end of the month. I kept getting the feeling that I shouldn’t go. After praying, I knew that I needed to cancel the trip. I messaged my family in the group chat and told them I wouldn’t be there. I messaged people who wanted me to do pet sitting during that time and said I could do it. I messaged my cleaning clients and said I wouldn’t be gone after all. With that settled, I started thinking about doing a possible July trip to Carlsbad Caverns.
I heard a truck pull up, it was Christopher’s cousin Erich with his black lab dog Rebound. Of course, I didn’t have any clothes on, so I hunkered down and slipped on my sun dress. I stepped out and greeted Erich. It had been a while since I’d seen him. Rebound was happy to see all our dogs and they started playing together. I stood talking with him and Angel came over and joined us. We chatted a few minutes about the mountains we’ve visited and trips we’ve taken, then Erich went on his way. Angel went back to swimming and I sat in the side-x-side and wrote my blog.

On the drive home from swim tank we harvested loblolly pine needles, cedar berries, beebalm (horse mint) and yaupon to use in teas. We arrived home at almost 8 pm. Christopher was still sitting outside in his chair. I went inside, did the dishes and made tea with loblolly, cedar berries and beebalm. I went outside and asked Christopher if he was going to join us for story-time. He said he still hadn’t eaten and wouldn’t be joining us. Angel and I went in the banana hut. Angel read some of Fox in Socks and I read a couple of chapters from The National Park Mystery Series. Then Angel watched a couple of episodes of Yakari on YouTube kids on her phone while I wrote my blog. I turned out the light and we fell asleep at 10 pm.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.