February 3, 2024
I woke up at 5 a.m. I had slept 10 hours through the night. I sure needed that and I felt amazing. I wrote my blog until 8 a.m. and got all caught up again. It felt good to be caught up on my blog. I prayed my thanksgivings and gratitudes:
- I am grateful for my blog. Thank you for the joy of writing.
- I am grateful for chickens. Thank you for the gift of animals.
- I am grateful for full rest. Thank you for the gift of restfulness.
- I am grateful for slow mornings. Thank you for play days.
I did a full body relaxation session and meditated for an hour before getting up and starting my day. Christopher and Angel had left earlier to go to town so I had the place to myself. I made hot lime water (it’s my new morning tea, hot water with fresh lime juice) and a 64 oz. 7 banana/fresh pineapple juice/4 strawberries smoothie. Then I left to meet my friend Nancy in Round Rock for a walk. I left late and messaged her that I would arrive later than planned.
I stopped at a gym on my way through Rockdale to find out about a membership. I got the information I needed but am still undecided. I prefer to exercise outdoors but they have some yoga classes I’m interested in, plus my friend Kim said she would join too if I decided to sign up. It would be fun to workout with a friend. On my way out of the gym, I ran into another friend and we had a wonderful conversation for about 20 minutes. Now I was even later for meeting Nancy in Round Rock and I sent her another message with my new ETA.
On the drive, I had an enriching conversation with one of my nephews using the hands-free phone system. When I arrived in Round Rock, it was great to see Nancy. We went on a walk around a pond at the park we were at and had lunch at Kerby Lane. I had a big delicious salad and was so full from it that I didn’t eat again the rest of the day. (The smoothie I had made that morning and brought with me is now in the fridge ready to be consumed tomorrow.) We had fantastic conversations and as always I got a lot out of it and appreciated Nancy sharing her insights with me.
At around 2 p.m. I headed home and arrived a little after 3 p.m. I sat outside in the sun with Christopher and Angel for an hour or so and did a suduko puzzle. I put fresh water in the ducks kiddy pools and Angel gave them some chicken scratch, that’s always an exciting time as the ducks put on quite a show. Christopher had let out the new chickens earlier and they seemed to be mingling well with our other chickens. I love having all our free range ducks and chickens. They are so happy and healthy.
A little later in the day, I received a message about someone needing a cat boarded. I sent a message that I could do it but they had already found someone else. A half hour later I received another message that the other sitter changed her mind. I called the owner and he said he would bring the cat out. He was an hour away so I relaxed in a bath while Angel and Christopher ate dinner. Angel joined me when she finished eating and told me a story she made up called “Wild Girl”. Suddenly I realized that the cat would be showing up any minute. We got out of the bath and as I was getting dressed the cats owner called saying he was almost here. I quickly got dressed and drove the side-X-side down the driveway to meet him at the gate. Angel followed on her bicycle. The cats owner chatted with me for a while. He is from Wyoming and I’m from Idaho and we talked about the vastness and beauty of the land up there as well as how cold it can get, especially Wyoming. Cody, Wyoming is one of the coldest places in the United States other than Alaska.
After he left, we all gathered in the banana hut for story time. I let the cat out of her kennel and set up her food and water. She sniffed around a little before finding a hiding place. I read the last 3 chapters from Hank the Cowdog book 8. I really enjoy those books, they are a lot of fun. We said our good nights, Christopher went to his house and Angel decided to sleep on the trundle bed next to me. I searched for the cat and found her tucked away under the night stand. I talked to her soothingly and petted her. She hissed at me and tried to bite me. So I left her alone to get adjusted to being here. Angel and I fell asleep around 8:30 p.m. listening to Hank the Cowdog book 15 from Grandpa Phil’s story time on YouTube.

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.